Life: Put in a good word Rosy remembrances of the dead may not be true to life, writes Patrick Gallagher, but they may be true healing for the living. Church: Why do we anoint the sick? The church's practice of anointing the sick is rooted in the miracles of Jesus, writes Victoria M. Tufano. The sacrament "works" by offering hope in times of illness. Culture: Put faith in your vote Jesus may not have lived in a modern democracy, but it doesn't hurt to ask yourself what he would do when you head to the voting booth, says Bryan Cones. | blogs
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The Examined Life: Power to the people
I'm not sure I care what the official reasoning for Bishop Thomas Olmsted's change of heart about communion from the cup--his own misunderstanding of the law, miscommunication by the diocese (blame the PR guy!), or "upsetting" articles in the religious and secular media--but congratulations to the faithful in Phoenix for mobliizing and getting a wrong-headed decision overturned.
Margin Notes: Rick Perry's other big mistake
Much ado has been made about Rick Perry's gaffe at last Wednesday night's Republican candidate debate, where the Texas governor could not recall the name of the third department of the government that he would eliminate if elected president.
The Examined Life: Vatican's financial reform document inspires more childish antics
Just when you thought the fighting among Catholics over the Vatican's document on global financial reform had died down, along comes round two.
The Examined Life: Parsing "religious freedom" The bishops of Maryland today released document called "The Most Sacred of All Property: Religious Freedom and the People of Maryland," which outlines what the bishops see as threats to religious freedom, with some telling examples.
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