Church: Upon this empty lot
Building a house is a big job, but making a place for the people of God is a task of biblical proportions, reports Judith Dupré.
Life: Via dolorosa
Though her cross came with a drip bag and her nails were needles, Janine Denomme saw in the stations of Jesus' suffering and death her way of sorrow.
Culture: Sporting faith at the movies
As a crossover film, Soul Surfer offers inspiration for both athletes and people of faith, Megan Sweas writes.
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Margin Notes: Securing communities from what?
One of my favorite TV programs, The Good Wife, had a story this week of a middle-aged undocumented Mexican arrested as a suspect only because he was near the site of a burglary.
Lent: A burdensome Lenten journey
Even Jesus didn't want to take the journey he had to take before reaching Easter Sunday.
Margin Notes: Father Roy Bourgeois: Women can be priests
In the midst of the School of America's Watch push to cut funding, SOAW founder Father Roy Bourgeois is dealing with another issue: women's ordination.
My Generation: Bombs in Israel
Violence hits very close to home for our young adult guest blogger in Israel.
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