Changing Seasons, Changing Faces...
It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve as USA National Phenology Network's Marketing Specialist over the last year and provide you with quarterly newsletters, among other things. I'm leaving the network and this marks my last issue. You will see a new friendly face on here; Ecologist and USA-NPN Partnerships Coordinator, Theresa Crimmins, will now be sending newsletters to you. Thank you for welcoming me into this special community as a fellow observer and as a staff member. As you continue to observe your world up-close through Nature's Notebook, I wish you powerful moments outside in nature and personal insights that surprise and delight you. Cheers!
~Echo Surina
We are sad to see Echo move on, but are excited to see what new endeavors she'll pursue. We wish her the best. I will do my best to fill her shoes in this role! I am excited to share updates, findings, and discoveries from the phenology world with you!
~Theresa Crimmins