January 2012 Banner
Great thoughts
"You may think your product or service is unique or special but if you don't communicate that to your customers, the only thing left to compete on is price. And when you compete on price, everybody loses."

 Bob McClain 



Sure, people want a deal. But more than that, they want value. Do you know the value you deliver? Contact us today and we will help get your marketing on track.

Adams Jette Marketing+ Communications 

33 Roydon Place
Suite 206
Ottawa, ON  K2E 1A3
Tel: 613.235.5445
Fax: 613.235.5514

Are discounts really necessary?
by Ron Jette     

Price cuts I am sure there is a time and place for discounts, but I think that generally, they devalue your brand and will eventually cost you more than you gain.

The fact is, people will pay for value. If they understand the value you are promising and then you deliver on that promise, you will attract the kinds of customers that are good for your business.

Yes, you say, but nothing stands out--and makes your business stand out--like a good discount. How can you attract new customers without them?

Here are two ways. First, perhaps you can promote an inexpensive, no-frills "entry-level" product or service, one that allows a potential customer to try you. At Adams Jette, for example, we offer an inexpensive newsletter service. This allows our new clients to see what we can do without them having to spend a lot of money.

Here's another suggestion: offer something for free. Yes, this costs--all forms of advertising cost something--but it doesn't devalue your brand. Again, they get to sample before they buy--at a fair price. Here, as another in-house example, we will provide a short, high-level--but absolutely valuable--analysis of an organization's website.

People love free stuff. And when they try yours, it allows you to make a very important connection with them. And we all know successful businesses are built on relationships, right?


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DPPI Inc. sells the full line of HP and ACER products and, as an Apple Authorized Reseller, the latest hardware and software from Apple. Their technicians can recommend, configure, deliver and install any Apple products you require.

DPPI specializes in providing fast, efficient technical support for both Windows and Mac operating systems to small- and medium-sized businesses--helping them save both time and money.

If you want your technology to work for you, contact them today.






"Adams Jette's client-focused service, attractive designs and elegant writing made our production process a joy! We were very happy working with Brenda and her team, and can recommend them wholeheartedly."


Leslie Fournier-Dupelle 

Security Intelligence Review Committee 



Singular (plural) -- Nothing good can come of using parentheses to indicate that a noun might be plural. Not only is adding (s) awkward, but then having to deal with the verb makes a bad situation worse, e.g., Your client(s) is (are) your friend(s). Recasting the sentence is usually your best solution: Your clients are your friends.  


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