SI Marsh & Dock 2-2011

                                              Town of Sullivan's Island  

E-Newsletter                                         March 14, 2012 

                                                                         Vol. 4, Issue 3
Dear Residents and Friends of Sullivan's Island: 
CCSD holds its 3rd Community Workshop tomorrow evening (see details below). Please try to attend and provide your feedback on the new SIES design. St. Patrick's Day is Saturday, March 17th, and local businesses will hold their celebration from 10AM-9PM that day.  Please use caution as you travel through the Community Commercial District during this celebration. Please check the Town's website often for updated news.
In This Issue
Park & Recreation News
Winter Services Schedule
New SIES School News
Traffic Matters
Planning Commission Vacancy
Quick Links
Park & Recreation News

Sullivan's Island Park


The Park Foundation wants your opinion as it plans for future improvements. 


Please complete the Foundation's on-line survey(Click)

 Band Stand & Park

Park Party Coming!

Saturday, April 21st



The party at Stith Park will be fun for the whole family.  Food, drinks, youth activities and more highlight this day.

Please make plans to attend the party and support the non-profit Park Foundation as it improves recreation opportunties for the entire community.

More information coming soon!

Winter Schedules
2012 Dog Permits Available Now!

Winter Season:

October 1st - April 30th 

Off-leash: 5AM-12Noon

On-leash: 12Noon-5AM


All dogs need permits. Permits available at Town Hall (2050 Middle Street) M-F, 8AM-5PM. 

Click for Application


Garbage collection truck


Household Garbage: Tuesdays 

Bulk/Yard Debris:
(The County no longer accepts clippings in plastic bags). 


Alternating Wednesdays

Sign up for our
Emergency/Public Safety Alert System (Free!)

Nixle Icon

Alerts managed by SI Police Department

School News
Mark Your Calendars - Public Input Encouraged!
CCSD Community Workshop
6:00PM Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sunrise Presbyterian Church, 3222 Middle Street
The Committee concludes its weekly series of Tuesday afternoon public meetings to discuss new SIES design standards with CCSD Architect Jerry English and other CCSD representatives.

4:00PM  Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at Town Hall *

*Note: Council meets at 6:00PM in regular session.  The new SIES will be on this agenda. CCSD representatives plan to present its conceptual design plan to all members of Council and the public. 

Click Here to see current conceptual renderings (3/5/12)
I'On Avenue View of new SIES                            
Traffic Matters: Residents & Visitors
                               St. Patrick's Day
                        Saturday, March 17, 2012
Local businesses in the Community Commercial District will celebrate outdoors from 10:00AM to 9:00PM on Saturday.  For safety reasons, the following roads will be closed during these: 


      Station 22 1/2 St. from Middle St. to I'On Ave.

      Middle Street from Station 22 1/2 to Station 22


Thank you for using caution in this area.Stop Sign


                      ALL WAY STOP

   Station 22.5 & Middle Street Intersection

            Installed: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 


SCDOT has installed an ALL WAY STOP for a test period of six (6) months, during which time the agency will study traffic patterns and make a final determination on the signs.


Please share your opinion by completing the Town's on-line survey! (Click Here)  


SC&G Powerline Work

Starting Monday, March 19

 9:00AM - 3:00PM 


SCE&G will intall new power lines from Jasper Blvd toward Ben Sawyer Bridge in the coming weeks.  Starting Monday, March 19th, work trucks will work along the road on Jasper Boulevard.  By Thursday, March 22nd, SCE&G should be on the grass shoulder along the causeway where work will continue into the following week.


Thank you for using caution as you travel in this area.

Wanted: Resident to Serve on Planning Commission
The Town has an out-of-cycle vacant seat (expires September 2012) on the Planning Commission.  Please consider volunteering your time and energy.
If interested, please submit an application package:
Deadline is 12Noon on Monday, April 2, 2012

Return packets and direct inquiries to Lisa Darrow, Asst to Administrator, at Town Hall (2050-B Middle Street), directly at (843) 883-5744 or
Thank you for your interest in Sullivan's Island!
Monthly Meetings/Noteworthy Dates   SI Logo -watermark

Click on meeting below for more information. Town calendar (Link)
All meetings are held at Town Hall, 2050-B Middle Street, unless noted.
 6:30PM Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Building & Construction Committee
4:00PM Tuesday, March 20, 2012
 6:00PM Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
6:00PM Wednesday, March 21, 2012
      5:00PM Friday, March 23, 2012 (April Applications Due)
7:00PM Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the Official Town of Sullivan's Island E-Newsletter. Please contact us with your feedback and suggestions at (843)883-5744 or email at Please visit the Town's website often for updates and information:
Town of Sullivan's Island

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