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Celtic Goddess & Sacred Feminine Tour of Ireland
   March 4, 2011 

Join Tour Guide,
Hannah Chew for
a journey into the
Sacred Feminine

Hannah Chew is our tour guide for the Celtic Goddess Tour of Ireland.  She brings a deep love and knowledge of Celtic traditions, the Goddesses of Ireland, and the Divine Feminine in all her forms.

Hannah was born in Ireland, in the ancient town of Clones in Co. Monaghan.   For almost thirty years she had a very successful nursing career specializing in Accident and Emergency in Dublin, London and the Middle East, as a registered nurse and registered sick children's nurse. 

Married with three children and two delightful grandchildren. (Husband and children are also delightful of course!) She met her husband in the Middle East where they were both working and living in the ex-patriot community and spent twenty very happy years. 

Returning to Ireland seventeen years ago, Hannah became interested in Alternative and Complementary Medicine.  It was while studying Homoeopathy that the words of Samuel Hahnemann (Aphorism 9 in his Organon) ignited the spark that gave her a deeper need to understand spirit and led her to explore a whole new philosophy of life.

In her quest for greater understanding, she studied many of the complementary and alternative therapies, walked the pilgrim journey of the Camino De Santiago, from Saint Jean Pied Du Port in France all the way across Spain to Santiago de Compostella.   She has been on many sacred journeys to different parts of the world including England, Scotland, France, Israel, China, Egypt and Peru, seeking to understand their ancient sacred heritage and their connection with God.

In this time she also came to know Ireland as if for the first time as she explored the land and realised that although I was familiar with many of it's own sacred sites she had not fully acknowledged the beauty of her own Celtic Spirituality which she came to realise resonated greatly with her and also with many other ancient traditions of the world.

Hannah recently graduated from Trinity College of Dublin with a First Class Honours Degree in Theology, Biblical Studies and Hebrew. For several years she has facilitated Meditation groups, has introduced many people to the folklore and sacred sites of Ireland and facilitated the celebration of Celtic festivals according to the Celtic Calendar and Wheel of Life.

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Client Testimonial

Rebecca Klemke writes ...

Dearest Finbarr,

I ventured to Ireland with no expectations or preconceived notions. I went with only the intention to explore, enjoy and be entertained. The first day out, I asked myself what I would like to obtain from this two-week adventure. Nothing in particular came to mind, it wasn't like I was expecting to uncover the truth about the universe, or some deeper meaning of purpose for myself, or some type of feeling so necessary for a full and joyous life. As I thought through what I would like to gain from this tour, the only thing that came to mind, coupled with my intention to be open to whatever shows up for me, was to learn about myself, my emotions, and to be in tune with what was coming up while it was coming up. I felt that was where my inner work lied at that time, to be present, thinking, processing and feeling in real time. We people are so conditioned to be past or future thinkers, so it was very refreshing to be present and remain present throughout the trip.

The trip through Ireland was indescribable. In retrospect it was a true pilgrimage. Coming into it with no expectations but with intention to discover something. A discovery of the self that it was! The intangible, invisible, untouchable energies felt where epic, heartfelt, majestic, interesting beyond belief, and inspirational. It began as a journey of the Irish countryside and ended up being more a journey of the inner self than of the land. Going to explore Ireland, I came away with great discovery within myself. I was intense. It was magnificent. It was mystical.

Thank you.

Rebecca Klemke


In our travels around the world, we are finding that there is an increasing demand for Womens-Only events and tours. 

Celtic Mystical Journeys has designed a Women-Only Goddess Tour, led by our own special Irish female guide Hannah Chew who works with the Sacred Feminine and Goddess Sites of Ireland.  Hannah will introduce you to  Saint Brigid and her sacred flame.  One of the most important women in Irish history, Saint Brigid is believed to have been a Druidic priestess who converted to Christianity, and her well is a powerful point of Goddess energy, a place of divine healings and inspiration.

Women awakening to their feminine power is beneficial for all of humanity.  As women discover their feminine aspects this has very positive effect on men, as it opens them to the concept of the Divine Feminine/ Christ Consciousness and allows them to become aware of nurturing and receptivity.  Through this we are able to support each other to live and express our true potential.

Let Your Sacred Feminine Come Alive, with a Women's Only Goddess Tour!

