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Everyone's life is a Quest, an Adventure, a Journey to discover and experience what life has to offer and what we have to offer life.
The Summer Season is upon us and it calls to us to get out and explore again! Answering the call to adventure can be as simple as going into your own backyard. It can be a day trip, alone in the wilderness, or a two week journey to far off lands.
Our emails this summer will focus in on tools to help you embrace the Spiritual and Personal Growth you are seeking, wherever your journeys take you.
We invite you to scroll through the email, or link here to a specific article that is calling to you:
Enjoy your Summer!
Finbarr Ross and Ixchel Tucker
Preparing for Sacred Travel
Your Travel Toolkit
As soon as you decide or commit to a Sacred Journey your adventure has already begun. Your soul is saying "YES" and you are on your way!
There are steps along the way, each one is an important part of the journey.
In Mary DeJong's book, Waymarker's, about sacred pilgrimage she outlines these steps, with tools for working with the personal growth and alignment that comes with each step. The steps are:
- The Longing: At this step you start to feel that there is something missing in your life, more to this world for you to explore.
- The Calling: You feel the call to leave home, to pack your bags. Where is it you are feeling called to go? What and where is calling to you? How do you connect with the sacred places?
- The Departure/Separation: It's time to leave behind the comforts of home and the safety of your every day life. Now is the time to step off and into the unknown. You do so with the sense and knowing that you will return changed and life will not be the same.
- The Pilgrim's Way, Crossing The Threshold: Traveling as a pilgrim is different than normal travel. You see each step along the way as a message, an opportunity, an experience to embrace and grow. This is when we move through our resistance and go through a mythical dooorway.
- The Labyrinth, Transformation: The labyrinth is the symbol of going into the center, into the chaos and the unknown, and returning back to the world changed. As with the doorway, we can travel on a physical labyrinth or through the energies of a mythical maze. We can hold ourselves in this place of the unknown and be with the mystery until we are ready to emerge transformed.
- Arrival: At this point in the journey the pieces fit together and we have a sense of wholeness and completion. The experience is integrating within us and we know ourselves anew.
- Reincorporation, Bringing Back the Boon: This can be one of the most difficult pieces for travelers. It is bringing back all the wonder, the joy, and the transformation of our experience into our daily lives.
Understanding these steps and the process you are going through can help you get the most of the experience. When you realize the challenges you face are a "normal" and often necessary piece of the transformation you can find greater strength to meet your challenges and your personal demons and keep moving forward.
We encourage all our fellow travelers to answer the call, to find your way to bring Sacred Travel and Sacred Adventures into your life and to travel as a Pilgrim in everything you do. Your life will be forever transformed!
If you're interested in Mary DeJong's book, Waymarkers, visit her website at: www.waymarkers.net.
This book has a special focus on the Sacred Isle of Iona, yet the tools for spiritual transformation and travel can apply to anywhere you choose to go.

A Time of No Time
Our New Relationship with Time and the Mayan Calendar
The end of times ... as the Mayan Calendar is completing ... we come to a time where there is no time. Our relationship with time has changed. It is no longer the linear time we have become so accustomed to. Time as a construct of the mind no longer exists.
Truly it never did. Our idea of time was an illusion that was created for our convenience. It helped us to see the world as cause and effect. It helped us to move along from point A to point B. And it helped us work in cycles of growth and evolution.
What if none of that was ever true? What if we could truly "be" with what is, right now and always?
Read more ...
You're Not Alone!
If you're feeling that the wanted to join us on a tour this summer,
but you weren't sure and the time wasn't feeling just right ...
and now suddenly the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place ...
at the last minute ...
this is all part of this new relationship with time.
If this is you, give us a call!
We might still be able to get you into our summer tour.
Call Ixchel at 877-756-8763
Do you feel a connection with the Mystical and Sacred Calendar of the Mayan People?
What would it be like to be in Guatemala for the Sacred Shift of Energy that is coming in December 2012?
You can join us at this special time, for a journey that will be unlike any you have experienced before ...
Mayan Adventure to Guatemala for 12-12-12
Dec 3rd - 14th, 2012 (12 days)
 Anchor in the energies 12.12.12 at Sacred Power Places of Guatemala. Together we will experience healing meditations, alignments and ceremony, culminating with a special Ascension Ceremony on 12.12.12. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss! Allow yourself the gift of participation in this mystical event!! See full intinerary of
Tour Fee $2,840 (excluding airfare)
Cash Discount $2,720
Single Supplement $500
Register Online or
Call us Today 877-756-8763
Mysteries of Sacred Travel
FREE TeleCall
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012, 7:00 pm CST
check times in your area below
FREE Telecall about Celtic Mystical Journeys' Ascension 2012.
On this call Finbarr Ross will share some of the information that was covered in his recent Ascension 2012 Workshop. He will tell us about the energies of each year as we move towards full Christ Consciousness and Sacred Union.
DETAILS: 7 p.m. CST, Wednesday, June 6, 2012
For Your Time Zone: 5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST
Conference Dial-in Number: (805) 399-1200
Access Code: 154271#
Accessible with Skype & VOIP phones as well.
Skype Instructions
For callers joining your conference calls using Skype, first add'freeconferencecallhd.8053991200' to your contacts. At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, Skype callers will select the contact and click Call. Next, they will locate the key pad and enter the access code when prompted.
If you've missed prior calls Visit our website for links (scroll down to the Right Column, under Telecalls).
In the Footsteps of the Magdalene
Radio Program, Hosted by Cheryl McDaniel
Have you ever wondered why so many people are drawn to Mary Magdalene right now?
Did you know she was a mystic that meditated in a cave for 30 years?
Is it possible she has a message for awakening people in the 21st century?
Join Misa Hopkins, best-selling author and spiritual director of the New Dream Foundation, as she talks about a new video series that visits the sacred site of France where the great mystic, Mary Magdalene, lived, meditated, healed and taught.
Listen: Click to listen.
Or copy and paste the link below: http://www.Blogtalkradio.com/breakthru2ultimateu/2012/05/23/in-the-footsteps-of-the-magdalene-with-misa-hopkins
See Our New Products at
The Nature Doctor
The Nature Doctor was founded by Finbarr Ross in his continual search for high quality wellness products, made with organic and natural ingredients, processed to preserve the nutrients in the food.
At The Nature Doctor we strive to offer the BEST Organic, Holistic, and Natural Products available in the world today! Here's to Your Health!!
Contact InfoToll Free Phone: 1-877-756-8763
Phone: 719 641 6764 USA
Phone: (011) 353-86-1000-272 Ireland