green tn
Happy Holidays

Holiday Hours:
December 23rd Friday - 8:00am-6:00pm
December 24th Saturday - 8:00-12:00
closed until Decmeber 27th
December 31 Saturday - Closed at 4:00
gb house


Joy is in the details

Call now to order your:

 Ginger Bread Houses,

Miniatures, Holiday Cakes,

Cookies and Breads




 christmas cakes







This year we have had many opportunities to give back.  I'd like to share with you two of the many things we have done:

Pinups for Vets -We started this summer baking brownies and blondies for care packages that are sent overseas to our brave troops. We hope this brings them a little taste of home while they are so far away. We've helped with about a 100 packages so far. "Pinups for Vets" is a great organization, check out their website and see how you can support our troops.

 pinups for vets


We are also excited to be involved in a pilot for a reality show. Eight vendors in the IE are coming together to provide a wedding for a well deserving couple. Here is a little about the winning couple's story. The bride is Cyndra, she has raised 9 children on her own. We heard that she has always given and never put herself first. Cyndra's home burnt down in 2003. At that time, she assured her family that everything was going to be alright. Her daughter told us that her mother "never bought anything new for herself, never had her hair done at a beauty shop or her nails professionally manicured. She made sure that we had everything we needed."


Cyndra, while raising her family met "Mr. Right" Antolin. That was 10 years ago, now after all this time, they can get married and have a wonderful wedding.


Cyndra although not comfortable with the gift of this wedding, was a lovely bride and the wedding was very special.


The Wedding took place at Tennessee Gardens on December 14th. We'll share photos in our next newsletter.


I am blessed with two business I love (Michelle's and Tennessee Gardens) and a wonderful family. I have three sons, two help me run my businesses. The third with his bride have given me three incredible grandchildren and serves our country.


I hope you enjoy your blessings this season. Call us for all your holiday goodies.




TN Gardens 

Book NOW Winter and early Spring Events: Weddings, Aanniversary, Birthdays



Tennessee Gardens has expanded its interior space. We can now seat 200 people inside, with a perfect view of the Garden.


Book before January 15th and Receive a 10% discount on the Event Center and catering.

 fountiancermony area

bridgetree and flowers




 Shirley Barrera



2011 wedding cake



Follow-up Links
Phone Number:

we are in the process of updating our TN Gardens website - so stop by for a visit.  Also see some photos below.
Phone Number:

619 Tennessee St.
Redlands, CA 92374
Recipe of the Month: 

Creamy Fudge


1 ½ cups white sugar

½ cup butter

1 5oz (2/3 cup) evaporated milk

1 7oz jar jet puffed marshmallow

3 cups semisweet chocolate chips (I sometimes mix in milk or white chocolate)

½ t vanilla

2 cups nuts - if you like


Sugar, butter, milk and marshmallow in heavy saucepan, bring to a full rolling boil on medium heat, stirring constantly.


Continue boiling for 5 minutes on medium heat or until candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees. Don't scorch.


Remove from heat.

Gradually stir in chips until melted then add vanilla and nuts.

Pour into a prepared pan (lightly grease or use wax paper).


Let set or you can refrigerate it to set faster.

Giving Back
 See above

Good for one Holiday Cookie 


No cash value and limit one coupon per purchase




Offer Expires: 12/31/2011