As I have been saying for some years now we are in a period of transparency manifesting itself in conscious awareness in our lives whereby we are consciously aware in the now. The second coming is here knocking at our doors. We are at the end of our 25 year grace period from Harmonic Convergence to now, phase one is in its final stages. The energy is shifting.
We are in a time of heightened energy with the New Moon only hours before the Summer Solstice. New Moons are a time when, as the Sun and the Moon line up together in the heavens and at this time are in perfect balance of the masculine and the feminine. We are awakened by the power of our own thoughts, intent, wishes, dreams and desires to bring them into conscious manifestation.
Now at this time we are crossing a major energetic threshold at the Summer Solstice as we allow this energy to bring us to a conscious turning point in our life. Be sure to focus on what you Desire to bring into your life, not on what you don't want. Allow yourself to release all that no longer serves you. At this time we are being asked to be aware and allow the energies to work for our highest good with great ease.
This is a time to lovingly open our hearts and allow the love that is within each of us to connect as bright lights and to remember that we are all connected, that we are all part of the Oneness.
Remembering as we look within and see the beauty of who we are recognize that:
I AM the light of the heart
Shining in the darkness of being
and changing all into the
golden treasury of the mind of Christ
I AM projecting my love
Out into the World
To erase all errors
and to break down all barriers
I AM the power of Infinite Love
Amplifying itself
Until it is victorious
World without end!
Remember we are in the final phase of the 25 year period and at Winter Solstice this year we enter a whole new chapter of conscious awareness as the energy of the second coming the Christ Consciousness is ramped up with our first big shift coming at Spring Equinox 2013.
Dates to remember for energy shifts for the rest of this year.
August 1st
September 21st
November 1st
December 12th
December 21st
I wish each of you a very happy solstice and a great understanding of who you are and the holy purpose you volunteered for at this time.
Blessings, love and peace,