In This Issue
Survey: Grading Obama
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With just a year left in this presidential term, we want to hear how well you think the Obama administration has appealed to Catholic social and moral teaching.


November 2011
November 2011



Weekly Bulletin Archive 

Weekly Bulletin
November 1, 2011

all saintsA matter of life and death

November is the month when the trees erupt in their final fireworks display of life before shedding their leaves and donning death's mask for the winter. Vegetable gardens, once teeming with life, wither away beneath sodden leaves.

November reminds us that no one escapes death. And still, we know that resurrection awaits us. How should we live, then, given this glimpse of our destiny? Our tradition holds up some who have come before us who can shed a light on our path, offering encouragement and examples of how to live a life full of faith.

We've dug up some old essays, asked readers and contributors to submit their own stories about the saints who inspire them most, and compiled them into a special section on saints. Take a look, and if you think we're missing someone, email with a 500-600 word blog post on the saint who guides your life.


This week on      

Life: Don't be scared of Halloween 

Not-so-holy Halloween belongs in the sanctified company of All Saints and All Souls Days, argues Angelo Stagnaro, which is why this holiday is more treat than trick.


Church: Don't trash our past

We shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to the devotions of the pre-Vatican II church, says scholar Robert Orsi in this 2000 interview with the editors. We can learn a lot from the wisdom of our elders.


Culture: Space invaders   
They may just be little green men on the silver screen, but in real life, the strangers among us are fellow humans, writes Pat McCormick. blogs


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Margin Notes: The moral injuries of war in Iraq    
A week ago, President Obama announced that nearly all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by December 31 of this year. "After nearly nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over," Obama said. However, for the men and women returning home from Iraq, the devastating effects of the war are sure to continue


The Examined Life: Ordain women as deacons now! Why not?

U.S. Catholic spent the last two days interviewing three scholars on the topic of women deacons. Our mini-seminar leaves me convinced that there is not a single good reason for not ordaining women as deacons--and a lot of reasons to do it.


The Examined Life: Some people just have to have the last word  

The USCCB's Committee on Doctrine has again issued another letter publicly criticizing Elizabeth Johnson's Quest for the Living God for the very same reasons it did to begin with, and again did so without communicating first with her.      


Read more blog posts


The week in Catholic news


War dead prompts letters of 'penance' from North Carolina rep

Judge denies emergency injunction to evict protesters from church

Day of the Dead takes on new meaning amid violence in Mexico


U.S. Catholic review


Movie: Catholicism          

Directed by Matt Leonard (A Word on Fire/Picture Show Films Production, 2011)

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