Summer 2012
Community Insurance Corporation Highlights Safety for Kids with "Into the Outdoors Episode" Community Insurance Corporation, in conjunction with the popular Emmy-award winning children's television show, "Into the Outdoors," recently sponsored an episode which featured safe choices for kids.
"The Amazing Eco-Race" high lighted kids biking, kayaking and even spelunking and what decisions they could do to make the activity safe, such as wearing helmets, life jackets and checking in with adults to let them know where they are going.
To learn more about "Into the Outdoors," visit www.intotheoutdoors.org.
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2013 Highway Safety Days Scheduled
Save the date!
The County Mutual and Community Insurance Corporation will hold their 2013 Highway Safety Days May 8th at WITC in Rice Lake and May 16th at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Stevens Point. Highway Safety Days includes hands-on training from industry leaders and highlights some of the biggest hazards our employees face every single day. For questions, contact Debra DeWitt of Aegis Corporation at 800.236.6885. ___________ |
Genie Lift Safety Recall
Genie has determined that the control system utilized on various machines can malfunction. This malfunction allows the operator to lift and drive the machine with the platform raised above the maximum allowable travel height of 22 ft / 6.7 m.
A machine that is driven with the platform raised above 22 ft / 6.7 m can cause the machine to lose stability resulting in a tip over.
Action Required: This safety notice requires updating the control system software installed on your machine. You will need the following to perform the software update.
Learn about what machines are affected and how you can update the control system here. ___________ |
MILO is Ready for Your Law Enforcement Department! Is Your Department Ready for Milo?
The County Mutual and Community Insurance Corporation owns MILO, state-of-the-art firearm training simulator, as well as another system. They are available for use free of charge for our member law enforcement agencies. To schedule either system in your county, please contact Bruce Scott with Aegis Corporation at 800.236.6885.
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County Mutual & Community Insurance Corporation...Who Are We?
The Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation (County Mutual) is dedicated to serving Wisconsin's counties and local governments and the people they serve by providing long-term stability in insurance coverages, while proactively working to control costs.
Community Insurance Corporation provides these same services to school districts, cities, towns and villages.
To learn more, contact John Dirkse or Karen Flynn at john@aegis-wi.com or karen@aegis-wi.com, at 800.236.6885 or online at www.wisconsincountymutual.org To visit Community Insurance Corporation, click here.
Stay up-to-date on the happenings of the County Mutual by following us on Twitter and becoming a fan on Facebook. Click on the links here for Community Insurance Corporation's Twitter and Facebook.

To receive The Mutual Effort, click here to subscribe and be sure to include your preferred email address, your name, county/municipality and job title. Feel free to forward onto any interested parties and we'll get them on the mailing list as well. For questions, contact Michelle Gormican Thompson. ___________ |
A.L.E.R.T. Law Enforcement Challenge Coming in October
The day will involve a timed skills challenge of simulated pursuit scenarios, running and a shooting range. Individual prizes will be awarded to top finishers and cash prizes awarded to the top finishers' departments. The day will also feature educational sessions on timely issues facing our law enforcement and a vendor fair showcasing the latest in law enforcement products.
The A.L.E.R.T. Law Enforcement Challenge is FREE to member law enforcement departments of the County Mutual and Community Insurance Corporation and includes all training sessions and lunch. In addition, sheriffs, chief deputies, firearms training officers, and law enforcement committee members, as well as chiefs, assistant chiefs, training officers and public safety committee/commission members are encouraged to attend. Learn more here about The A.L.E.R.T. Law Enforcement Challenge.
For questions, contact Bruce Scott of Aegis Corporation at 414.491.1656. |
Plan to Attend The County Mutual Annual Representative Assembly August 24th in Stevens Point
Mark your calendars for the 2012 Wisconsin County Mutual Annual Representative Assembly. The event will be held August 24th beginning at 10 a.m. at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center, 1001 Amber Avenue, in Stevens Point. Please plan on attending to learn about the status of the company the past twelve months. Lunch is included and the event is free to all County Mutual members.
Community Insurance Corporation Receives Upgraded A.M. Best Rating
 Community Insurance Corporation's A.M. Best Rating was recently upgraded from a B+ to a B++, with a stable outlook.
"The upgraded rating from A.M. Best Co. demonstrates Community Insurance Corporation's dedication to operating in the strongest manner possible," said Josh Bindl, chief operations officer for the company. "Recent enhancements in operations have allowed us to experience cost savings by combining items such as reinsurance with our parent company, the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation (County Mutual). These savings position Community Insurance Corporation to be in a robust place in the future."
