September 2011 Newsletter |
Vol 1, Issue 4
Spread a Little Sunshine on BBB!
Bernie's Book Bank has been recognized as a nominee for the Chicago Sun-Times Charity Trust Sun Shine Project, worth up to $50,000 in grants! Grants will be awarded to organizations that receive the most number of votes and comments. Voting runs from Sept. 20 - October 9.
After only one day of voting, BBB is in first place in the category of Literacy and Education. But even more rewarding are the comments we're receiving. Here's a taste:
"Bernie's Books has put books into the hands of my students who have never owned a book before. It has made readers out of many who never had the opportunity to read at home. I see the books given to siblings in earlier years now coming into my classroom, well-worn but still cherished. Please support this organization that really DOES make a difference in the lives of children."
To cast your vote for Bernie's Book Bank, go to: http://www.chicagosunshineproject.com/topics/project/youth_edu_lit/64
Please help us spread the word: , or post something on Facebook! Show us some love and spread a little Sunshine our way!
An Ounce of Prevention...
Did you know that two-thirds of children who cannot read proficiently by fourth grade will end up in jail or on welfare? Or that taxpayers spend $7 billion per year on reading intervention programs, trying to catch up children who arrive to Kindergarten already behind?
For these reasons, Bernie's Book Bank is focusing on serving younger, preschool aged children, like the ones shown above. We now distribute books twice per year to children aged 0 - 6 in more than 12,000 families through Women, Infant, Children (WIC) in Lake County, and are looking forward to adding more preschools and WIC programs this year.
Our goal is to replicate the model we've created in Round Lake Beach, where BBB now serves every single child from birth through sixth grade! A child born today in Round Lake Beach will receive 216 books from Bernie's Book Bank by the time he or she finishes 6th grade. And that's something to celebrate! |
Leftovers Are Even More Delicious!
| Shown above are members of the Lake Forest High School Sophomore Football team who helped us pack up books donated by the Friends of Lake Forest Library book sale. Thanks to all for your support, and to United Services Disaster Clean-Up and Construction for once again lending us their box truck.
It goes without saying that we love used children's books! And we especially love organizations that donate leftover children's books to us!
If your library, church, synagogue, book sale or garage sale has leftover children's books, just give us a call and we'll arrange to pick them up promptly.
You can reach us at 847-780-READ (7323), or send an email to info@berniesbookbank.org.
Join us for Birdies & Books |
There is still time to RSVP for the evening portion of Birdies & Books, coming up Friday, September 23, 5 pm at the Lake Bluff Golf Course.
Join us for a wine tasting, live music by 341 and Derrick "Suede" Stout & Friends, and a fantastic pig roast dinner! This is the last fundraiser of the year for BBB, so please support us by joining us.
www.birdiesandbooks.org, click on the 150 Books Club. |
Our Mission
Bernie's Book Bank facilitates the collection, processing and redistribution of quality new & gently used children's books so as to significantly increase BOOK OWNERSHIP among at-risk infants, toddlers and school age children living throughout Chicagoland.
Our goal is to be distributing 1 MILLION books per year by 2013.
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Get Connected!
Today is a great day to connect with Bernie's Book Bank on all social media outlets! Stay informed about all the great progress BBB is making towards erradicating childhoold illiteracy.
Evanston Athletic Club Joins Book Drop Network
Please join us in welcoming the Evanston Athletic Club to the Book Drop Network! We are thrilled that the EAC has offered to be an ongoing book drop location for residents in Evanston who would like to support Bernie's Book Bank.
"We consider ourselves to be a community club," said EAC Manager Amy Whalen. "Partnering with Bernie's Book Bank is a great way for us to give back to our community and to contribute. And I know that our members will love being a part of this!"
If you have CHILDREN'S books to donate, drop them off at the Evanston Athletic Club, 1723 Benson Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201 · 847.866. 6190. MON-THU: 5am-11pm · FRI: 5am-10pm · SAT-SUN: 6am-10pm., http://chicagoathleticclubs.com/eac And tell them THANKS from all of us at Bernie's Book Bank!
Bernie's Book Bank continues to grow and mature. This means more and more at-risk children receive more books, more quickly! I could not be more thrilled about our progress and our commitment to improve as an organization. All of this is a testament to many folks, working together towards one simple and important goal: connecting children needing books with books needing children!
Thank you to all of our book donors, volunteers, board of directors, funders and staff for your commitment to our mission.
Brian Floriani
Executive Director
Bernie's Book Bank Brian@berniesbookbank.org 847-780 READ (7323)