Life: Come follow me
Roxane B. Salonen shares a status update on how Catholics are following and friending each other in the brave new world of social media.
Church: Bad call
The U.S. bishops' recent action against a popular theologian has some Catholics crying foul, writes Bryan Cones.
Culture: A few brave men
Though war and terror are driving Iraq's Christians into exile, some of their sons are staying as seminarians. Jackie Spinner asks how these priests-to-be find the courage to follow the call.
USCatholic.org blogs
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The Examined Life: Can a Catholic parish celebrate gay pride?
After a tumultuous couple of weeks, Boston's St. Cecilia Parish will host a gay pride Mass on July 10 after an original service planned by the parish's Rainbow Ministry was canceled by the archdiocese following a outcry by bloggers and other Catholics.
Margin Notes: Congress takes on immigrant work bills
There has been little expectation of any significant immigration reform out of this Congress, but two relatively modest measures have been introduced that have some possibility of success and even may avoid a presidential veto. It's still too early to know how far they will go.
My Generation: Preventing sex on college campuses requires more than same sex dorms
One line particularly struck me in the Wall Street Journal editorial (subscription required) announcing Catholic University of America's same-sex dorms: "I would have thought that young women would have a civilizing influence on young men," wrote John Garvey, president of CUA.
Catholic Tastes: The real (Catholic) Colbert
I'm proud to claim Stephen Colbert as a fellow Catholic and a fellow Wildcat. In his commencement address at our alma mater, Northwestern University, he spoke as himself (not his character, who went to Dartmouth after all) with humor and sincerity.
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