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Survey: The Tea Party and Catholics
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Church teaching favors taxes over tea when it comes to promoting the common good.


January 2012

Weekly Bulletin Archive

Weekly Bulletin
December 27, 2011

Turning the page 


As another year draws to a close, another new beginning is on the horizon. Whether you're looking to shed some bad habits--or a few pounds--there's no better time to turn over a new leaf than when you're turning the calendar to January.

If it's your spiritual side that needs a new start in the new year, Heather Grennan Gary has some tips to point you in the right direction for personal reflection in 2012. Starting out with small steps can help prevent new efforts from becoming ancient history by the time February rolls around.

Do you have any unique or interesting resolutions for 2012? Some new spiritual practices of your own that you plan to take on? A change you're determined to make in your daily life? Send us a brief description of your resolutions to and we'll share some of them with readers on our blog.


This week on

Obama Life: Boxing Day        

Some spiritual practices require silence and meditation; others require a pile of empty boxes and a willingness to let go.

Hold the applause

Sunday Mass shouldn't shine the spotlight on the parish staff, says Gregory F. Augustine Pierce, so let's keep the celebration focused on our Savior, not a select few among us.


Culture: I'll be green for Christmas
Piles of trash and wasted food are no way to celebrate the incarnation, argues Megan Sweas. If Jesus is the reason for the season, the feast of his birth shouldn't be a time of misery for the creation he came to save.  blogs


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The Examined Life: We're No. 1! In charitable giving, that is... 
If you're in the middle of your holiday consumption hangover--buyer's remorse, eater's remorse--you can comfort yourself a bit today with the news that our nation of consumers is made up of givers as well.


Margin Notes: Don't scratch your head--it's only immigration law   
U.S. law can be contradictory--no more than tax or immigration law. An attorney can make a handsome buck in tax law, not so in immigration law--since it usually deals with poor or modest-income people.


Margin Notes: When Christmas peace is a hope alone
As we Christians in the West work our way this week through the Christmas leftovers and the remaining days of the season, perhaps we can spare a moment and a prayer for Christians in other parts of the world, the Christians of Iraq and 50 Christian families in Bethlehem about to lose their homes to an Israeli "security" expansion.


 Read more blog posts


The week in Catholic news


Pope condemns Christmas bombings in Nigeria 


Sisters launch billboard campaign for immigration reform 


Castro says Cuba will free 2,900 political prisoners in spring 


U.S. Catholic review


review Book: Comfort       

By Brett C. Hoover (Riverhead Books, 2011)