Sacred Sites and Goddess Tours of Europe

Are you intrigued by the mysteries of Legendary Lands & Sacred Sites? Meet our tour guides: Finbarr Ross shares ancient wisdom of the Divine Feminine

Finbarr Ross is a facilitator
of self discovery, spiritual wisdom and divine feminine emotional
healing. He has been on a spiritual journey his entire life. His
mission is personal growth with humor as a key to self-transformation.
created Celtic Mystical Journeys as a vehicle to facilitate personal
and group travel to the sacred power sites of Ireland, England,
Scotland and France. He describes these journeys as pathways of
self-discovery, conscious awareness, and spiritual wisdom.
Organizing sacred site tours since 1994, Finbarr brings
with him a wealth of knowledge. He promises a unique and truly
individual experience for all who choose to embark.
Join Mary Tatone for a special Goddess Tour of Ireland
Mary Tatone has a passion for Celtic spirituality and travel, Goddess energy and the beautiful lands of the sacred isles which she melds into a meaningful tour experience. She resides in Seattle, WA, known as the Emerald City for its Ireland-like beauty. Mary combines her love of travel with her passion for adventure to create an exciting Goddess tour to her beloved Ireland, land of her ancestral heritage...land that she loves! More Spiritual Tours
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Dear ,
We are fast approaching the second spoke in the wheel of the year, Spring Equinox. It is a time of perfect balance in the cosmic world cycle and we are being asked through the vibrational frequency of transparency to bring balance/sacred union into our lives, to seek and find that place of balance within ourselves and within each aspect of our lives.
In walking the path of Sacred Union/Christ Consciousness (which has nothing to do with Christianity) we are walking the path of Self. As we explore each initiation and vibrational change we come to understand that they represent milestones on our journey of awareness, taking us to a place of awakening different aspects of the conscious self.
On this journey we begin to understand more clearly and embrace life more consciously, using the gifts of spirit to live a more intuitive life. Through this we realize that our life's journey is all about awakening.
We awaken and become more aware. As our lives unfold in this new awareness we find that we are protected, and life begins to flow with greater ease. We become aware that there are no coincidences, all is according to the Divine Plan. We realize that our life's challenges are about awakening, gentle nudges asking us to pay attention to the now, they are about love, forgiveness, beauty, compassion, balance, etc.
I myself came to a greater understanding of life's challenges last December, and about how I had procrastinated for three years about doing something about an issue I knew I had. I was suffering from post traumatic stress but kept putting off doing something about it until an event took place in my life which brought it to the forefront of my life.
At the urging of my wife, Marianne, I was faced with having to do something about it. I had met a lady on my France tour last September who had suffered from post traumatic stress and she told me about this wonderful psychologist in Maryland who had helped her.
I called the man she had worked with and he referred me to a psychologist in Denver. Looking back on it now, I wonder why I put it off so long (perhaps my fear of the unknown). I am now doing counseling and EMDR work around this issue. This also got me to look at some childhood issues and I also did an 8 session anger management course with a therapist.
My life has changed in so many ways, with gratitude for Marianne's urging and for the positive aspects it has brought to me and my family, including massive stress reduction. It reminds me of the old saying, "when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear".
Now I have a question for you, are you ready to embrace your shadow side and challenges? Or are you comfortable with your present state (as I was) and because of fear of the unknown, not wanting to make changes or rock the boat? Are you pondering and playing mental mind games about crossing the threshold into a new experience?
The energy of transparency, compassion and balance of 2010 is asking us to look at what is hidden and move forward allowing our life to become one of intuitive living in sacred union, consciously knowing that we are living in freedom, compassion and balance.
Peace, Finbarr Ross
A few spaces left -- Sign up now for Sacred Turkey!
Journey to Turkey - Sacred Temples & Goddesses May 14 - May 26 (12 Days) On this journey of a lifetime, visit Istanbul, the Blue Mosque, St. Sophia Museum, Chora Church, Ankara, Cappadocia, and Rumi's Tomb. Marvel at the Temples of Cybele, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, and Ephesus. Experience Pamukkale, St. Mary's House, St. John Basilica, and much, much more. Turkey Goddess Tour information
Special Goddess Tour of Ireland!
