Pay it Forward!
Make your tax-deductible donation now!
Week Two of the World Caf� Harvest Fund Drive begins with this personal note from co-founder Juanita Brown...
Hello dear friends, David and I feel blessed and humbled by the incredible support and love that people have shown toward the World Caf� over these last 15 years. Now, more than ever, our world needs authentic dialogue across traditional boundaries in order to create the futures we want rather than being forced to live with the futures we get.
We hope that everyone who has benefitted from the gift of the World Caf� can help this gift continue to travel broadly by helping now to "pay it forward" on behalf of others at this critical time in the life of the World Caf� Community Foundation. Your contribution now will help the World Cafe Community Foundation be able to continue hosting our website and virtual community, as well as making leading edge materials and innovations in conversational leadership widely available. I continue to be excited and delighted by the potential of this work at the leading edge of conversational leadership around the globe. Our budding partnership with the Fielding Institute for Social Innovation provides an "academic home" for the World Caf� which can help all of us continue bring these participatory conversational practices into the mainstream.
Most important to me is that the World Caf� is joining with others in nurturing inter-generational gatherings of leaders across modalities of conversational work, helping to catalyze a global effort to bring many of the doorways of collective intelligence into the "jard�n central�---the central garden--- of our human experience, and to use these on behalf of movements for positive futures across the planet. As David and I transition from our role as direct coordinators of our global work into the role of ambassadors for the �World as Caf�, we are deeply grateful to Amy Lenzo, Deborah Goldblatt, Barbara Krohn and the core team who is continuing to nurture the life of the World Caf�. We hope you, too, will continue to fuel this incredible movement with your time, your skills, your financial support, and your love.
With gratitude for all that you've helped to happen,
Juanita Brown Co-founder of the World Caf�
Our immediate goal is to raise $25,000.00 by November 4, 2011.
You'll be helping to catalyze the most critical conversations of our time.