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Survey: Be a burden
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We owe it to ourselves--and our adult children--to rely on their help when we reach our golden years.


December 2011

Weekly Bulletin Archive

Weekly Bulletin
December 20, 2011

The ties that bind  


While Hallmark may suggest otherwise, family reunions at Christmas time aren't always all they're cracked up to be. Old grudges, political differences, and unresolved conflicts can create a tension at your holiday dinner that's tougher to cut through than an overdone turkey. Sound like your family? Read our tips on how to stay joyful and triumphant when celebrating with your family.

But there are some family tensions that last long after the presents are opened and the decorations are packed away, namely the kind that involve decisions on how to care for our aging parents. How do you respectfully tell mom or dad that it might be time for them to start asking for a little more help? Or if you're starting to reach your golden years, will you be "burdening" your kids if you ask for their assistance?

In this month's Sounding Board, Patrick Lynch argues that there's no need to be tense about asking for, or offering, help. In fact, it can be a blessing for the whole family. What do you think? Take our survey and let us know whether adults caring for their elderly parents is a case of the more the merrier or a recipe for disaster.


This week on

Life: 'Twas the fight before Christmas      

Juggling far-flung families, annoying uncles, and hurt feelings, many Catholics find the days between Thanksgiving and New Year's more merry-go-round than Merry Christmas. Leslie Scanlon explores the demons of Christmas past and suggests some solutions to our sometimes perilous Christmas present.  

Poorly worded 

Father William J. O'Malley, S.J. wonders why we don't consult the faithful for their input on words for worship that connect liturgy to real life.


Culture: Hold your fire! Let's call a truce in the war on Christmas 
Is secularism blocking the way to the stable? Is the Holy Family pinned down by the holiday shopping hordes? Give me a break, says Father Paul Bourdreau, tongue-in-cheek. The war on Christmas is a lot of hype. blogs


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Margin Notes: Happy Xmas (War is Over)
The war is officially over in Iraq. Violence still plagues the nation, and its future is tenuous. Considering the bang (and shock and awe) with which this war began, its commencement is certainly more sober.


Margin Notes: Cutting through Republican candidates' latest pro-life promises   
Four of the remaining Republican candidates came out waving their pro-life flags in Iowa, promising that ending abortion will be their top priority should they make it to the White House.


Margin Notes: Morally unacceptable: 1 in 2 Americans is low income or poor 
Why doesn't it bother us that 48 percent of Americans--148 million people--are low-income (up to 200 percent of the poverty line) or poor?


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review Music: A Dreamer's Christmas        

John Zorn (Tzadik, 2011)