And for all you men out there, we have plenty of other tours for both men and women that will connect you with both the divine masculine and feminine, in true Sacred Union and Christ Consciousness.  

Blessings on your journeys,
Finbarr Ross 


Ten Reasons to go on a Women's Only Tour

by IxcGoddesses, spiritual group tour, Irelandhel Tucker

Women are coming together all over the planet, feeling the call to rediscover the Sacred Feminine within.  They are asking for, searching for, and wanting something, and not even sure what it is.

Women want to feel the safe, nurturing support of other women.  There are women only workshops, classes, and groups developing.  Women Only travel is one of the fastest growing segments in the travel industry.  Women are exploring the Sacred Feminine, the energies of the Goddess, and rediscovering their own femininity. 

1. Women and Men travel very differently.
Men tend to connect to the sacredness and transformative aspects of the sites but are often unaware of the nurturing matrix of each site.  Women prefer to spend more time in connecting with the nurturing and transformative matrix of the sites, the culture and the energies.

2. No spouse or partner to travel with, or the men in your life have different interests.
Rather than waiting for a man or partner to travel with, women are finding more freedom and joy when they follow their own desires. 

3. Women have lost their feminine self while living in a masculine-dominated world.
As women have pushed to be treated as equals they have taken on masculine roles.  They've learned to be in the world in a more masculine way, and have forgotten or lost what it means to be feminine.  Rediscovering their femininity and the aspects of what a powerful and feminine woman are help to connect with these lost parts of self.

4. Being in Feminine Energy.
Our feminine energy opens up when we are only with other women.  There is a feeling of safety with other women, which allows us to open our hearts to deeper aspects of ourselves.

5. Connect with Goddess Sites.
Goddess tours are designed around visits to sites that have long been connected with goddesses and feminine energies.  They hold the energy of the Sacred Feminine and help us access this energy within ourselves. 

6. The Magic of Travel Comes Alive! 
Traveling with other women opens us more to the subtle and soft voice of our intuition.  That is when magic happens ... synchronicities increase, we feel inspired, insights and messages come to us. 

7. Meet new women friends.
It's always more fun to travel with others that enjoy the same things.  Women only travel is all about friendship and connecting.  It's not about competition to see more sites.  It's about discovering the world and enjoying the experience of it.

8. Feel supported by other women.
Traveling with other women we support each other.  We find ways of coming together as sisters, in a very nurturing way.  We are embraced by the feminine in all that we experience.

9. Re-Discover the Goddess Inside of You .
As we learn about the feminine aspects attributed to the various goddesses, it helps us also bring through these aspects in our lives.  We are all goddesses! 

10. Experience the true feminine power of the Sacred Feminine within.
We've been in a world where masculine equates to power.  With opening to what is feminine, learning about the sacred feminine aspects, we can realize the deep power of our more subtle feminine energy.  We have the power of creation!  We have the power to hold, to give birth.  Our awareness of this power helps us bring the Sacred Feminine into the world.

It's time for the Sacred Feminine to awaken and be a powerful force once again on this planet.  We do this individually, as we awaken and allow this power and energy to come through us.   I leave you with this, one of my favorite quotes, by Finbarr himself, "when women learn to come together, they will change this planet!"

by Ixchel Tucker
Marketing Coordinator and Web Admin for Celtic Mystical Journeys

Ixchel is a ceremonialist offering women's ceremonies with the full moon.  She is Vice-President for New Dream Foundation, an organization dedicated to Awakening Through the Sacred Feminine.

Join us as we travel to a land rich in
Beauty, Legend & Myth of the Sacred Feminine
Newgrange, Goddess Stone, Goddes Tour
Triple Spiral of Mother, Maiden

Learn the mysteries of the St. Brigid, who bridged the traditions of the Druids and Christianity.

May 4th-14th, 2011 (11 days)
A Tour For Women Only 

The Goddess is alive and well in Ireland and we will walk Her path, the journey of the Goddess.

Join our special female tour guide, Hannah Chew, who brings her knowledge of the Sacred Feminine, on a spiritual adventure through the Emerald Isle.  We will practice ancient ceremony and ritual designed to connect with the divine feminine power in each of us.

