In This Issue
Survey: Cars
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Americans need to end their reliance on cars. Agree? Disagree? Take our survey and tell us about how you get around.


GLBT Catholics
March 2012

Weekly Bulletin Archive

Weekly Bulletin
February 21, 2012

Would you give your car up for Lent?            


cars Most of us take it for granted that we have a quick and reliable way to get around, whether it's to work, to get groceries, or to just get away. But Father Tom Massaro, S.J. argues that maybe we're too reliant on our cars. After all, our reliance on even the most fuel-efficient vehicles means dependence on oil, a non-renewable resource at the root of many environmental problems.


So, with Lent starting tomorrow, would you consider giving up your car for 40 days? Or at least pledge to use it less, walking, biking, or taking the bus whenever possible? Read Massaro's Sounding Board and take the survey that follows.


While you're at it, you can also tell us what you think about our March issue by emailing With features on immigration and gay and lesbian Catholics in this issue, there must be something you want to say.  


This week on

Life: Don't get comfortable   

Labels such as "consumers," "taxpayers," and "the faithful" make us passive, writes Bryan Cones. This Lent, let the Gospel move you to activism.     

When do the bread and wine become the body of Christ? 

Is there a precise moment when "transubstantiation" takes place? Father James Field answers the question many have about the most important part of the Mass.       


Culture: Houses divided
As immigrants face a new and treacherous patchwork of state laws, children and families are being separated by a shifting set of rules.        blogs


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The Examined Life: A bishop who can speak without shouting: Blase Cupich's reasonable voice on the mandate  

As the media continues to follow NYC's "rock star" Archbishop Timothy Dolan to Rome to get his red hat, Bishop Blase Cupich of Spokane, Washington is doing what really matters: Dialing back the rhetoric over the HHS mandate and offering some meaningful beginnings to dialogue about not only this issue but the relationship between religion and government in a pluralistic society.   

The Examined Life:
For the bishops, much to lose in the contraception kerfluffle
The battle lines keep shifting on the contraception front: Catholic Charities USA denies that it has endorsed the Obama administration's "accommodation" for religiously affiliated social service, health, and educational institutions.


Margin Notes: Polluting our nation's health
People have debated for years whether or not man-made manufacturing of pollutants has contributed to global climate change. However, three new studies have come out this week showing that high air pollution is at least having a negative impact on our nation's health, if not our environment.  


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brueggemann Watch: The Artist         

Directed by Michel Hazanavicius (Weinstein, 2011)

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