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Product Spotlight: Biodegradable Rust Preventative Eliminates Toxic Disposal Costs
Case History: Barcelona Airport Control Tower
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October 15, 2010

A new control tower platform at the Barcelona Airport was being built and protection of the corrugated reinforcing steel was needed.  The platform is the base to the 44.55m (48.72 yd) tall control tower facilities and service.Cortec� Corporation's MCI� Coating for Rebar NT was the selected...

Cortec� Corporation is a world leader in innovative, environmentally responsible Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI�) and Migratory Corrosion Inhibitor (MCI�) corrosion control technologies for the Packaging, Metalworking, Construction, Electronics, Water Treatment, Oil/Gas, and other industries.  Our relentless dedication to sustainability, quality, service, and support is unmatched in these worldwide industries.  Cortec� is headquarted in St. Paul, Minnesota, and manufacturers over 400 products distributed worldwide.  Cortec� is ISO9001 and ISO14001: 2004 Certified.
Cortec Corporation