Experience the perfect mix of the magical, the mystical, the familiar, and the uncommon as we visit the mystical Boyne Valley, Tara seat of Kings, lovely Glendalough, the Dingle Peninsula, Blarney Castle, Saint Brigid's well, Lough Gur and many other ancient Celtic and pre-Celtic sites.

This tour offers you the opportunity to step into another dimension, where we enter into a deeper connection with nature, relate to each other and the world in new ways, and allow ourselves to be used as vehicles for Transformation, Love, Light, Cleansing Energy, and Opening Portals.

On your Journey you will experience Irish Celtic hospitality and entertainment. Ireland is renowned for its faeries, holy places where Druids once taught, and the Celtic culture thrived. You will be enchanted by the folklore and tales of mystery as you discover this breathtaking land and its ancient sacred sites which hold deep wisdom.

Book of Kells, Goddess Tour of Ireland
Book of Kells
Goddess Itinerary

May 4th - Sunday - Day 1:
After arriving in Dublin at 9:00 AM we begin our adventure.  First, travel a short distance to the center of Dublin, where we discover the charm of the city as we embark on a brief walking tour.

We will visit the many historical sites, including Christ Church Cathedral, National Museum of Ireland, and Trinity College, home of the "Book of Kells". We may also explore the many shops in Dublin, take time for afternoon tea, or frequent one of the many pubs. Then enjoy country hospitality when we arrive at our hotel. There, we are served a delightful meal in a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, retiring early to relax and refresh yourself after your long journey.

Overnight at Newgrange Hotel.
Ireland Goddess Tour, Bonne Valley
Boyne Valley

May 5th - Monday - Day 2:

From here we travel to the magnificent valley of The Boyne River (sacred to Boand, goddess of healing and feminine wisdom) where we find the neolithic monument of Newgrange. Inside this sacred Goddess Temple we will see many beautiful carvings including the triple spiral representing the Mother, Maiden and Crone.

We will Visit Knowth and The Hill of Tara (womb of mother Ireland). This journey will link us to the ancestors, and help us establish our own personal connection to these sacred and powerful places. We will visit three ancient temples in the Boyne Valley. These sites are older than the pyramids of Egypt and their uniqueness will astound you. Each temple was carefully built to be aligned to the sun. Some believe these are remnants of the Atlantian civilization.

At Newgrange we view the enormous stones etched with ancient art that surround the temple. As we enter the temple, we experience its energy as the ancients did before us. On winter solstice the sun rises in perfect alignment, casting a beam of light down the center of the temple.

Next, we travel on to Knowth which consists of one large temple surrounded by more than eighteen satellite structures believed to be tombs. Ancient kings once ruled from this site.

Later, we visit Dowth the third of the great temples. This one honors the goddess, since Dowth's alignment with the setting sun at Winter Solstice places it at the end of the sun cycle taking it into the womb of Ireland, believed to be female.

Tonight we take pleasure in a typical Irish meal and join in the friendly atmosphere.

We return to our hotel in Navan for dinner.  Overnight at Newgrange Hotel.

Cairns of Loughcrew, Goddess Tour of Ireland
Cairns of Loughcrew
May 6th - Tuesday - Day 3:

Today, we visit the magnificent Cairns of Loughcrew, also known as Slive Na Callaigh or the Hill of the Witch.

The hills on the Loughcrew lands have been named in the past as "Tri Choiscéim na Caillighe" that translates as "three footsteps of the hag", Later they became known as the "Calliagh Steppes" and then the "Witches Hops". Three of the hills then became known as Carn Beg and Carn Mor with Loar in the middle. There is a 4th hill, which in legend says is the  burial site of the goddess Cailleach Bhérra.

The central and biggest Cairn is known as Cairn T, and is famous for its equinox sunrises lighting up the cairn's backstone of ancient sun images. The largest kerbstones are near the entrance to the tomb. A large stone in the northern part of the kerb is known by three names, 'Chair of the Witch', 'the Chair of Queen Tailtiu' and 'Queen Maeve'.

In the afternoon, we visit Tara, one of the most venerated places in early Ireland. Tara is one of the largest Celtic monuments in Europe. In ancient Celtic spirituality and mythology, Tara was revered as a dwelling place of the gods.

