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December 2011

Weekly Bulletin Archive

Weekly Bulletin
November 22, 2011

Stuffing for our inbox

'Tis the season of anticipation and preparation, and Catholics are gearing up for two big events this week. First, we gratefully gather around the table with family and friends for a Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, then we come to the table of the Lord on Sunday for the unveiling of the new Mass translations. And we want to hear from you about both celebrations.

Send us your weird, wonderful, or wacky Thanksgiving traditions and recipes--from your Aunt Margie's Cheese Whiz Wheel to Grandpa's Turnip and Horseradish Cranberry Delight (it's been in the family for years!)--and we'll compile them to share with readers on Thanksgiving Day. Email your submission (but try not to stuff it with more than 200 words) to by 2 p.m. Wednesday.

We're also looking for some reports from the pews on how well the new Mass is accepted in your parish. If you've got a story to tell about things going exceptionally well, horribly wrong, or somewhere in between, send 400 words or less to We'll be posting the reports on our blog and adding them to our special section on the new Mass



This week on

Life: Goy meets girl   

Spouses who don't walk the same religious path have to wrestle with tough questions before walking down the aisle, reports Anna Weaver. But that doesn't mean they can't find a more perfect union even without intercommunion.   


Church: Has hell frozen over?
Are fire and brimstone passe? J. Peter Nixon digs into the apparent disappearance of damnation from the Catholic imagination.


halloween Culture: Sister Pat battles the board   

America's corporate CEOs may be facing a prophet in the margins at their next shareholder meeting, writes Kristen Hannum. It can be hard to say no when Sister tells you not to put profits before people. blogs


Subscribe to an RSS feed or email to read blogs daily!    


The Examined Life: Spinning the new Roman Missal
"And with your spirit" is finally upon us: Next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, 40 years of renewed Sunday Masses in the vernacular go out the door.


The Examined Life: Just what kind of church did the Orange, California diocese buy?

In three years, the Crystal Cathedral will be a Catholic cathedral. What is the Catholic Church getting for $57.5 million?


Margin Notes: Immigration crackdown leads to empty pews     

Ever since Alabama introduced its strict new immigration law, it has been met with criticism and resistance.    


halloween Catholic Tastes: In memory of U.S. Catholic illustrator Bill Petersen 

Late this summer, U.S. Catholic lost a good friend to cancer.  



Read more blog posts


The week in Catholic news


State high court says backers of Prop 8 have standing to appeal ruling


U.S. Catholic review


halloween Book: At the Supper of the Lamb: A Pastoral and Theological Commentary on the Mass        

By Paul Turner (Liturgy Training Publications, 2011)

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