"Understanding Stress" Video Added to County Mutual/CIC Online Safety Training Program
The latest online training module, "Understanding Stress," has been added to the County Mutual and CIC's online safety training program.
The County Mutual Online Safety Training Program incorporates text slides, along with streaming video and audio, to guide users through the various safety training modules.
There is a wide range of safety-related topics and to begin, click on the link below and enter in your pre-assigned user name and password.
To view "Understanding Stress," visit http://www.wcm-web.com and enter your pre-assigned user name and password.
Wisconsin New Concussion Law for Student Athletes: Act 172
Wisconsin Act 172, which relates to concussions and head injuries sustained in youth activities, was enacted on April 2, 2012. With the signing of the law, Wisconsin became one of 32 states that have enacted legislation to ensure kids are kept safe participating in sports.
According to Marshfield Clinic, a supporter of the bill, a large coalition came together to try to prevent head injuries in student athletes. Groups backing the legislation included University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, the National Football League, the Green Bay Packers, the Wisconsin Athletic Trainers Association, Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association, Wisconsin Chiropractic Association and many others.
View Wisconsin Act 172 language here.
Read an article on Act 172 here by Marshfield Clinic's "Sports Wrap" newsletter.
School Legal Bulletin- Sideline to Safety: Protecting the Heads of Student Athletes
by Christine K. Van Berkum, Phillips Borowski, S.C.
Recognizing the increasing incidence of head injury in athletic activities, the NFL has lobbied states to enact youth-concussion laws to reduce the risk of concussions and head injuries. Wisconsin followed, enacting the Sideline to Safety Act to ensure organizers, participants, coaches, parents/guardians and officials understand the nature and risk of concussions and head injuries in youth athletic activities, and to set mandatory procedures for suspected concussions or head injuries.
Section 118.293 was designed in accordance with the NFL model legislation and contains three primary components: (1) information and consent; (2) immediate removal from play if a concussion is suspected; and (3) medical clearance prior to return to play.
Read the full legal bulletin on this topic by Phillips Borowski's Christine K. Van Berkum here.
Legal Bulletin- Supreme Court Open Records Case
The Wisconsin Supreme Court held recently that a governmental body may not charge a fee for the costs of redacting information when responding to a public records request.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel submitted public records requests to the Milwaukee Police Department for all incident reports of sexual assault during 2009. The Public Records Law (Wis. Stat. SS 19.35 (6)) requires deletion of confidential information in a public records response. The requested records included information that would have to be redacted, including Social Security numbers, financial account numbers, and information about crime victims and suspect identity.
Read the full article here by Drew J. Cochrane, Partner, Stafford, Rosenbaum LLP.
School Legal Bulletin- Court of Appeals Rules on Use of Church for Graduation Ceremonies
The federal Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that the Elmbrook School District's use of a local church for its graduation ceremonies violated the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Two high schools within the school district had used Elmbrook Church, a Christian evangelical and non- denominational church,as the location for graduation ceremonies since 2000. Initially, the church was chosen by graduating seniors because it provided more space, more comfortable seating, and air conditioning, which was not available in the schools' gymnasiums.
Read the full legal bulletin here by Susan Allen, Senior Associate, Stafford Rosenbaum LLP.
2012 County Mutual Scholarship Program To Announce Winners in September
The deadline for the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation's 2012 Scholarship Program has passed. We look forward to announcing this year's winners at the Wisconsin Counties Association's 2012 Annual Conference September 23-25, 2012 in La Crosse County.
This year's scholarship entries will be reviewed and selected by a panel chosen by the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation. Each winner will receive a $2,000 scholarship. The County Mutual Scholarship is an annual program, with the application period opening in late spring each year. Applicants must enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited two- or four-year Wisconsin college no later than the fall term of the application year. Applicant's parent, grandparent, guardian or the applicant must be a county supervisor or employee of a Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation member county.
Grant Writing Workshop
The Brown County Sheriff's Office and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grants workshop in Green Bay, September 17-18, 2012. This training is for grant seekers across all disciplines. Attend this class and you'll learn how to find grants and write winning grant proposals.
Beginning and experienced grant writers from all area government agencies as well as nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend.
Click here for full event details.
"The Mutual Effort" is provided as a service to the members of the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation ("County Mutual") and Community Insurance Corporation ("CIC") and other Internet users and is published by Aegis Corporation. It is derived from sources believed to be accurate and current as of the date of publication. However, the County Mutual makes no warranty and assumes no legal liability for the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information herein. "The Mutual Effort Online" is provided for general information only, and is not intended as legal advice. Any links to other sites within this publication are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by County Mutual. Unauthorized republication of any copyrighted material from this site or sites to which we link, without the copyright owner's permission, is strictly prohibited.