July 9, 2010 
 News from Blue Ribbon Flies
 Fish With The Best
In This Issue
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Welcome to another Blue Ribbon Flies weekly newsletter. Thanks for tuning in. Settle in and we'll tell you what's happening around West Yellowstone and our other favorite spots, show you the fly and the material of the week, and tempt you to plan your next trip with us.

Hope you're enjoying summer, doing some fishing or at least planning some, tying up some flies, and getting this year's trip to Yellowstone country all planned out or already taped into your 2010 scrapbook. Take a break from work or play, grab a cup of coffee, and pretend you're leaning on the counter here at Blue Ribbon Flies. We wish you were here, but until you are we'll keep you in the loop. Thanks for stopping by.

 What's New
 What's Happening in Yellowstone Country

Tylor PBR Mayfly What were you doing a mere 30 years ago? How old were you, what were you spending time doing, who were your friends? Were you working or in kindergarten? Not even born yet? Already retired? Isn't it surprising how not so long ago 30 years feels? Here we are at Blue Ribbon, celebrating our birth, adolescence, and whatever you call the years following. Adulthood sounds a little too serious. We are proud and humble, all at the same time, that you've made 3 decades possible, and that you've made it so much fun.

We're less than a week away from our 30th Anniversary Party at the Driftwaters Resort, formerly known as Howlin' Mad Moon Resort, near mile marker 11 on Highway 287, just north of $3 Bridge. It's going to start at 5:30 or so, and we'll save you a seat. We'll be listening to live music, enjoying refreshments and great company, and celebrating 30 years with you. We'll be drawing the winner of the free float trip for those of you who have donated to the Madison River Foundation or the Yellowstone Park Foundation this year, and awarding the prize for the oldest Blue Ribbon Flies t-shirt and souvenir. We REALLY hope to see you there! Please stop by if you're in the area - we'll raise a glass to all our years and all our friends. Thanks for 30 incredible, unforgettable years.

And then on Monday, July 19th, the Madison River Foundation will be here at the shop for Madison River Foundation Day. We'll be sharing refreshments and information about the Foundation, our mission and conservation work, with everyone who stops by. Come by for cup of coffee, swap some fishing yarns, and maybe make a contribution to MRF, too!

We currently have two mint condition copies of Fishing Yellowstone Hatches in the case at the front of the shop. They are signed and yours for $99.

Don't forget to check our blog every so often for up to the minute fishing reports, editorials, beautiful photographs, articles, and all sorts of Blue Ribbon goodies. Click the link below or keep reading the newsletter for an expanded explanation of what a blog is and how you can find it.. ..

As usual in the rest of this newsletter, you'll find fishing news from Yellowstone Country in the weekly Fishing Report. You can see what's hot off the vise in the Fly of the Week, get a sneak peak at some of the best materials on our tying bench in the Fly Tying Material of the Week, and stay up to date with the guide staff and their trips in the Guide Trip of the Week.

You'll be seeing a new email newsletter most every week throughout the spring to keep you tuned in to all things fly fishing in the greater Yellowstone area and beyond. Throughout the seasons, we'll keep sending you news of hatches and fishing holes around West Yellowstone. So without further delay, go ahead and jump right into the newsletter. And as always, don't hesitate to give us a call or shoot us an email if you have any questions, or if you just want a little fish talk.

Follow the Blue Ribbon Flies blog... 

 Fishing Report
 Weekly Conditions and Tips

Minori Smith Callibaetis As the seasons change, we will continue to do our best to provide a journal entry from some of our latest tying and fishing. We invite you to call and ask us what we've been up to if you get to wondering. We always have plenty of stories to tell.

Minori sent in this gorgeous Callibaetis shot she took at Hebgen Lake earlier this week. The photograph above of the now famous BRF cap with the Green Drake is from Tylor. We ALL know what John Juracek can do with a camera. Aaron has some great shots of the Henry's Fork he has yet to download, Bucky's got some good ones of Sadie, and Jen only takes pictures of her paintings. What a talented lot we are...

July 8, 2010 Fishing Report Craig Mathews

We want to welcome The Trust for Public Land's annual Yellowstone country event here this week. Last night we presented a 1% for the Planet program to them at the Henry's Fork Lodge. Today we are taking several of the crew to the Odell Creek Ranch to tour the restoration work which has recently been completed on the upper creek and spend time fishing there too. The Odell Creek Ranch is located just upstream of the Longhorn Ranch where BRF has our spring creek fishing program you have read about from time to time in this report.

