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Unity Consciousness Workshop

   April 25, 2011

Join Tour Guide,

Finbarr Ross

Finbarr Ross, Tour Guide

Finbarr Ross,

will be our guide through this transformative full-day workshop.

He is a graduate of Sancta Sophia Seminary,  a facilitator of self discovery, spiritual wisdom, and divine feminine emotional healing. He has been on a spiritual journey his entire life. His mission is personal growth and empowerment as a key to self-transformation as we discover the Goddess within.


Finbarr utilizes his own experiences to help those willing to embark on this journey of self-discovery. He also lectures on Celtic spirituality, prayer, universal consciousness, and the power of forgiveness - a pathway to healing and empowerment.  Finbarr created Celtic Mystical Journeys as a vehicle to facilitate personal growth. The sacred sites of Ireland, England, Scotland and France are used as a vibrational matrix to initiate the flame in individuals and groups. 

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Unity Consciousness Workshop

Unity Consciousness:

The Mystical Dance Between the  

Divine Feminine and Universal Christ Consciousness


One-Day Workshop

Saturday, May 14th  

Reno/Lake Tahoe, NV

Explore Universal Consciousness, the mystical marriage within each soul. In this sacred union of heart and mind, masculine and feminine, spirit and matter,  we experience a state of perfect balance. In this time of transition we are asked to look at Transparency, Compassion, Balance and Resurrection  in our lives as we walk the Path of Ascension.

This unity is symbolized by the Celtic and Aquarian crosses. The Divine Feminine Flame, embodied in Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Quan Yin ... restores the feminine to its rightful place in Christ Consciousness. Experience the opening of the inner chalice, the symbol of the Divine Feminine, on this Sacred Journey of integration and Wholeness.

Morning session:   9:30 am-12:30 pm,  Afternoon:   2:00-5:00 pm
Essene Silent Supper: 6:30 pm (all participants dressed in white)

Cost:  $35, includes Essene Supper
Location:  Lake Tahoe / Reno, Nevada

To Register: 
Call 775-588-7390 or email [email protected]

Customized Workshops in Your Area


Not everyone can come to Reno, but you can have Finbarr come to you.

Finbarr offers several workshops designed for spiritual growth, healing, and connection with the Divine Feminine, Christ and Unity Consciousness.

Finbarr offers workshops in:

Journey from "Who am I?" to "I am"

A weekend workshop to explore the Divine Feminine.

On this sacred path you honor yourself as you learn techniques to help you become present in the now. You will explore the different ways your speech and actions disempower you and those around you. You will improve your personal communications to empower yourself and others.


Mary Network Healing

Mary Network Healing is a technique that results in emotional, physical, mental and spiritual healing. It calls upon the power of the divine feminine to extract unresolved pools of emotions and unproductive thought forms.

Forgiveness Workshop

Forgiveness is the pathway to healing, empowerment and freedom. Finbarr leads you on an inward journey to find out what is unforgivable about yourself. With this wisdom, he empowers you with techniques to release these old patterns and blocks that keep you trapped. Once you forgive yourself, you easily forgive others and you experience the new awareness and joy.


The Power of Prayer

Does prayer heal? Only if you are willing to take responsibility for your requests. With acceptance, prayer is a powerful healer. Finbarr helps us understand the vibration changes that occur within us as we come to accept our gifts. As we learn how to pray responsibly and accept our gifts we become graceful receivers.


The Power of the Divine Feminine in Celtic Sacred Sites

The great Goddess embodied the land of the pre-Christian Celtic world. The Celts understood everything moves in a spiral, a continuous cycle of birth, death, rebirth. The Druids, priests and priestesses of the Celtic people, taught unity. They did not separate the visible from the invisible, time from eternity, the human from the divine. In a slide presentation Finbarr will take us on a journey through the sacred power sites each with their own vibrational matrix. As we connect with these sites and energies, the essence of Goddess Brigid of the Flame, Earth Mother Goddess, Maeve, and the Goddess Aine touches us.


If you're interested in organizing a workshop with Finbarr for your group, visit our website for more information: 
Celtic Mystical Journeys Workshops

Celtic Mystical Journeys offers Spiritual Tours to Sacred Sites of Egypt, Turkey, France, and Celtic Lands and more ...

Celtic Mystical Journeys was founded to blend the spiritual and physical needs of seekers and pilgrims like you. Experience first hand the beauty and mysticism of ancient wisdom as you explore the vibrational matrix of sacred power sites. Experience the perfect blend of the magical, the mystical, the familiar, and the uncommon.


See our full list of Spiritual Tours for 2011 at

Contact Info
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-756-8763
Phone: 719 495 4845 USA
Phone: (011) 353-86-1000-272  Ireland

Finbarr Ross, Tour Guide:  [email protected]
Marianne Black, Travel Agent:  [email protected]