October 2011 Newsletter

Vol 1, Issue 5

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Bigger, Better, Faster...

Bernie's Book Bank charged into the 2011-2012 school year with commitment and purpose. We distributed 34,617 books in September (compared to 9,000 last September) and expect to surpass 500,000 books distributed by the end of this year. 

Chicago preschool boy

We are proud to announce that we've added nine more schools, the WIC location in Zion, and CASA in Lake County as distribution partners this fall, and plan to continue adding partners until we are serving all at-risk children in Chicago and its suburbs.


"I wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for adopting Lotus School! The children and teachers are still talking about the awesome selection of books they received from you!  You guys really touched the hearts of so many needy children and appreciative teachers last Monday!  Once again, Brian, thank you so much! Keep up the great work on behalf of children everywhere!!!" John Donnellan, Superintendent, Lotus Elementary

Birdies & Books Raises $25,000!

ktg1It was a beautiful fall day for the Birdies & Books Charity Golf Classic! We had a full field of players who competed closely for the championship trophy, and helped us raise $25,000, which equates to 25,000 bags of books distributed to at-risk children.


We'd like to thank musical guests 341 and Derrick "Suede" Stout & Friends for their beautiful music; our food and drink sponsors Wirtz Distributors, The Grand Food Center and Wisma; our event sponsors Eroom & Co., Mr. Brian Cornell, "Bernie from Gurnee" State Farm Agency, Copia Capital, Fastsigns of Gurnee, GEM Realty Capital, Jeffrey W. Krol & Associates, Ltd., Perfection Cleaning & Restoration, and United Services Disaster Cleanup and Construction. And last, we'd like to thank our volunteers who helped to make this event so successful! 


To view and download all photos from the event, go to: Birdies & Books photos.

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In This Issue
34,000+ books distributed in September
Birdies & Books Raises $25,000
Barnes & Nobles Gift Wrapping
Menomonee Club Partners with BBB
Spotlight Chef John Des Rosiers
Our Mission  


Bernie's Book Bank facilitates the collection, processing and redistribution of quality new & gently used children's books so as to significantly increase BOOK OWNERSHIP among at-risk infants, toddlers and school age children living throughout Chicagoland.


Our goal is to be distributing 1 MILLION books per year by 2013.




A Match Made in Heaven!

Thanks to our many volunteers from Abbott Laboratories, Bernie's Book Bank is now a donation option within Abbott's employee giving campaign, allowing Abbott employees to double their support of Bernie's Book Bank through the company's one-to-one matching contribution.


Does your company provide matching gifts? 


Bernie's Book Bank would love to be included as a participating charity. Contact Catherine@berniesbookbank.org or call 312-880-READ (7323).


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Get Connected! 

Today is a great day to connect with Bernie's Book Bank on all social media outlets!  Stay informed about all the great progress BBB is making towards erradicating childhoold illiteracy.  

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Wrap It Up at Barnes & Nobles

Barnes & Nobles locations in Deerfield, Lincolnshire, Crystal Lake and Arlington Heights have chosen BBB as the recipient of their holiday book drives! To show our support for this great program, Bernie's Book Bank volunteers will be gift wrapping (in two-hour shifts) at the Barnes & Nobles bookstore in Deerfield on November 25 & 26, and December 17, 23 & 24.


If you would like to reserve a "shift" for gift wrapping, send an email to info@berniesbookbank.org indicating the date and time. Shifts begin at 9 am and last for two hours.

Menomonee Club Drucker Center Joins Book Drop Network

Did you know that we spend $3.2 billion per year on children's books in this country? 

That tells us two things: that we value books, and that our children are growing out of $3.2 billion worth of books each year! This fall, we will be significantly expanding our Book Drop Network to make it easier for residents of every community to donate outgrown children's books to BBB.


menomonee logo

We are thrilled to announce the addition of another Book Drop Network Partner, The Menomonee Club at the Drucker Center, 1535 N. Dayton Street, in Chicago.


The Menomonee Club has been improving urban life for children on Chicago's north side for almost sixty years. Its membership is comprised of children from over 80 Chicago schools, which enables kids to stretch their friendships!


As a member of our Book Drop Network, the Menomonee Club will serve as a convenient, year-round book collection location for Bernie's Book Bank. 


"We are excited to support the great work that Bernie's Book Bank is doing for children in Chicago," said Neal Bader, Executive Director of the non-profit Menomonee Club. "Each of us has shelves of children's books in our homes - books we've loved through the years. It's easy to pass them on when you know exactly where they're going. I think that's the real beauty of Bernie's Book Bank... its ability to deliver books directly into the hands of children who need them. I know our membership will appreciate that." 


For more information about the Menomonee Club, its location and hours, visit www.menomoneeclub.org or call 312-664-4631.

Spotlight Chef Shines on Bernie's Book Bank
john des rosiers

On Monday, November 7, join Kiki Luthringshausen of Beauty and the Feast for a rare behind-the-scenes interview and 3-course dinner at Inovasi in Lake Bluff with Spotlight Chef John Des Rosiers. A portion of ticket sales be donated to Bernie's Book Bank! 


The Spotlight Chef series is a unique and interactive show that captures a live audience in an intimate atmosphere of the chef's restaurant. The personalized event series is designed to exclusively showcase a premier chef, restaurateur or tastemaker in the "spotlight" for a talk show type of setting, think... Inside the Actor's Studio but driven by the culinary world.


The cost is $65. To make your reservations, call 847-295-1000. More information may be found at www.beautyandherfeast.com.


The month of September was a banner one for Bernie's Book Bank. Literally hundreds of people donated 734 hours of their time to help us process books in the warehouse, manage operations in the office, and help us execute our most successful Birdies & Books Charity Golf Classic and wine tasting.


We could not survive, thrive and grow without the support of so many. To show our thanks, November will be Volunteer Appreciation Month at BBB. We'll have special giveaways and treats to show our love to the volunteers who continue to make the gears turn at Bernie's Book Bank. We thank you, and the children we serve thank you!


Brian's signature
Brian Floriani
Executive Director
Bernie's Book Bank
847-780 READ (7323)