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Note from RAA:  Please note that your company must be in good standing through 12/31/2011.  Any employee from your company is eligible to apply so please circulate to interested parties. 


Dear Associate Member,


Thank you for your support and membership with the Regional Airline Association.  RAA continues to strive to bring its members more value and opportunities within the industry.  The Associate Member Council (AMC) provides this interface on your behalf within the Association.  The AMC's mission is five fold:   

-Represent the interests of the Associate Members within the RAA 

  •          Function as a resource on issues related to the products/services of the RAA Associate Members
  •          Make recommendations and provide resources to the RAA Board of Directors on matter related to industry and technical issues
  •          Participate with the RAA Board of Directors on the development of current and future industry positions and strategies
  •          Participate in RAA efforts dedicated to the enhancement of the Regional Airline Industry


The AMC is comprised of sixteen three-year term members from six categories (Airframe, Avionics, Components, Flight Training, Other Services and Propulsion).  In addition, there are two one-year ex-officio members representing College Scholarships and Chair Transition.


AMC has four positions available for beginning 2012.  These are three in Components and one in Avionics categories.  The commitment of the Council seat is to attend the AMC Meeting at the RAA Fall Meeting and the RAA Convention, and participate on committees/projects related to the AMC mission.


If we have not received your letter of interest for a Council seat and your business is categorized in the area of Components or Other Services, please forward to Staci Morgan (morgan@raa.org) on or before November 30, 2011.  These positions will be reviewed and voted on by the AMC at their next meeting at the AAAE/RAA Summit in Memphis on December 6.


We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in MNP!




Lucas Aardenburg

RAA AMC Chairperson


To view the 2011 AMC Members, please visit our Associate Member Page here.
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