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Survey: Divorce
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divorce Remarried Catholics shouldn't be divorced from communion

Everyone makes mistakes, argues an Austrian theologian in this month's Sounding Board. That's why divorced and remarried Catholics deserve a second chance when it comes to receiving full communion in the church.


October 2011
October 2011



Weekly Bulletin Archive 

Weekly Bulletin
October 18, 2011

Calling all saints

In just a couple of weeks, the church formally celebrates the models of faith who have gone before us. More than Catholic superheroes, they are a reminder of our communion with the people of God in the past, present, and future. Official, unofficial, and everything in between, we have lots of essays on these Wise Guides, but we could always use more.

In honor of All Saints Day we're inviting our readers to share their own saintly inspirations on the U.S. Catholic blog. Do you have a devotion to a particular saint? Maybe your role model is still living, but you expect to see her on a prayer card some day. In 500 words or less, tell us about a person who inspires your faith. E-mail with your submission. We may just feature it in an online collection. 


This week on      

baseball Life: Sermon on the mound 

New York University president John Sexton thinks the path to God may lie somewhere between first base and home plate, writes James Breig.


Church: Can a Catholic receive communion at a Protestant church?

Should you go up to communion at your best friend's wedding--even though it's at an Episcopal church? Kevin Considine says the only thing black and white about this issue is the wedding attire.


Culture: Work hard, pray hard    

How did a world-famous Trappist monk and the co-founder of the Catholic Worker become pen pals? Jim Forest tells the inside story of the friendship between Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day. blogs


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The Examined Life: Nothing to see here (but an indicted bishop) 

In the continuing saga of the repulsive tale of Father Shawn Ratigan in Kansas City, Missouri comes a disturbing, if not surprising, approach to the recent indictment of the diocesan bishop, Robert Finn, on charges of failing to report child sexual abuse, a misdemeanor that carries a fine of up to $1,000 and a year in prison.


Margin Notes: Thoughts on World Food Day

Given the state of the U.S. economy, it's not shocking that families are struggling to put food on the table, children are increasingly among those going hungry, and foreign aid that helps feed people across the globe is on the chopping block of our nation's budget.


The Examined Life: Tea, Wall Street, and Catholicism
By now, you've probably read or heard enough commentaries about why Occupy Wall Street is both the best and worst thing that could happen in America.  


Read more blog posts


The week in Catholic news


Pro-women's ordination movement attempts to bring petition to Vatican 

Bishop Finn, diocese plead not guilty to failure to report child abuse

US House passes Protect Life Act in bipartisan vote


U.S. Catholic review


Book: Great American Catholic Eulogies         

Compiled by Carol DeChant (ACTA, 2011)

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