We head to the 320 Ranch on the Gallatin River Friday evening to present to the Big Sky Community Corporation a 1% For The Planet keynote address. Then we can come up for air just before our July 15th Blue Ribbon Flies 30th anniversary party to which you are all invited. More on this party is in this report. Summer is certainly a busy time for us and we still somehow weasel in an hour our two daily on nearby waters! So, let's get to those waters and our report. I'd like to mention here that you should check out our blog for up-to-the-minute reports on water conditions, hatches, and more since we enter these reports every day.

Slough and Soda Butte Creeks are both beginning to fish. Their flows are less than half what they were a few days ago and while they are both still a bit high there is plenty of visibility to fish dries. This week we will see PMDs and some gray drakes along with caddis and little yellow stones come off and the fish will come up for them. When the waters even begin to clear after so many days of turbid conditions the trout rise to most any insect activity on the water. Trout love to come to the surface, especially after dealing with high, dirty water and weeks of feeding subsurface. (This just in at 10am July 8th: the gray drakes came off Sough yesterday in the first and 2nd meadows and the cutts came up for them!!)The Lamar is still high but coming down nicely and might fish any day now too so stay tuned here and on our daily blogs. The Gardner River is fishing during golden stone and little yellow stone times. The upper river is beginning to fish well with attractors too, flies like Royal Trude Cripples and Wulffs. This area is a great place to take youngsters and beginners as they will catch fish.

The Gibbon River continues to fish well, both in the upper stretches as well as the lower canyon areas. The big drakes are about done now but PMDs and caddis can furnish good fishing when on the water and this little river always fishes with big attractor dries and streamers. With our cool nights sometimes below the freezing mark, the Firehole River in its upper reaches above Midway Geyser Basin has fished. The river is too warm to fish below Midway but upstream you will still find caddis activity and fish chasing damsel dries.

The Madison in the park can be counted for a fair PMD spinner fall nearly every morning form 8 to 10am. This river has been superb all season to date but is slowing down now as it too warms up like the Firehole. Still, if you like to search out fish sipping spinners in the early morning and are looking for a few hours of nice dry fly fishing close to town this is it.

The Gallatin River in the park has fished. While water temps struggle to reach 50 degrees the water is clear and the fish are ready to rise to PMDs, green drakes, caddis and little yellow stones. On this stretch you can expect great attractor dry fly action too so be ready with Stimulators, Wulffs and big Adams Cripples.

The Gallatin below the park line downstream to the mouth of the canyon has cleared and while still high is fishing well now too. The nymph action is great using huge #4-6 Prince Nymphs, red Serendipities and rubber legs. Many locals feel the salmon fly hatch here has been a bust due to high water conditions a few years back which washed the big stone nymphs out. Remember that the salmon fly nymphs take 3 years to mature. Who knows the reason(s) why, but 2010 has not been the best salmon fly activity on the lower river.

The Madison's salmon flies are at Wolf Creek today. Yesterday our guided floats did very well as trout rose all day long from Lyon to Ruby Creek when stones, caddis, PMDs and green drakes were on the water. Jackie and I fished at $3.00 Bridge and had wonderful PMD and caddis dry fly fishing from 8am to noon. We even took 2 nice rainbows blind fishing a Sunken Stone in heavy water after the PMD and caddis morning activity was finished. I have had a couple strong evenings of caddis, midge and pink lady action this week too. If I had to recommend a few dry fly patterns for the coming week I would have Sunken Stones, PMD and Epeorus Sparkle Duns, PMD Floating Nymphs, Iris and X or X2 Caddis and Missing Links along with Micro Wulff Cripples. Nymphs would include rubber legs, $3.00 Dips in krystal and brown and Pink Lady Nymphs. You should not, will not want to, miss the evening action now on this river!

Smaller streams now fishing well in Yellowstone country include the park's Grayling, Nez Perce and Straight Creeks along with the West Fork of the Madison in Montana. There will be caddis and PMDs along with little yellow stones on all of the above. On Straight Creek, just down from Grizzly Lake, you might be lucky and hit a green drake hatch with lots of nice-plump brook trout rising to them.

Area lakes are offering up some fine action too. Grebe Lake in the park is a dream for those anglers wanting to catch a few grayling along with some beautiful rainbow trout. Look too to Cascade, Trout and Wolf Lake in the park also. Hebgen and Wade are seeing some good Callibaetis mayfly action and Wade's damsels are on now too. Lake fishing can be some of the most challenging fly fishing known to man so it is best to check in with us for current hot flies and advise before hitting the still waters!

Take a look at stream flows, weather, and past fishing reports... 

 Fly of the Week
 Hot off the Vise

PMD Thin Mint PMD Thin Mint

A favorite with our guides, this slim little nymph is deadly for even the most selective trout. Rowan Nyman dropped a few by for us to try out, and the rest is history. We love the profile, we love the look, and we love the fish we catch with it. If you're fishing Yellowstone country in the coming weeks, don't go out without a PMD Thin Mint.

