UW Seal Chancellor's Monthly Report
Kenyon S. Chan, Chancellor
University of Washington Bothell

April 2010  
Welcome to my Chancellor's Monthly Report, created specifically for University of Washington Bothell friends and supporters of the University. This Report highlights select UW Bothell events, news and information.

On Friday, April 23 Governor Gregoire signed into legislation a bill that authorizes UW Bothell to begin offering a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program in Everett. UW Bothell will partner with the Everett University Center, Everett Community College and Providence Everett Medical Center on this very exciting venture, and we cannot wait to launch the program. We are so pleased by this new partnership and will keep you posted as planning progresses.

As we begin the planning on this new venture, we must also pause to pay homage to our past. In just a few short weeks we will host our campus celebration and open house and I do hope you will stop by. It will be our pleasure to host our friends and community supporters to an afternoon of fun and entertainment to celebrate our 20th year. Our new mascot Holly the Husky is scheduled to make an appearance, so you don't want to miss her!

Kind regards,


20 Years of Accomplishment - Campus Celebration and Open House
The University of Washington Bothell celebrates its 20th year of operations in 2009-10 and reflects on its great history of accomplishment. This month we invite all of you to our upcoming campus celebration and open house.

Enjoy food, networking, live music, campus tours and more: Saturday, May 15, 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bring your friends and neighbors to this free event!

Of note, two special events will also be held that day:

9:00 a.m. (with 8:00 a.m. registration): UW Bothell 5K Run/Walk to benefit student scholarships.

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: North Sound College Fair, an opportunity to meet with representatives from Washington state colleges and universities.

Learn more about these events and RSVP online.
2010 Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient Announced
Dr. Diane Gillespie, Professor in the Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (IAS) Program has been named this year's Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient.
Dr. Gillespie joined the UW Bothell faculty in 1998 as a Professor in IAS. During this time she has taught courses as diverse as Community Psychology, Quantitative Research Methods and Interactive Learning: Theory and Practice. Also notable has been her work in engaging faculty and students in unique learning opportunities such as, "Critical Moments," a diversity case study project that she helped to implement on 14 campuses throughout Washington.
Her teaching extends beyond students to faculty as well with the creation of what are now known as the Teaching and Learning Circles, a faculty mentorship program that has supported numerous faculty members as they worked to improve their teaching.  
The committee members who nominated Dr. Gillespie for this honor described their view of her teaching as follows:
 "...Professor Gillespie possesses a thoughtful communication style, genuine concern about student learning, and a caring spirit. Her reputation as an outstanding teacher is well known to students and faculty members."
Introducing Holly the Husky
UW Bothell announces its first official mascot, Holly the Husky. Holly, a friend of Harry from UW Seattle and Hendrix from UW Tacoma, made her first public appearance on Earth Day at the ASUWB (student government) BBQ.

Holly is the first female UW mascot and you can expect to see her on campus and at community events, always with a friendly smile and a wave hello!
Welcoming New Students
Earlier this month, we hosted our annual Admissions Preview Day, a special event to welcome admitted freshman to campus. It was a very exciting day with over 600 enthusiastic visitors on campus.

Only in our fifth year of educating freshman, we received nearly 1,700 applications for just 360 seats. That's as good a ratio of applications to seats as any university in the region. It is an extraordinary testament to the dedication of our faculty, staff, students, and administration.
Get ready for an incredible fall 2010 opening!
New Program Launch
The Education Program recently launched its new Master's program, Leadership Development for Educators (LEDE), a principal preparation program. The program is unique in that it supports teacher instructional leaders and helps them document their learning so that it contributes to requirements for a master's degree and state residency principal certification. Learn more.
Student Brings "Nietzsche! The Musical" to Life
Master of Arts in Cultural Studies student Jeremy Richards has written "Nietzsche! The Musical," a script and lyrics as part of his Master's thesis. Taking this class project a step farther, Jeremy teamed up with composer Rob Scherzer and director Kate Jaeger to bring the musical to life. The work is currently scheduled to be performed May 14 - June 12 at Seattle's Market Theatre.

