Life: Eating is believing
The American diet is making us sick in soul as well as body, says Catholic chef Kevin Gillespie. A proponent of the Slow Food movement, he suggests Catholics should sit and think before they take and eat.
Church: Let's not make Mass about the insiders
Shining the spotlight on a select few by singing "Happy Birthday" or clapping during Mass leaves much of the congregation on the outside looking in, writes Greg Pierce. He argues that the cake, candles, and other insider celebrations should be saved for coffee hour.
Culture: Urban planting
While not quite Eden, concrete jungles and neighborhood dead zones are showing new signs of life, thanks to the efforts of a few green thumbs, reports Olga Bonfiglio.
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The Examined Life: Honoring five overlooked 'martyrs of solidarity'
Amidst the news surrounding Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Germany this weekend, somewhat overlooked in the headlines has been the beatification of five Daughters of Divine Charity in Sarajevo.
Margin Notes: Poverty moves to the burbs (cont'd)
Poverty has moved to the suburbs in the United States. We reported on this phenomenon almost a year ago, but a recent Brookings Institution study of Census Bureau data on poverty confirms that there are more poor living in U.S. suburbs now than in America's cities.
The Examined Life: An autumn reflection It's been a busy week here at U.S. Catholic, as we successfully made the deadline for our November issue.
Margin Notes: Making decisions based on faith, not that pesky science Candidates take note: If you hope to court the vote of Tea Partiers and evangelicals, be sure to denounce the science of climate change and evolution.
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