Every week lately we've been posting tying instructions and photos of flies on our blog, and calling it Fly Friday. We talked about featuring the same flies here in the email newsletter and on Fly Friday, but we thought if we diversify, you'll see more flies and get more information every week. If you have questions about flies we feature in either spot, or if you have a suggestion for a fly you'd like to learn more about, let us know.

Check out Fly Friday, and check out our PMD Thin Mints.

See for yourself! Order a few Thin Mint PMD today ... 

 Fly Tying Material of the Week
 Unique Materials for Effective Patterns

Big Bag Mallard Flank Big Bag of Mallard Flank

Just a quick mention of a material you don't always see, and certainly not for this price.

We currently have big bags, literally, of Mallard Flank for only $2.99. The bags are 6" x 10" and come in Natural, Wood Duck Tan, and Wood Duck Gold.

At this price, they won't last long. Call today to order your very own Big Bag. Great for dry fly wings, parachute posts, tails, and leg and wing cases for nymphs.

See what you can do with a Big Bag of Mallard Flank.... 

 Bllue Ribbon Flies Blog
 See What You're Missing

Juracek ODell 3 If you haven't checked out our web log lately, here's a little taste of what you're missing.

What is a Blog? It's a web-based journal of sorts, a web log, our new attempt to be modern, timely, and informative. It's a more frequently updated fishing journal, an almost daily fishing report, a website we add pictures, thoughts, and reports to on a continuing basis. It's our electronic diary, with multiple contributors and plenty of room for your comments.

John Juracek posts photos and articles frequently, Craig adds fishing reports and breaking news, Tylor's great about posting fly recipes, photos, and fishing adventures, Patrick has had some great input, and Jen occasionally sneaks an article in under someone else's name.

We get interesting, challenging, and entertaining comments from you in response to the articles we post, and you can even comment on comments! It's a great interactive way to keep up with what's happening on the water and off. We look forward to adding posts, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Just this week on the blog, John posted a photo similar to this one from O'Dell Creek, Jen posted an old Jack Gartside article, Craig posted a news update regarding an exciting donation to 1% For The Planet, and if Tylor can get a minute to himself, you'll see a new Fly Friday post. Check it all out at blog.BlueRibbonFlies.net, and keep checking! It changes all the time.

See what's new on the Blue Ribbon Flies Blog... 

 Guide Trip of the Week
 Nobody Does It Better

Patrick 4th of July Summer Fishing with Blue Ribbon Flies

Patrick is not the only one having a great time fishing on the Madison right now. Our guides are having a blast, and we should say our clients are too. Float trips, walk and wade trips, and O'Dell Creek trips have all been productive, fun, and memorable.

Now is the time to book a guided trip with Blue Ribbon. If PMDs, Caddis, Stoneflies, Epeorus, and Drakes aren't enough reasons, how about brown trout, rainbows, and whitefish, to get you here fishing with us?

Give us a call, save your dates, practice your big fish smile, and we'll see you soon!

Fish with the best! Book your day with Blue Ribbon guides today... 

 Gadgets and Gear
 Sports Tools Magnetic Rod Keepers

Sports Tools Magnetic Rod Keepers Another Little Way to Make Your Life Easier

How often do you lean your rod against your car or truck as you put on or take off waders, adjust your pack, eat a sandwich, or chat with another fisherman? And how often does the wind catch it and knock it to the ground, scratching your car or your rod on the way down? Or maybe you lay your rod on the roof or the hood of your vehicle to keep that from happening, and then almost drive off without putting it away?

This is the solution you've been looking for. Sports Tools has come up with a simple, affordable system. We wish we had thought of it. Two powerful magnets encased in soft nylon web tubing safely and easily keep your rod upright while you rig. Also great for spare keys for shuttle drivers, these magnetic rod keepers don't scratch your car, and they just won't let your rod tilt, lean or fall over.

Give us a call today.... 

 Just Another Pretty Place

Missouri Panorama Our friends Randy and Doug fished the Missouri not so long ago, and shared their panorama with us. If you've ever wondered if we make up stories about pretty places, or use the same photographs over and over, of if maybe our view of the world is a little skewed, see for yourself.

Sometimes it seems like we live in the middle of nowhere, but in truth, we live in the middle of everywhere we want to be. Let us help you plan your trip to Yellowstone country. You just won't believe it until you see all the beautiful water, fish, and sweeping views. Thanks guys for the reminder.

Book a road trip, buy a map, or give us a call to talk about where to fish... 

Hope you enjoy the latest issue. We'll keep 'em coming, keeping you up to date on the best fishing water, tips, and gear we can get our hands on. Let us know how you're fishing, and what you're up to. Keep those pictures and fish stories coming!

Thanks for spending time with us. We'll see you soon!

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