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November 2011

The Mutual Effort Final 3

In This Issue
Green Lake County Receives Dividend
BRB Updates
Concealed Carry Checklist
Legal Report
2011 Scholarship Winners
Overview of Concealed Carry Law
CIC to Reimburse for School Risk Management Certification

Happy Holidays from the County Mutual and Community Insurance Corporation!


On behalf of the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation and Community Insurance Corporation, including the staff of our general administrator Aegis Corporation and our corporate manager the Wisconsin Counties Association, we wish you all the happiest of holiday seasons and healthy and safe 2012!


We appreciate your business and look forward to partnering with you again next year to ensure your county, school district, city, town or village is as safe and effective as possible.


Happy Holidays!  



New Auger Safety Training Video Now Online


A new training video, "Auger Safety," has just been added to our online training library.


As with all County Mutual online safety training modules, "Auger Safety" is available online to members and incorporates text slides, along with streaming video and audio, which guides users through the training.  At the end of the module, participants take a multiple choice quiz.


Member counties, school districts and municipalities can access "Auger Safety" by visiting www.wisconsincountymutual.org and clicking on "Safety Training Login."    


What is Your Risk Management Plan? 


County Mutual Risk Management Staff, on average, make over 500 on-site safety and risk management visits per year.   

When is the last time your county took a closer look at its safety efforts?


The risk management program is run by the County Mutual's general administrator Aegis Corporation and on any given day, their staff are providing hands-on training around the state on topics such as chainsaw safety, blood borne pathogens, and violence in the workplace.


To learn more and to schedule a visit, contact Vance Forrest, Vice President of Risk Management at Aegis Corporation, at 800.236.6885 or via email at vforrest@aegis-wi.com.    






The County Mutual's state-of-the-art firearms training simulator, MILO, is available to member counties' and municipalities' law enforcement departments for free. 

To schedule a time for the MILO system to come to your department, please contact Bruce Scott at 414.491.1656

For more information on MILO, click here.





facebook Stay up-to-date on the happenings of the County Mutual by following us on Twitter and becoming a fan on Facebook.  Click on the links here for Community Insurance Corporation's Twitter and Facebook.






The Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation (County Mutual) is dedicated to serving Wisconsin's counties and local governments and the people they serve by providing long-term stability in insurance coverages, while proactively working to control costs. 

Community Insurance Corporation provides these same services to school districts, cities, towns and villages.

To learn more, contact John Dirkse or Karen Flynn at  john@aegis-wi.com or karen@aegis-wi.com, at 800.236.6885 or online at www.wisconsincountymutual.org.
To visit Community Insurance Corporation, click here.

Quick Links

To receive The Mutual Effort online, click here to subscribe and be sure to include your preferred email address, your name, county/municipality and job title.   


Feel free to forward onto any interested parties and we'll get them on the mailing list as well.   









Green Lake County Receives $219,209 Dividend from County Mutual for Safe Construction of New Justice Center 


Aegis' Vance Forrest (r) and John Dirkse (l) present the ODIP check to Board Chair Priske
A safe work environment during the construction of the Green Lake County Justice Center has paid off big for Green Lake County.


At the Green Lake County Board Meeting on November 8th, the county was presented with a $291,904 dividend check from the County Mutual, the county's insurer, for having a reduced number of lost-time accidents during the construction of the Green Lake County Justice Center.


"These are tight times for our counties and the dividend payment clearly shows the partnership between the County Mutual and counties to provide effective insurance solutions," said Lee Rymer, President of the County Mutual and Oconto County Board Chair.  "We are very proud that this project helped to save taxpayer dollars, while protecting the lives of the workers on Green Lake County Justice Center."


Read the full story here.
Save the Date: County Mutual's Budget Repair Bill Consortium To Meet December 9th


The County Mutual BRB Consortium will be meeting on December 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Stevens Point to formulate strategies for dealing with issues surrounding wage structure as counties move out of the wages scales set through union contracts.
As a continuing part of the County Mutual BRB Consortium, the Wisconsin Counties Association and County Mutual have teamed up with Wipfli to arrange for a half-day workshop on establishing a workable process for conducting a meaningful study of wages, integration of union and non-union wage scales and timeline for transitioning wage systems out of the union environment.  Many counties, municipalities and school districts have released, or are in the process of preparing, RFPs for this type of study.  It is critical that counties work together to ensure that the studies are meaningful - there is a lot that we can learn from each other in terms of issues, problems and success stories.  Therefore, it would benefit all BRB Consortium member counties to come together and determine the process. 

