Issue #9: September, 2008
 Greetings! Hi! Welcome to TableTalk!
As we enter this seasonal transition you can almost feel the movement of change in the air - not only in the US, where financial markets are in such flux and the presidential campaign is in full swing - but in countries around the world where the future is uncertain.In such times of uncertainty it becomes particularly important for each of us to ask the questions that matter most and to invite the crucial conversations through which we can strengthen our organizations and communities. The World Café offers us opportunities for doing that and a community in which we can share our stories, images of possibility, and learnings.In the northern hemisphere we are entering the season of harvest and thanksgiving, so this time of upheaval and change is also a time of appreciation - for the collective blessings of this work, for our local communities & the global network of World Café practitioners, and for the potential we have through "conversations that matter" to shape life-affirming futures together. In this spirit, knowing how vividly appreciation enlivens the field, I invite each of you, wherever you are, to take a moment to listen into what it is you appreciate most about this work. Share your responses with a colleague, post them in the online community forum or as a comment in one of the blogs; you might also make a little video or send your thoughts to me in an email.
We look forward to hearing from you!Warm Wishes,
Amy Lenzo, Editorand the World Café Community Foundation
The Gift of the World Café: Pay it Forward!
Great Dates
October 3 -5 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation w/Youth Cafés Austin, Texas
October 11 - 14 Art of Hosting England
October 16 Diversity Dialogue Arlington, Virginia
October 16 - 29 Art of Hosting Bear Mountain State Park, New York
October 26 Diversity Dialogue Arlington, Virginia
November 6 - 8 Art of Hosting Albertville, Minnesota
November 13 - 15 Art of Hosting Tampa Bay, Florida
November 16 - 19 Pegasus Systems Thinking in Action Conference Boston, Massachusets
November 17 - 21 Global Human Development Conference Takayama City, Japan
Details on all these events & more on the World Café website Calendar and in the "Freinds" event announcements in this issue.
Send us your dates!
"The future depends on what we do in the present."
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Civic Reflection and Democracy
begins in human conversation. The simplest, least threatening
investment any citizen can make in democratic renewal is to begin
talking with other people, asking the questions, and knowing that their
answers matter." ~William Greider, Who Will Tell the People

Juanita Brown has been asked to speak at an academic symposium on
"Reflection and Democracy" in Chicago next month.
In preparation, she wrote a beautiful piece with three stories about conversation and
civic engagement. For a touching exploration of a subject that couldn't be more timely, download Juanita's story (pdf:108k)
Note: The remarkable photo above was shared freely under a Creative Commons license. It came from Gregory Smith's work on the CARF (Children at Risk Foundation) page on Flickr.
What's Else is New?
 The World Café group in Second Life has scheduled their first meeting for October 10th, 9am LindenTime (which is PST, or -8 Universal Time). The gathering will be held in the World Café garden on Info Island International. Please RSVP. You're warmly welcome to join us whether you're interested in being
part of this group or would like just to share your ideas for how the World
Café might be of service in Second Life. If you're new to Second Life and would like some help navigating, Mireille Massue (Sunshine Sigall in Second Life) is offering an orientation meeting on Tuesday the 7th. Contact her for details about time and place. You're also welcome to email Amy Lenzo (Pipi Tinlegs in Second Life) with any questions.  World Café regional steward Frances Baldwin recently hosted an exceptional World Café with the stakeholder citizens of Kalamazoo, Michigan. The World Café was held to
leverage some revolutionary shifts made by the Drug Courts of Kalamazoo County in processing drug offenders, and it was attended by judges, sheriffs, the mayor, professionals and other multi-generational concerned citizens. Read Frances' powerfully moving story of this Café
 Correction: Tai Ahu, who shared his story about the Ship for World Youth in our last issue, is a young Maori man from New Zealand; not Japan. For More News... For ongoing World Café news and resources, subscribe to the World Café Community blog and check in regularly with the StoryNet, and the What's New and Cybrary pages on the website.
Please send in your news & updates so they can be shared with the network.
Special Events & Announcements "from the World Café & our Friends"
October 3 - 5 ~ Rockrose Institute's Youth Dialogue Project is hosting two World Cafés at NCDD's conference,
culminating in a multi-generational sub-plenary hosted by six young leaders selected from
the Bay Area program On the Verge.  October - November
Art of Hosting events over the next two months include AoH trainings in Leicester, England; Bear Mountain, New York; Albertville, Minnesota and Tampa Bay, Florida; as well as an Art of Community Change training in Toronto, Canada. See the World Café Calendar for details. This is how World Café host Frances Baldwin describes the Art of Hosting
trainings: "I am savoring and absolutely
embodying the spirit, intent and tools that we shared; especially the
spirit of regard and inclusion."
Nov 17 - 21 ~ The 7th Global
Conference on Human Development: Unlocking the Potential to Build a New
World Together will be held in Takayama City (Gifu Prefecture) in
Japan, at the Earth Wisdom Center.
The first day will feature a
World Cafe as the first step of a five day process with 650 people
exploring their passions for creating a New World Together. Join in! For more information or to register.
November 24 - 25 ~ Human Happiness and it's Causes: An Exploration of Human Happiness is a conference in San Francisco, California supported by World Café host Monika Broeker. If you're interested in volunteering in exchange for free admission, contact Monika; or see the website for more information and registration.
"Hot Conversations"
New host Alberic Pater initiated a valuable conversation in the World Café community forum by asking how other World Café hosts stimulate "doodling" among participants.
He got some sage advice and wonderful examples of successful practice in response, including tips from several luminaries in the graphic recording field.
The World Cafe Community Foundation Email: Web: |