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Fall 2010  Issue 3
Welcome to Howell Energy Consulting  

Howell Energy Consulting brings you the opportunity to focus on the core mission of your business, while allowing an energy professional to create competition for your electricity and natural gas requirements through managed procurement.
Howell Energy Consulting is a licensed energy professional in Connecticut and Massachusetts. For more information :
phone: 860-205-3863
web site:

Energy Price Outlook  


When creating an electricity price outlook energy marketers focus on the price of natural gas.  The reason is that over the last two decades almost all of the new power generation put in place has been natural gas fueled. Natural gas now accounts for over 40% of the electric generation in New England. That said the outlook for natural gas prices is dependent upon economic growth, supply and weather.

The Economy
In July there was speculation on whether the economy was on a path of sustained growth...well the results are in and while the economy is not in decline it sure doesn't feel like growth.  Expectations are for the economy to continue to grow.  Investors are showing confidence as the Dow Jones average has resurrected from sub 10,000  level in July  to over 11,000  in October.  No one, though, will feel comfortable until the employment numbers also start to improve.


The amount of natural gas storage remains near the five year high, due to weak demand and suppliers that have expanded production ahead of the economic recovery. To give you a feel how much natural gas production has expanded the number of natural gas rigs in production is 63% ahead of last year. 


So far so good!  While hurricanes this year have not yet affected the natural gas production areas of the Gulf of Mexico, we are still in the heart of the hurricane season. October is also the time of year when natural gas retail suppliers need to complete their purchases for the upcoming winter.  It is  typical to see natural gas prices rise during the course of October.



A weak economy, a lack of weather in the Gulf of Mexico and the increase in production is great news for energy buyers. Call Howell Energy Consulting to create a plan to take advantage of the low prices in the market.
About Derek Howell 

With over 30 years in the energy industry and 12 years of experience in the deregulated energy business, Derek Howell's expertise covers the broad expanse of the electricity and natural gas markets.  


Prior to the founding of Howell Energy Consulting. Mr. Howell  was Direct Energy's Director of Retail Pricing for Direct's New England and New York regions. 


In This Issue
Energy Price Outlook
CL&P Last Resort Service Rates
The Longer Term
Opportunity for Your Buisness

CL&P Last Resort Service Rates Fourth Quarter 2010

CL&P has posted Last Resort Generation Service charges for the October  - December 2010 period. For customers on CL&P Rates 21, 39, 41 and 55-58, the average price for generation services for the fourth quarter is 6.87 cents/KWh. These low prices are indicative of a weak energy market (see the Energy Price Outlook).  This creates a great opportunity for customers to take advantage of the weak market by either starting a new contract or extending a current contract. Call Howell Energy Consulting to see how these rates can work to jump start an energy procurement strategy for your business. Call Derek Howell at 860-205-3863.

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The Longer Term

While the focus of most customers is the immediate future it is important to take the time to examine the longer view.  To this end Howell Energy Consulting is offering to present to your organization an overview of long term energy outlook.  

 In the future your organization may want to consider alternatives to control your total consumption, reduce demand and consume energy from alternative sources.    Call Howell Energy Consulting on how you can create a long term plan for your organization.

Special Opportunity for your Business or Organization


The natural gas supply picture has changed dramatically and the impact on future electric prices will be sustained.

Howell Energy Consulting would be happy to provide a presentation on what this means to  your business or organization.


To learn more about Howell Energy Consulting Go to:
Derek Howell
Howell EnergyConsulting LLC