Please confirm your attendance at this important workshop by December 6, 2011, by emailing Tanya Hansen at tlh@phillipsborowski.com or calling 262.241.7788.  
Concealed Carry Checklist for Counties 


Phillips Borowski, S.C., general counsel to the Wisconsin Counties Association, has created a concealed carry checklist for counties, from educating counties boards on the new law to implementing the law in public buildings.


To view the checklist, click here.
Obtaining Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Inmates in County Jail

By Gesina M. Seiler, Axley Brynelson LLP

Counties are entitled to reimbursement of amounts incurred while inmates are incarcerated in their county jails.

However, the counties must follow very specific procedures.
The law provides that a county is allowed to recover amounts spent on an inmate during his or her incarceration. Those amounts include the provision of medical care both inside and outside of the jail, except for prescription drugs and devices. A county may also recover the cost of all other expenses incurred (cost of living), but this recovery cannot exceed the actual per day cost of maintaining that inmate as set forth in the county ordinances. Wis. Stat. � 302.372.

To read the full article, click here.
2011 County Mutual Scholarship Winners


The Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation has announced the five winners of their 2011 County Mutual Scholarship Program. The winners were announced September 26, 2011 at the Wisconsin Counties Association's Annual Conference in Wisconsin Dells.


To see this year's County Mutual Scholarship recipients, as well as learn more about the program, click here.
County Mutual Announces 2010 Performance Award Winners


The County Mutual has highlighted the close relationship between member counties and the company with its "2010 County Mutual Performance Awards."  


"The foundation of this company is our strong working relationship with our members and these awards recognize how closely we work with counties to ensure risk management is a top priority," said County Mutual President and Oconto County Board Chair Lee Rymer. "This year's winners have worked hard to make safety and risk prevention an important part of their day-to-day operations and we are proud to present them with this year's Performance Awards."


To read the full story, including this year's winners, click here.
County Mutual and CIC Leader James Barrett Passes 

Former Community Insurance Corporation Chair, County Mutual Vice President and Juneau County Board Chair James Barrett passed away Sunday, November 6, 2011 due to heart failure.
He also previously served as the chair of the County Mutual Claims Committee for a number of years. In addition, Jim was the 2007 WCA "Friend in County Government" award winner. 

Jim was a dedicated member of the insurance companies and was also the current secretary of WCA Services, Inc.

For more information, click here. To read the full obituary, click here.
Community Insurance Corporation to Reimburse SIRMC Member School Districts for Certified School Risk Manager Program

The Certified School Risk Manager Program (CSRM), offered through the Wisconsin Association of School Board Officials (WASBO), is a comprehensive safety program that is available to business officials and risk managers.  Community Insurance Corporation is excited to announce they will reimburse course registration costs after completed certification for their School Insurance & Risk Management Cooperative (SIRMC) insureds.


For a list of SIRMC school districts, click here.

"Community Insurance Corporation quickly recognized the benefits of additional education for our business officials and risk managers," said John Dirkse, executive vice president of Aegis Corporation, which administers Community Insurance Corporation.  "We are excited to work with our school business officials in the state to ensure a safe school environment for our students and staff."

Aegis Corporation's Jodi Traas serves as the co-chair of WASBO's Safety and Risk Mangement Committee, which was instrumental in bringing the certification course to WASBO.

The Certified School Risk Manager Program (CSRM) provides attendees with the in-depth knowledge of the risk management process and terminology based on the philosophy and theory of school risk management.   The CSRM curriculum and national certification are provided by The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research. There are five 8-hour courses required for CSRM certification.

School district professionals employed as risk managers, employee benefits or safety coordinators, and administrative or other positions that oversee the risk management function are encouraged to attend.

To learn more about the CSRM program, click here


Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation

22 East Mifflin Street � Madison, WI  53718 � 866.404.2700




Community Insurance Corporation

22 East Mifflin Street � Madison, WI  53718 � 866.404.2700



"The Mutual Effort" is provided as a service to the members of the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation ("County Mutual") and other Internet users and is published by Aegis Corporation. It is derived from sources believed to be accurate and current as of the date of publication. However, the County Mutual makes no warranty and assumes no legal liability for the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information herein.  "The Mutual Effort Online" is provided for general information only, and is not intended as legal advice.  Any links to other sites within this publication are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by County Mutual. Unauthorized republication of any copyrighted material from this site or sites to which we link, without the copyright owner's permission, is strictly prohibited.