Jeremy is a writer, actor, and on-air producer for Seattle NPR station KUOW and a two-time member of Seattle's National Poetry Slam team, a three-time winner of the Bumbershoot Poetry Slam and was invited to perform on HBO's Def Poetry. He will graduate from the program in June.
Research in Action: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren
Learn more about our faculty by viewing our exciting new video series Research in Action. This month's spotlight video features Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren, IAS associate professor and director of the Empty Suitcase Theater Company. Watch as she explores the intersection of theater and anthropology. Her studies follow the continuum from stage performance to the performance of everyday life. Research encompasses the analysis of movement, art form and space, as well as kinesthetic learning, new forms of communications, "culture in process," and performance and disabilities.
Awards and Recognition
Accounting students Nathan Al-Huwail, Alex Olson, Andrew Lowe and Vladmir Kolpatchev, members of the UW Bothell's accounting society Beta Alpha Psi (BAP), recently placed third in regional competition.

The 9th Annual Hell Night student entrepreneuship competition was held in early April. This year's winner was "Cup Cake in a Can," an idea produced by Martin Yanagihara, Kelsey Dill, Tylor Jones, and Lisa Pesin. As well as being the winners of this prestigious competition, they are also the first freshman team to win.

Director of Facilities Services Tony Guerrero was nominated for the first Husky Green Award for contributing positively to sustainability and making a difference at the University.

IAS Professor Diane Gillespe received a $9,000 grant from the renowned Wallace Global Fund.

Kim Wilson, a Career Counselor in the Career Center, recently received a scholarship to attend the National Association of Colleges and Employers Annual Meeting in June.

On April 1st, Kara Casey, UW Bothell's Americorps VISTA Community Partnerships Coordinator, student Lulani Tomaszewski, and Karen Ericson, Director of Community-Based Learning and Research, presented a paper at the Western Regional Campus Compact's 13th Annual Continuums of Service Conference in Portland. The presentation was entitled, "Meeting Challenges of the Quarter System to Community-Based Learning Through Course Design."

UW Bothell's Office of Community-Based Learning and Research was awarded an Americorps VISTA Member through Washington Campus Compact for 2010-2011. We were the only one of the three UW campuses to receive this very valuable resource.

Nursing student Larisa Mokhnach's manuscript, "NICU Procedures Are Getting Sweeter: Development of a Sucrose Protocol for Neonatal Procedural Pain" has been accepted for publication in Neonatal Network. It is tentatively scheduled to be published in the November/December 2010 issue.
Nursing Program Receives Grant
Congratulations are in order for the Nursing Program, which was awarded a $25,000 Promise of Nursing Grant for its initiative Increasing Nursing Education Capacity Through Blended Learning from the Foundation of National Student Nurses Association.  This award will provide start-up funding to train nursing faculty on how to maximize the use of online tools in nursing course work.  The ability to offer a blended curriculum of online and in class courses is particularly important in the field of nursing as many nurses seeking BSN and MSN degrees are working full-time in their field.
Notable Upcoming Event
The New Universities Symposium will take place on Friday, May 7, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This  symposium marks the 20th anniversary of the University of Washington as a multi-campus institution by situating the development of its three campuses in relation to major trends in higher education. Located at UW Bothell, the symposium explores the globalization, corporatization, and digitalization of the engaged university on "new" and "old" campuses.

Sessions will be held as follows:

The Global University: Beyond Corporatization, 10:30 a.m.
Chris Newfield, University of California Santa Barbara

The Digital University: Beyond Distance Learning, 1:00 p.m.
Tara McPherson, University of Southern California

The "Communiversity": Beyond Outreach, 2:45 p.m.
David Maurrasse, Marga Incorporated

New Universities is made possible by the support of the UW Simpson Center for the Humanities, the UW Graduate School, the Center for Global Studies in the Jackson School of International Studies, and the UW Bothell Office of Academic Affairs and Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program.

Additional events may be found online.
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