Celtic Goddess Tour July 11 - July 21 (10 Days) The Goddess is alive and well in Ireland and we will walk Her path, the journey of the Goddess.
This tour offers you the opportunity to step into another dimension, where we enter into a deeper connection with nature. Through our connection with the Divine Feminine we will relate to each other and the world in new ways, and allow ourselves to be used as vehicles for Transformation, Love, Light, Cleansing Energy, and Opening Portals.
July 11th - Sunday - Day 1:
We begin our adventure in the Center of Dublin, where we discover the charm of the city on a brief walking tour. We will visit the many historical sites, including Christ Church Cathedral, National Museum of Ireland, and Trinity College, home of the "Book of Kells."
We may also explore the many shops in Dublin, take time for afternoon tea, or frequent one of the many pubs. Then enjoy country hospitality when we arrive at our hotel. There, we are served a delightful meal in a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, retiring early to relax and refresh yourself after your long journey.
July 12th - Monday - Day 2:
 | Today we begin to discover the Goddess of Ireland. We travel to the magnificent valley of The Boyne River (sacred to Boand, goddess of healing and feminine wisdom) where we find the neolithic monument of Newgrange. Inside this sacred Goddess Temple we will see many beautiful carvings including the triple spiral representing the Mother, Maiden and Crone.
We will visit Knowth and The Hill of Tara (womb of mother Ireland). This journey will link us to the ancestors, and help us establish our own personal connection to these sacred and powerful places. We will visit three ancient temples in the Boyne Valley. These sites are older than the pyramids of Egypt and their uniqueness will astound you. Each temple was carefully built to be aligned to the sun. Some believe these are remnants of the Atlantian civilization.
Later, we visit Dowth the third of the great temples. This one honors the goddess, since Dowth's alignment with the setting sun at Winter Solstice places it at the end of the sun cycle taking it into the womb of Ireland, believed to be female.
July 13th - Tuesday - Day 3:
Today, we visit the magnificent Cairns of Loughcrew, also known as Slive Na Callaigh or the Hill of the Witch. We will explore the ancient mysteries of the cairns and their passageways.
These hills have been known by many names: "Tri Choiscéim na Caillighe" that translates as "three footsteps of the hag", the "Calliagh Steppes" and then the "Witches Hops". Three of the hills then became known as Cairn Beg and Cairn Mor with Loar in the middle. There is a 4th hill, which in legend says is the burial site of the goddess Cailleach Bhérra.
In the afternoon, we visit Tara, one of the most venerated places in early Ireland. Tara is one of the largest Celtic monuments in Europe. In ancient Celtic spirituality and mythology, Tara was revered as a dwelling place of the gods.
July 14th - Wednesday - Day 4:
The little people are sure to touch our hearts in Glendalough. Here, we will be enchanted by feelings of joy, love, and peace as we walk the well-traveled and the less traveled paths through this ancient monastery. This exceptional place, Glen of the Two Lakes, is the only surviving Glendalough Ancient Irish Monastery.
As we walk through this picturesque valley, we will encounter Trinity Church, Saint Mary's Church, Reffert Church, the Green Road, lakes, streams and Saint Kevin's Well.
were powerful healing sites and women would often visit to be cured of
infertility by goddess energy. St. Kevin's well is cradled in a
horse-shoe shaped mound of earth and flanked by birch trees, both
goddess symbols.
July 15th - Thursday - Day 5:
We say goodbye to Dublin and head south to Limerick where adventure awaits us, as we discover the beautiful settlement of Lough Gur, with its megalithic tomb and stone circles.
Legend has it that Lough Gur was formed by the Goddess Aine who appears here in different forms as a mermaid, a young woman, and a hag. As a mermaid, she rises from her traditional home beneath the sacred waters of the lake. As a maiden, she empowers the land's human custodians and as a hag she defends her realm.
July 16th - Friday - Day 6:
At Muckross House we will view the house and the gardens and have lunch. You may choose to rent a jaunting car and journey back in time as you explore the mystical grounds, waterfall, and magical forest. Some have reported seeing a leprechaun or two.
