Church: What's right with this picture?
The church's growing population of Hispanic youth--now the majority of Catholic young people--is more than just a demographic shift, reports Augustin Gurza. They're building a new way of being Catholic from the ground up.
Life: Boxed in
Spring cleaning might be a good Lenten activity if all the stuff you've gathered over the years is holding you back, Bryan Cones writes.
Culture: Take no chances: Catholics should stop gambling
Bingo at church is as bad for society as card games at casinos, argues Beth Haile in this month's Sounding Board. Take our survey about whether your parish could get along without wagers. Results will appear in the July issue of U.S. Catholic. Subscribe today!
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Lent: The "L" is for Lent
Commute your way toward God this Lent.
Catholic Tastes: Reclaim the "F" word
Watch this video of a pastor inspiring a crowd for Lent--just some Friday fun on this April Fools' Day. H/T to @ReligionNewsNow who says simply, "Best. Sermon. Ever."
The Examined Life: Elizabeth Johnson: Bad for your faith?
Not by a long shot! Dismay doesn't even begin describe my reaction to the U.S. bishops' doctrine committee's determination that Elizabeth Johnson's Quest for the Living God (Continuum, 2007) "contaminates" traditional Christian theology.
The Examined Life: What's at stake in Libya
President Obama's decision to join the Western coalition in its assault on pro-Qaddafi forces raises, as any use of force ordered by a U.S. president does, important constitutional and legal questions.
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