Nature's Notebook Quarterly       Issue: Fall 2012
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Ahhh...fall is here. It has been a busy year, you have been very busy! The graph below shows the amount of observations submitted to Nature's Notebook  by month in both 2011 and 2012. Since January 2012, you have logged nearly double the amount of observations as for the same period in 2011! Thank you!



Autumn brings with it many phenological changes. Take a few moments to focus your attention on the change of the seasons and to log your observations in Nature's Notebook. You're on a roll - let's carry the enthusiasm through the end of the year!


What's in this issue 

Warblers and their food sources show activity mismatches in 2012

New website on the way

Cloned dogwoods available to plant and observe

New and improved Android app ready for you

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Changing face of your newsletters

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Nature's Notebook! 

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Please observe 
2x week in the fall. 
(Don't forget to

songbirdSongbird Mismatch

Results from your data


We compared Nature's Notebook deciduous tree observations and eBird data on a long-distance Neotropical migratory bird, the Tennessee warbler. We found that between 2011 and 2012, the average flowering date and the timing of warbler migration decreased in overlap by 25%. This meant less food available for the migrating birds, a situation that could have serious consequences, if it continues.


Check out a full-size view of the graph to find out what Nature's Notebook data are telling us. 


Nature's Notebook Logo websiteStay Tuned...  
Completely new USA-NPN and Nature's Notebook website on the way!


Coming soon to a website near layouts, improved navigation, and tailored information! That's right, we're completely revamping our website. We're splitting Nature's Notebook from the rest of the USA-NPN website, so that you can more easily find what you're looking for.  We're also improving graphics and organization. We're really excited to hear what you think. We expect you'll be able to check it out in early 2013. I'll be tweeting updates as we make headway! 
dogwoodPlant and Observe a Cloned Dogwood! 


Nature's Notebook has "roots" in tracking the phenology of cloned plants, hearkening back to the 1950s. Cloned plants are genetically identical, grown from the same "mother plant." The value of observations of cloned plants is that differences in individual plants' phenology can be attributed to differences in local environmental conditions, rather than to genetic differences among the plants themselves.


This fall, we're inviting inhabitants of South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi to consider planting and observing clones of a native flowering dogwood "Appalachian Spring" (Cornus florida). If you're interested in committing to this valuable legacy, please email Sharon in our office.

Android appNew Nature's Notebook App Features!  
Available for Android and iPhone 


Check our the updated and improved Nature's Notebook apps for Android and iPhone. New features include easy data entry for abundance and intensity, and the capability to report at shared sites. If you have the app already, it will update automatically.  If you want it, you can download it from iTunes or Google Play


twitterWe're Tweeting! 

I just started using Twitter, and am having a great time sharing tweets on new phenology research and findings, phenology observations from across the nation, and updates from our National Coordinating Office. Join the conversation!

echoChanging Seasons, Changing Faces...


Echo photo It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve as USA National Phenology Network's Marketing Specialist over the last year and provide you with quarterly newsletters, among other things. I'm leaving the network and this marks my last issue. You will see a new friendly face on here; Ecologist and USA-NPN Partnerships Coordinator, Theresa Crimmins, will now be sending newsletters to you. Thank you for welcoming me into this special community as a fellow observer and as a staff member. As you continue to observe your world up-close through Nature's Notebook, I wish you powerful moments outside in nature and personal insights that surprise and delight you. Cheers!   

~Echo Surina


We are sad to see Echo move on, but are excited to see what new endeavors she'll pursue. We wish her the best. I will do my best to fill her shoes in this role! I am excited to share updates, findings, and discoveries from the phenology world with you!

~Theresa Crimmins       



final npn logo clear background Theresa Crimmins