We will have time to visit a Tara gift shop, featuring all things Celtic. There you can partake in afternoon tea. That evening, we drive to Dublin to our hotel and have a wonderful dinner with new and old friends

Tonight we move to our hotel in Dublin for two nights.   Overnight at Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel Killiney.
St Kevins Churck, Glendalough, Ireland Goddess Tour
Chapel of St. Kevin

May 7th - Wed - Day 4:

The little people are sure to touch our hearts in Glendalough. Here, we will be enchanted by feelings of joy, love, and peace as we walk the well-traveled and the less traveled paths through this ancient monastery. This exceptional place, Glen of the Two Lakes, is the only surviving glendalough ancient irish monastery example of an entrance to an early Irish monastery and  university.

As we stroll through this ancient Celtic spiritual power site, we will be encouraged to take in the calmness and natural beauty. Here we can take part in a local custom. Tie your wish on the tree at the holy well and become part of the landscape.

Wells were powerful healing sites and women would often visit to be cured of infertility by goddess energy. St. Kevin's Well is cradled in a horse-shoe shaped mound of earth and flanked by birch trees, both goddess symbols.
As we walk through this picturesque valley, we will encounter Trinity Church, Saint Mary's Church, Reffert Church, the Green Road, lakes, streams and Saint Kevin's Cell.

In the late afternoon, you bid farewell to Glendalough and travel to our hotel in Dublin for dinner.  Overnight at Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel Killiney.

Ireland Goddess Tour, Lough Hur, Limerick
Lough Hur
May 8th - Thursday - Day 5:

We say goodbye to Dublin and head south to Limerick where adventure awaits us as we discover the beautiful settlement of Lough Gur, with its megalithic tomb and stone circles. Legend has it that Lough Gur was formed by the Goddess Aine who appears here in different forms as a mermaid, a young woman, and a hag. As a mermaid, she rises from her traditional home beneath the sacred waters of the lake. As a maiden, she empowers the land's human custodians and as a hag she defends her realm.

This afternoon we travel to Killarney where we will stay for two nights at the Dromhall Hotel.
Muckross House Gardens, Ireland Spiritual Tour
Muckross House Gardens

May 9th - Friday - Day 6:

At Muckross House we will view the house and the gardens and have lunch. You may choose to rent a jaunting car and journey back in time as you explore the mystical grounds, waterfall, and magical forest. Some have reported seeing a leprechaun or two.

Later, we will wander through an ancient abbey and view the Yew tree growing in the center courtyard.

For those of you with a paranormal interest, we offer an optional visit to Ross Castle, where ghost sightings are common.

In the late afternoon we return to our hotel, where we have time to put our feet up in preparation for dinner.  Overnight at Dromhall Hotel.

May 10th - Saturday - Day 7:
As our journey continues, we travel along the coast to The Dingle Peninsula and the mystical Gallarus Oratory with its inscribed stone. This part of Ireland is made up of mountains, cliffs, glacial valleys, lakes and beaches.  The scattered islands and strange headlands are said to be the remains of a great volcanic explosion that occurred when the lost continent of Atlantis sank into the sea.
Shrine at Mt. Brandon, Goddess Tour of Ireland
Shrine at base of Mt. Brandon

Later, we experience Kilmalkedar Church and Cross, Ogham Stone, Alphabet Stone, Sundial and Saint Brendan's House. This land is sacred to the goddess Dhuibhne, and poets, singers and film-makers are among the many who come to her for inspiration. It is also the starting point of 'the Way of the Saints', which takes you to the top of Mount Brandon along the old pilgrims' path. We visit ancient Beehive Huts and experience how ancient communities lived.

In the afternoon we travel to Kenmare to explore its stone circle. Here, we can take part in a ritual, getting in touch with the past. Experience these stones as our ancestors may have done thousands of years before us.

Later, we travel to our hotel in the exquisite seaside town of Glengarriff where we take in the local color, spend two nights, do some fine dining and listen to traditional Irish music.  Overnight at the Glengarriff Park Hotel.
Garnish Island Gardens, Goddess Tour of Ireland
Garden Entrance, Garnish Island

May 11th - Sunday - Day 8:

We experience the exquisite seaside town of Glengarriff where we take in the local color, Garnish Island, a subtropical paradise, a remarkable place on a 37-acre island reachable only by boat from the village of Glengarriff.

The gardens were created in 1911 and are the joint work of John Bryce, then owner of the island and Harold Peto, architect and garden designer. The signature area of the garden is undoubtedly the Italian Casita, overlooking a formal pool in an area lushly planted with fuchsias, camellias, myrtles and scented rhododendrons.

Today, we journey to the enchanting valley of Gougane Barra, Saint Finbarr's first settlement on the shores of a beautiful lake. We visit the oratory; walk the grounds of the old monastery feeling its energies and sacredness.

Overnight at the Glengarriff Park Hotel.

Wishing Steps, Ireland Spiritual Tour
Wishing Steps at Blarney
May 12th - Monday - Day 9:

Today, you experience the beauty of Blarney and its ancient Druid heritage. This is the province of Munster - "land of The Sun Goddesses". In Rock Close, we may ask the giant Dolmen if it still rocks, and maneuver the Wishing Steps to have a dream come true.

We experience the sacredness at the Altar of the Druids and stand in their ancient circle. Will we see the Witch as she pokes the ashes of her kitchen fire? Are there fairies at the bottom of the garden? We can, of course, simply marvel at the unrivaled beauty that Mother Nature so generously sets before us.

Overnight in Blarney at the Blarney Woollen Mills Hotel.

St Brigid, Kildare, Ireland Goddess Tour
St. Brigid of Kildare
May 13th - Tuesday - Day 10:

We say goodbye to Blarney and travel to Kildare. There, we visit the flame of Saint Brigid. Her flame burned for over a thousand years prior to the English reformation and was rekindled in 1993 by the Brigidine sisters. Saint Brigid is believed to have been a Druidic priestess who converted to Christianity.

Brigid's well is a powerful point of Goddess energy and people who visit often tell stories of miraculous healings and divine inspiration.

Later in the afternoon we  experience the Japanese Gardens in Kildare.

These beautiful gardens were created between the years 1906-1910. The Gardens, planned to symbolize the 'Life of Man', are now of international renown and are acclaimed as the finest Japanese Gardens in Europe.

The gardens at Tully are a living monument to the meeting of Eastern and Western cultures in a Western setting. The symbolic garden traces the journey of a soul from Oblivion to Eternity and the human experience of the soul's embodiment as it journeys by paths of its own choice through life. Typical ambitions toward education, marriage, or a contemplative or carefree life, achievement, happy old age and a gateway to Eternity are portrayed. Furthermore, as an example of Japanese Gardening of its period, it is perfect - a Japanese Garden with a hint of Anglicization about it was precisely the type of garden being designed in Japan in the early 1900s.

As our journey comes to a close, we travel to our hotel at Dublin Airport for an Irish farewell dinner and overnight at Radisson Blu Hotel.

May 14th - Wednesday - Day 11:
We say our farewells and depart for home, grateful for all that we encountered and experienced.
Register Now!

$3,100 USD    Tour Fee (Excluding Airfare)   
$2,995 USD    Discount for paying by cash or check
$   500 USD    Single supplement rate (private room) 

Trip Includes:
All hotel accommodations (10 nights), full breakfast and dinner each day, entrances to sites, and ground transportation.
Glendalough Ireland Spiritual Tour
Glendalough Monastery

* 2011 Tour price is guaranteed unless the US $/Euro exchange rate drops 5% or more from the 10/1/10 rates or gasoline goes up over 5% from 10/1/10 UK prices. If required, a fuel or exchange-rate surcharge will be declared in June.  This has never exceeded$100 per person.

$500 deposit secures your place on the journey with the balance due 60 days prior to departure.

For reservations call toll free 1 877 756 8763 or book online here.


Email Marianne Black:

For Price in Euros or Pounds Sterling please email Customer Service

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Celtic Mystical Journeys offers Spiritual Tours to Sacred Sites of Egypt, Turkey, France, and Celtic Lands and more ...

Celtic Mystical Journeys was founded to blend the spiritual and physical needs of seekers and pilgrims like you. Experience first hand the beauty and mysticism of ancient wisdom as you explore the vibrational matrix of sacred power sites. Experience the perfect blend of the magical, the mystical, the familiar, and the uncommon.

See our full list of Spiritual Tours for 2011 at

Contact Info
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-756-8763
Phone: 719 495 4845 USA
Phone: (011) 353-86-1000-272  Ireland

Finbarr Ross, Tour Guide:
Marianne Black, Travel Agent: