April 2010

Priority Enrollment for the 2010-2011 school year will begin next week!
Registering now will hold your child's space in the only Waldorf Kindergarten program in the North West Houston area.
 We will have limited spaces available for mixed-age Kindergarten ages 3-6. Parent-Child classes will also continue.

Pick up an early registration form from your child's teacher starting the week of April 12th!

Please help us spread the word:
Next Visitor Morning THIS Saturday April 10th
Great Oak School is hosting its next monthly visitor morning this Saturday April 10th from 9-11. Come out to visit our campus, meet the friendly people involved with our school, and learn more about Waldorf education for your child and family.
 Summer Programs 2010
Priority Enrollment for Summer Begins Next Week!
This Summer Great Oak will be hosting a variety of summer classes for the months of June and July.
***Extended year Kindergarten will continue throughout the month of June with certified Waldorf Teacher Jill McGinn. Space is limited. Look for priority enrollment forms to go home next week for current Great Oak students. 
***Week-long summer day camps for ages 7-12 will take place the entire month of July. Enroll for one week or all four. Classes vary from day to day and a project and/or experience will be brought home each day. After-care available. Sample classes:
Handwork (knitting, crochet, felting)
The Photographic Process (exposing images using film and the sun!)
Art Appreciation/Art History/Art Classes
Scrapbooking/Memory Keeping
Drama and Creative Expression
For more information about our Summer Programs please contact Shannah Quinn at 832-381-0893
Great Oak Community Yardsale Saturday April 17th! 
We are busy collecting displaced treasures for resale at our big Yardsale the 17th of April.
Please bring by your items you would love to find a new home and we will gladly take them off your hands.
Rent your own "booth" for a $30 donation to Great Oak and make some extra Spring cash!
We will be having a working Potluck Cookout on Friday night before the sale to label and ready the items for Saturday morning. It will be a fun and festive atmosphere but be ready to help ;-)!
Contact Sara Moon for more info or to rent a space: 832-928-7848.  
Back by Popular Demand... 
Saturday May 8th from 1:30-4 p.m.
Our gifted community member Louise Gilbert will once again be holding her adult workshop,
"The Transformative Power of Guided Imagery for Children"
If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, or interested learner...you will love this class. If you missed it the first time, now is your chance. Pick up a flyer about the class in the lobby of the school, or call Louise to register at (713) 480 6859.
We have a home-grown, all levels Knitting Group
We meet every Tuesday starting around 2-ish and go until 5-ish.
If you are interested in learning how to knit, or already know and would enjoy knitting in a group, please join us on Tuesdays at Great Oak School. 
These are fresh from our ladies in the "back forty" laying to their hearts' content. $2/half dozen...$4/dozen...$6/18eggs
Nathan Gabelsberg is in charge, but feel free to ask any Great Oak regular!
We need LOTS o' HELP mowing the yard and cleaning the school!
If you can spare some time to ride a mower, wield a weed-wacker, or sweep a floor (remember signing up at the community meeting???) please call Alan at 936-689-0668 or Sara at 832-928-7848.
You can advertise your business in our newsletters and on our website!
Read the sidebar to your right ----------------------->
We have a shop on the Handmade Mecca website Etsy.com??
Also, look over to the right in Important Links! 


Any instance in which something has a dollar amount associated with it...such as purchasing items from our Etsy store, buying fresh eggs, taking a class, buying ad space, etc. ALL PROCEEDS GO DIRECTLY BACK TO GREAT OAK SCHOOL, a non-profit 501(3)c and no one stands to profit one penny. So many of our community members are sharing their time, talents, and energy out of sheer love and devotion to our growing school and for our beautiful children.
Just sayin', y'all. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Great Oak School Community
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The best way to stay in touch with everything that is happening at Great Oak is to subscribe to our e-news.
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Advertise with Us!
Trees with sunshine behind
Would you like to advertise your business in our Great Oak Newsletters and on our website?
Do a trial run by emailing Sara Moon as quickly as possible and get your first month free! First 5 advertisers only!
We have a large email distribution list and our website traffic is getting increasingly heavy!
Advertise to your target market and a friendly, highly-educated community of consumers wanting to spend their dollars with local, consciously-minded businesses.
Important Links
Our Website
Official Waldorf Website
Our Email
 Our Crafts on Etsy.com