Later that day, we will wander through an ancient abbey and view the Yew tree growing in the center courtyard. We continue to explore Killarney and its lakes.
For those of you with a paranormal interest, we offer an optional visit to Ross Castle, where ghost sightings are common.
July 17th - Saturday - Day 7:
Our journey continues, as we travel along the coast to The Dingle Peninsula and the mystical Gallarus Oratory with its inscribed stone.
This part of Ireland is made up of mountains, cliffs, glacial valleys, lakes and beaches; the scattered islands and strange headlands are said to be the remains of a great volcanic explosion that occurred when the lost continent of Atlantis sank into the sea.
Later, we experience Kilmalkedar Church and Cross, Ogham Stone, Alphabet Stone, Sundial and Saint Brendan's House. This land is sacred to the goddess Dhuibhne, and poets, singers and film-makers are among the many who come to her for inspiration. It is also the starting point of 'the Way of the Saints', which takes you to the top of Mount Brandon along the old pilgrims' path.
Optional boat ride in Dingle Bay to commune with the dolphins (weather permitting).
July 18th - Sunday - Day 8:
Today is not for the faint of heart! We travel by boat to the breathtaking sanctuary of Skellig Michael, located 8 miles off the southwest coast of Ireland.
You may choose to climb the 620 steps to the top to view the monastic remains and beehive huts used as living quarters and community buildings. Saint Michael's Church and a small area known as The Monk's Garden are situated on a series of panoramic terraces. If you choose to make the trek you are rewarded with breathtaking views. July 19th - Monday - Day 9:
Today, you experience the beauty of Blarney and its ancient Druid heritage. This is the province of Munster - "land of The Sun Goddesses". In Rock Close, we may ask the giant Dolmen if it still rocks, and maneuver the Wishing Steps to have a dream come true.
We experience the sacredness at the altar of the Druids and stand in their ancient circle. Will we see the Witch as she pokes the ashes of her kitchen fire? Are there fairies at the bottom of the garden? We can, of course, simply marvel at the unrivaled beauty that Mother Nature so generously sets before us.
July 20th - Tuesday - Day 10:
In Kildare we visit the flame of Saint Brigid. Her flame burned for over a thousand years prior to the English reformation and was rekindled in 1993 by the Brigidine sisters. Saint Brigid is believed to have been a Druidic priestess who converted to Christianity.
Brigid's well is a powerful point of Goddess energy and people who visit often tell stories of miraculous healings and divine inspiration
July 21st - Wednesday - Day 11:
We say our farewells and depart for home, grateful for all that we encountered and experienced.
Goddess Tour of Ireland information
Register Now!
$3,550 USD Tour Fee (Excluding Airfare) $3,455 USD Discount for paying by cash or check $ 500 USD Single supplement rate (private room) Trips Includes: All
hotel accommodations, full breakfast and dinner each day, entrances to
sites, and ground transportation.
* 2010 Tour price is guaranteed unless the US $/Euro exchange rate drops 5% or more from the 10/1/09 rates or gasoline goes up over 5% from 8/09 UK prices. If required, a fuel or exchange-rate surcharge will be declared in June. This has never exceeded$100 per person.
For reservations call toll free 1 877 756 8763 or book online here.
Website: www.celticmysticaljourneys.com Email: Marianne@celticmysticaljourneys.com
For Price in Euros or Pounds Sterling please email Customer Service We offer travel insurance through the WorldTravelCenter
 Celtic Mystical Journeys now has an online web store! ...
With books, DVD's, CD's and other items available for sale. See our products:
Aquarian Cross Cross of perfect balance, of Universal Christ consciousness, of Unity Consciousness, Sacred Union.
We will also have available books on Celtic Spirituality, VISION OF ALBION, THE KEY TO THE HOLY GRAIL, by Barry Dunford.
Visit our website to see our full list of products at www.celticmysticaljourneys.com
Contact Info
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-756-8763 Phone: 719 495 4845 USA Phone: (011) 353-86-1000-272 Ireland finbarr@celticmysticaljourneys.com marianne@celticmysticaljourneys.com