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Mount Bugarach




Finbarr Ross at Rennes les Bains
Finbarr at Rennes les Bains

I have just returned from France where I had some amazing experiences which I would like to share with you. 


For some years now I have been thinking that I should explore Mount Bugarach where the ancient Essenes had a community and this year, at the beginning of June, I had the opportunity to be in the area for a week so. 


Mount Bugarach is a very sacred area in Southern France, with caves that had been used by the Essenes and the Cathars.  I had heard of them, but hadn't explored them.


Through my friend, Eugene, I was organized with a guide who's name is Harvey to take me on this expedition as I wanted to visit the Cathedral Cave and anything else that he was willing to show me.


On the morning we met he said to me "So you want to visit the Cathedral Cave? And what else do you want to see?" I asked "What is there for me to experience?" Harvey asks me "Are you open to going into a cave for an Essene Initiation?," and I say "Yes," and we set off for Mt. Bugarach with our translator Tim.


Read Finbarr's tale of his journey to the 

Initiation Caves of the Essenes and Cathars 

on the Sacred Mount Bugarach.


I am forever changed and transformed by this time in France and my visit to Alet les baines, Mount Bugarach and Ornolac. In addition to the initiation in the caves, I had healing work done at the Angel Sanctuary with meditating with the angels and a wonderful healing tool called Chiren the results of which were amazing, and I had David of David'd Healing Piano play my soul song for me at the Angel Sanctuary


Now I am looking at putting together a very special tour for a small group (maximum of 8 people) to go and experience what I experienced at Mount Bugarach on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of June 2013, with a little longer duration. If you feel you would like to have the Essene/Cathar Initiation experience, I'd love to share it with you.  If you are interested, let me know and I will organize it.  


Email me at, and in the subject line put Essene/Cathar Initiation.


I will be doing a telecall about this as well, on Wednesday July 11th at 7.00pm CST so that you can ask questions and I will again share my experiences with you in more detail including the beings that I encountered.


I wish you all a beautiful day and ask each of you personally to consider joining me on three very special tours which are very important at this time; Go within, ask your heart which of these sacred journeys are right for me at this time, you will get the answer and all will work in divine order.


Peru - Experience the Mysteries of Ancient Peru 

October 28th to November 7th to connect with the very special energies emitting from Lake Titicaca, our ancient Atlantian connection.

See Mysteries of Ancient Peru


Guatemala - Mayan Adventure - December 2012 

December 3rd to 14th for our special 12-12-12 tour. This is one of the most important dates of 2012 and I again ask you to consider being on this tour because of its special significance to the world, the Mayan energy, the sacred ceremonies and the energy of Lake Atitlan.

See Mayan Guatemala Adventure


Scotland - Ascension Journey to Iona - Spring Equinox 

March 18th to 28th, 2013. The cradle of The Christ Consciousness, Iona on Spring Equinox 2013 the first doorway of the Ascension energy phase two opens and the special place to be at that time in the world is Iona. So again I ask you to personally join me on this special journey.

See Scotland Spring Equinox Ascension Journey


I look forward to sharing with you on July 11th.


Thank you for being you and for all that you do as you quest each day bringing so much love, light and energy to our world and to the Cosmos.


Blessings, love and peace,




Mysteries of Sacred Travel 

FREE TeleCall

Next Telecall Wednesday, July 11th
7:00 pm Central Time


Join us from wherever you are for a FREE Telecall where Finbarr will share his own experiences from his journey to the initiation caves of Mount Bugarach, the sacred mountain in Southern France.


He will tell us about the Essene and Cathar history here, where they lived in spiritual community, keeping hidden so that they could live in peace and continue their practices of divine love, ascension and divine union.


Watch for details to come.


You can find all our prior calls
Visit our website for links (scroll down to the Right Column, under Telecalls).

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Toll Free Phone: 1-877-756-8763 
Phone: 719 641 6764 USA
Phone: (011) 353-86-1000-272  Ireland

Finbarr Ross, Tour Guide:
Ixchel Tucker, Bookings: