Issue #17: December, 2009 .
Greetings! As a new year approaches, we've been reflecting on 2009 - a time of incredible change and innovation in the World Cafe community.
With the help of experienced hosts throughout the global network our
World Café Community Foundation team launched the new World Café online
community space, which is growing at an astounding rate. With it, a much larger
circle of World Café stewardship has evolved.
We helped pioneer a new way to host World Café conversations using teleconferencing,
developed exciting initiatives in multi-generational collaboration and took
the concept and practice of conversational leadership into a wide range of
organizational settings. We saw new connections and friendships form and grow
in Japan, Hungary, Russia, and other places around the world. World Café stewards
hosted the opening cafe for the Dalai Lama's visit to Vancouver and
participated in the birth of the European Salon in Austria. Doctoral students
at the Fielding Graduate University and elsewhere began planning innovative
action learning research projects focusing on World Cafe.
All this and more has been possible because of vital contributions
of time, money, creativity, and goodwill from many people around the world. We
are deeply grateful for all that has been given - and we're poised on the verge
of new possibilities that your continued contributions can help realize. We are
inviting all those whose lives, organizations, or communities have been
enriched by the World Café to help support the next steps of our collective
evolution. Together we can help ensure that "the gift of the World Café"
continues to move.
There are a couple of specific ways we invite you to consider contributing now. Over the next month or two we will be updating the World Cafe website, which has been
a bit neglected of late with all the excitement over the online community. We
need your input to inform those changes and make sure the World Cafe communications are the best they can be. Please, take the short "community inquiry" survey described in this issue and make your views on World Cafe communications known.
Also, please make a financial contribution
to the World Café Community Foundation, as an
investment in the evolution of collective intelligence and our common future.
Now is a particularly opportune time to do this, as your gift will help us
match a grant we will be receiving in 2010. The letter from Juanita Brown and David Isaacs in this issue provides more detail.
As we enter a new decade and the times call
even more urgently for wise action, we are blessed to have each other and
opportunities to contribute to positive change. Collectively, we know what's
needed. Now is the time for courageous conversation, compassionate connection,
and creative action. The wisdom is in the room, indeed.
Warmest wishes to all,
Amy Lenzo, TableTalk Editorand the World Café Community Foundation
Great Dates
Every Friday Night World Cafe at Starbucks St Petersburg, Florida
December 8 - 18 Inner Climate Change Copenhagen & across the planet
December 11 TWC Gathering of Hungarian Practitioners Budapest, Hungary
December 16 Inspiring Women Collective Cafe Cleveland, Ohio
January 21 Hosting Conversations that Matter Leeds, UK
March 31 World Cafe Italiano Milan, Italy
__________ Details on all these events & more on the World Café Community Calendar.
"The World Café is a technique for harnessing group intelligence, for channeling the brilliance of a roomful of independent thinkers into a coherent message comprehensible to anyone."
~ Alexander Schieffer, David Isaacs and Bo Gyllenpalm, World Business Academy's Transitions July 2004
Please Contribute! It Takes a Village to Raise a Village
We Need Your Help Now to Keep the Gift Moving
The World Café Community Foundation will be receiving a very
welcome financial contribution of $25,000 in 2010. As the message from World Cafe co-founders Juanita Brown and David Isaacs explains, this gift
can be leveraged most powerfully at this critical juncture if it is matched by
contributions from others in the global community. That means all of us! So send
in those contributions now. Whether $10 or $10,000, any amount will be welcome!
The letter from Juanita and David describes strategic choices
made early in development of the World Café to keep the World Café freely
available to people around the world. It also describes some of the ways your
valuable contributions will be used.
Don't wait! To take advantage of end-of-year tax breaks, now is
the time to contribute. Thank you!
* World Cafe Communications Inquiry *
We need your input as we update the World Cafe website and our other communications, so we've created a short "community inquiry" to get a sense of your preferences,
insights, and ideas for improvement.
None of the questions are mandatory and you can be anonymous if you like, but please take a few minutes to respond - your participation is is truly appreciated and will make a real difference!
Click here to take the survey.
The Systems Thinker Publishes Lead Article on Conversational Leadership
Tom Hurley and Juanita Brown's new article Conversational Leadership: Thinking Together for a Change, introduces a new leadership framework for engaging conversation as a core process at every level of system. It was published in the November 2009 issue of The Systems Thinker. The article and the key leadership model it describes was the basis of a Conversational Leadership session Tom co-presented at last month's Systems Thinking in Action conference with Frances Baldwin and Amy Lenzo. The presentation was a big hit and the article has been making waves ever since. Contact for further information on Conversational Leadership programs and more on how you can bring these ideas into your organization.
StoryNet: World Cafe Stories
 Last month, CEO Dennis Dougherty commissioned a three-day World Cafe for employees at his company, Cagwin & Dorward Landscape Contractors, who have taken on environmental responsibility as a key strategic direction for the future. The purpose of the Cafe, hosted by David Isaacs and Tom Hurley, was threefold; to deepen his employees' dialogue skills of listening and speaking, to
bring attention to their environmental goals, and to increase their ability to execute quickly on recent plans to bring more value to their customers. After the World Cafe, which succeeded in all three intents beautifully, Dennis had a powerful conversation with his employees that he agreed to share with us in StoryNet. Read Dennis' reflections, entitled Words Create Worlds.
To read more World Cafe stories as they come in, or to add your own, visit StoryNet often.
Community News
Two members of the World Cafe community have published new books since the last issue of TableTalk.
Dr Emmet Miller just released Our Culture on the Couch: Seven Steps to Global Healing. In this wise and practical book, Dr Miller uses his extensive experience as a MD and his knowledge of whole systems to challenge global defeatism and offer an elegant set of solutions to what ails us. Here's a link to buy your copy now.
The Power of Collective Wisdom and the Trap of Collective Folly was co-authored by Alan Briskin, Sheryl Erickson, Tom Callanan and John Ott. With a foreword by Peter Senge, this book is one of the most important guides to navigating the rapids of collective experience that has been seen to date.
Listen to one of the many intelligent & insightful radio interviews co-author Alan Briskin has given on the subject of collective wisdom, or better yet, buy a copy of the book now.
The World Cafe Community Foundation