Spring Event Header Image
Join Us for our Annual Spring Equinox Thoughtful Knitting evening
276 Scenic Drive
Knife River, Minnesota 55609

Please be our guest... join us for our eighth annual Spring Equinox knitting evening. If you are unable to join us, we invite you to plan one in your neighborhood or home.
Thoughtful Knitting
Positive Thoughts for the Spring Season,
   Since 2003, when I met Susan Bourne, a group has gathered each Equinox and Solstice to knit or crochet together in thoughtful creation. This year, I think that it is very important for us to reflect positively on our world and our lives. There is so much negativity in our world, that we need to celebrate the positive. Susan and I have envisioned us creating a mental shawl that wraps our world, both personal and collective, in warmth and comfort.
   Today, Susan has started a group on FaceBook called Knitting Together, "so folks will have a place to connect and share circles of knitting--equinox, solstice, whenever -- increase and expand....like a huge pi shawl covering the earth with soft, rich color and texture." There are no membership rules, all are invited to join us or not,

   Whether you can come here and join me or form a group in your own community or remain in your own home, we invite you to take time this Saturday in the evening and while you knit, crochet or do some other creative activity, reflect on what is positive while you thoughtfully use your hands to create. What a wonderful time to create a special shawl for yourself or someone else.

    So join us physically or spiritually this Saturday when the day and the night are equal in length.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Playing With Yarn

276 Scenic Drive
Knife River, MN

 6:00 to 9:00

Unraveling yours,


Playing With Yarn