Issue #11: December, 2008

Around this time of year many non-profit organizations send out an appeal for donations. While we certainly welcome and need financial support (and will send that letter another day :-), in this end-of-year message we want to share our appreciation and gratitude for the many ways you have offered your love and collaboration in 2008.
To our financial contributorsWe'd like to gratefully acknowledge the individuals and organizations who provided financial support to the World Café Community Foundation in 2008. Your donations are invaluable. In these challenging times your financial contributions, large and small, are helping us take the "minimum elegant next steps" that enable this work to thrive around the globe. We simply couldn't do it without you. Thank you so much!
(a list of 2008 financial contributors follows at the end of this letter)
To the incredible stewards of the World Café- the global stewards all over the world who've given so generously of their time, money, wisdom and love to help guide the World Café forward this year
- the regional stewards who share the gift of the World Café within their geographic areas (and sometimes far beyond) and help care for the ever-expanding community that springs up in its wake
- the devoted stewards who support the partnerships and goals of World Café research; who champion our inter-generational focus; who guide our learning program development, care for our virtual communications, help to prototype World Cafés online; and are helping develop an innovative resourcing ecology that will allow the World Café to thrive, whatever the future may bring.
To each and every steward who gives so much to nurture the World Café in serving life-affirming futures - we can't thank you enough!
To the dedicated World Café hosts on six continents around the worldYou who answer questions on the Online Community Forum, who have have gifted a portion of your professional fees to help support the "whole", who share your stories and photographs with the global network and join in the conversations to help inform the future of the World Café; to all of you who care about the World Café and share its spirit with others - Thank you!
To each of you who subscribe to this newsletter and stay connected with usThank you, too. We appreciate your feedback, your questions, your presence and support.
To our sister organizations and all those who foster conversations that matterThank you for being there and aligning with us and other kindred networks to strengthen our common voice.
In addition to the wonderful World Café community and our other friends and colleagues, this year we also give thanks for the opportunities that await us in 2009. We particularly welcome the promise of a new supportive climate for community development and citizen activism, one that calls upon each of us to use our skills and our knowledge to initiate & engage in the important conversations of our time.
May this year bring us all closer together, give us a powerful collective voice for good, and see a happier, more prosperous, balanced and caring world for all.
Warm Wishes,
Amy LenzoOn Behalf of the World Café Community Foundation
Tom Hurley
Anne Dosher
Juanita Brown
David Isaacs