Church: What are the 12 days of Christmas?
The stores may be buzzing with holiday shoppers and festive jingles about Santa, sleigh bells, and snowmen, but it's not Christmas, yet! Bryan Cones writes that when the Christian holiday does arrive, we'll have 12 days to celebrate it.
Life: The gift of Guadalupe
The indigenous people of 16th-century Mexico faced devastation, loss, and near annihilation. Theologian Jeanette Rodriguez talks with the editors about how Our Lady came to call--with mercy, healing, and, of course, flowers.
Culture: Of human bondage
Slavery may have been outlawed in the late 19th century here in the United States, writes Kevin Clarke, but workers around the globe still toil for little-to-no pay in conditions no human should ever endure.
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The Examined Life: Look out God, here comes the God Particle
So, I was at a holiday party last night--it really was a holiday party, hosted by an atheist who is also Jewish!--anyway, the French father of the host tells me that this week is the last one we will need God, because scientists are set to discover the Higgs boson this week (or announce its discovery anyway), the particle that gives things mass according to the current Standard Model of particle physics.
Margin Notes: Can Obama still turn the tide with Catholics?
The Obama administration and the Catholic Church haven't exactly seen eye to eye on certain issues, but this week's decision to overturn an FDA decision allowing minors to purchase Plan B contraceptives brought something new for the White House: nearly universal praise among Catholics.
The Examined Life: Nuns on the pill! And other ways to get people to notice your research
Well, if you want people to set aside the latest Hollywood divorce coverage for your research on cancer risks for women who have never had children, you should say this at your press conference: Nuns are paying "a terrible price for their chastity."
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