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Survey: Domestic violence
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July 2011
Current Issue: July 2011

 Weekly Bulletin Archive 

Weekly Bulletin
July 5, 2011

Has hell outlived its usefulness?      

Rob Bell, a nationally known evangelical pastor, suggests in a recent book, Love Wins, that God doesn't send people to hell--if hell even exists at all. He caused a major stir in the non-denominational world, but what about with Catholics? Is hell still a practical possibility? Or is it like the death penalty--we don't really like it, but it's nice to have as an option for really bad people, such as Hitler or, more recently, Osama bin Laden? Or do we need a little fear of hell in our spiritual lives to keep us on the straight and narrow?

U.S. Catholic contributor Peter Nixon is working on a story for our November issue that asks these questions and more, and he wants to hear from U.S. Catholic readers. Tell us what you think about hell by responding in the comment section on our blog or by emailing     

This week on 


Church: The times they were a-changin' 

Love them or hate them, the 1960s changed the church for good, argues historian Father Mark Massa, S.J. in this U.S. Catholic interview. The biggest change was the idea that the church can actually change.


Culture: Five Questions with Akbar Ahmed    

There is more to Islam than what you see on the evening news, says Ambassador Akbar Ahmed in his interview with Megan Sweas. Real dialogue begins with the Muslim next door.   


Life: Proud to be an American Catholicamericancatholic 

American Catholics make up almost a quarter of the country's population, and a diverse quarter of population it is. We include refugees, immigrants from everywhere, Native Americans, and families who trace their roots to the first settlers. We've been baptized at birth, age 90, and every age between. We like Gregorian chant, folk music, and Southern hymns. We belong to all the political parties from Tea to Green. In other words, we reflect America. blogs


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The Examined Life: Catholic flat-Earthers--almost anyway

From the pages of the you-cannot-be-serious in yesterday's Chicago Tribune: There is a group of Catholics--actually members of the schismatic Society of St. Pius X--who believe that the sun revolves around the earth, contrary to all demonstrable scientific fact.


The Examined Life: Bishops could learn from politicians who resign      

Last week was a big news week for Chicago. Former Governor Rod Blagojevich was found guilty on 17 out of 20 charges of corruption, including attempting to sell the Senate seat formerly held by Barack Obama.  

American and Catholic: Church and country are places to come home to 

If home is where the heart is, guest blogger Ginny Kubitz Moyer's heart is in a Catholic church in the land of the free.


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U.S. Catholic review


Book: The Spirit of Vatican II 

by Colleen McDannell
(Basic Books, 2011)


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