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Survey: Domestic violence
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domestic violence

Trouble at home 

How should parishes respond to domestic violence? Read this month's Sounding Board, and give us your feedback.

August 2011
Current Issue:  August 2011

 Weekly Bulletin Archive 

Weekly Bulletin
July 26, 2011

The divide on unions      


When Cardinal James Gibbons wrote a letter to Pope Leo XIII in defense of the Knights of Labor in the late 19th century, the church and unions in the United States began a long-term relationship few predicted would ever end. Recently the partnership has soured, as evidenced by the recent brouhaha in Wisconsin over collective bargaining rights and the mixed response from Catholics in the state.


What does Wisconsin tell us about Catholic support for unions in the 21st century? Send your thoughts on our August cover story to by today at 5 p.m. CST and we may print your response in our September issue. Order your copy today.    

This week on     

Lead us not into temptation Life: And lead us not into temper tantrums      

What's that smell? Sorry, that's my toddler, writes Heidi Schlumpf in Sounding Board, rushing to change a diaper. Would you give her a hand instead of making a face?    


Church: Labor pains   

Support for working people has long been a rallying cry of Catholic social teaching, reports Kristen Hannum. So why did the Catholic response to the Dairy State union battle make so little noise?


Culture: Leave no trace     

There's more than birds and bugs on the endangered species list in South America, says Kevin Clarke. Slash-and-burn agriculture near the Peru-Brazil border also threatens "uncontacted" tribes of fellow humans. blogs


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The Examined Life: A fond farewell

I'm writing from Colorado today, on Day 3 of my journey into the next stage of my career. After five years at U.S. Catholic, I'm returning to school for a one-year Specialized Journalism program at the University of Southern California.


The Examined Life: The threat and appeal of the Dalai Lama   

I had the privilege of seeing the Dalai Lama speak twice before last Monday's panel discussion on "Bridging the Faith Divide," but I was particularly interested to see how he would interact with other faith leaders this time.


Margin Notes: Prepping for an 'idiotic' depression?  
As the country waits breathlessly for some resolution to the debt ceiling crisis (or is that just exasperation?), cranky Keynesians like Paul Krugman have been growing more morose-with-a-chance-of-schadenfreude.


Margin Notes: Christian leaders call for 'circle of protection' in budget talks  
The budget resolution--and its effects on the poor--has the potential to be the defining moral mark of the Obama administration. The question is: Will they pay attention to the most vulnerable among us while attempting to solve this crisis?

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The week in Catholic news


U.S. Catholic review


Book: Divine Rebels: American Christian Activists for Social Justice        

By Deena Guzder (Lawrence Hill Books, 2011)