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February 2012

Weekly Bulletin Archive

Weekly Bulletin
February 7, 2012

A history of their own          


chicago winterFebruary may be the shortest month, but it is chock full of celebrations. And while stores are filled with heart-shaped boxes of chocolates for your sweetheart or sales paying homage to good old George and Abe, it is also a month devoted to honoring some of the greatest African Americans in history.

Sure, we all know the stories of people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jackie Robinson, and Harriet Tubman. But do you know about some of the great black Catholic leaders who have left a mark on both our church and society?

"Although the history of American Catholics is intertwined with the history of people of color, from the colonial period until today, African American Catholics have been too often the forgotten factor in the history of the American church," wrote Cyprian Davis in an article for U.S. Catholic nearly 10 years ago.

Check out our special section on African Americans in the Catholic Church to read more. You'll be in for a great history lesson.


This week on

Life: Show and tell: Six ways to teach your children the faith   

You're nourishing their bodies and clothing their backs, but how are you feeding their spirits? Veteran mom Catherine O'Connell-Cahill distills a six-point plan to keep family and faith together.    

What's the Catholic view on church and state? 

Church and state have an on-again-off-again relationship, writes Jim Dinn in this Glad You Asked from the archives, and have long been strange bedfellows.     


Culture: Admission impossible
A college education is a proven path to the middle class. So why are Catholic universities failing to provide this option for the poor?       blogs


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The Examined Life: Just what is "religious freedom," legally speaking? Or: Should a Muslim cabdriver be allowed to refuse a passenger who carries alcohol?  

The longer the HHS mandate debate goes on--and the more heated it becomes--the further and further from a rational conversation we get. One casualty is the meaning of the law itself: What, constitutionally, is "religious freedom"? And when, if ever, can the government restrict it for some other purpose?

The Examined Life:
Should ad-libbing priests get the ax?
Amidst all the chatter about the new translation of the Roman Missal in the last few months, did you ever wonder what might happen if a priest just prayed the Mass in his own words, rather than following the text to the letter?


Margin Notes: Sister versus sex traffickers: I'm putting my money on the sisters
As the contraception contretemps continues, there is another Catholic story that deserves just as much mention: The role of U.S. women religious (and women religious the world over) in the fight against sex trafficking, most of whose victims are women and children.  


The Examined Life: Will Catholics swing on the HHS mandate, or is it really the economy (stupid)?
Peggy Noonan over at the Wall Street Journal warns that the Obama's administration's contraception mandate has awoken a "sleeping giant."


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U.S. Catholic review


brueggemann Read: Journey to the Common Good         

By Walter Brueggemann (Westminster John Knox, 2010)

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