Before & After Banner
August 2012
Monthly Special

Doctor and Hair Transplant Client 

 Book in September, October, November or December and get grafts for $3.75 per graft! (Reg.$4.00) 


FREE consultations are always available, so call or click today and take the first step to improving your appearanceyour confidence and your life!

Call 716.681.7120 to reserve your space today!  

You must mention this email or the postcard to take advantage of the savings!

Have you been considering Micro Point Solutions?
Micro Point Solutions LINKS
Micro Point Solutions LINKS

Micro Point Solution Links are a great way to add subtle volume to thinning hair.  

Santangelo's is the only studio in Western New York to offer this product line so if you have not thought about Micro Point Solutions yet, watch this video and schedule a free consultation with us to learn if Micro Points would work for you!
It's almost time for the big reveal!

Santangelo's is the only hair replacement studio in WNY that proudlyBefore & After 1
carries Reallusions hair replacement products for women.  

Last month in July, Reallusions has been featured on The Balancing Act, a new show airing on Lifetime Television Network. 

The show features four women dealing with life's trials and tribulations and it airs weekday mornings at 7:00 a.m. 
In case you missed the Reallusions segment, here is a link to our segment on The Balancing Act.

On Monday, August 13 the women will reveal their new looks, so please tune in to see the big reveal!

Learn more about Reallusions at Santangelo's. 
Santangelo Logo
In This Issue
Monthly Special
Micro Point Solutions
Reallusions Featured on National TV

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Upcoming Hair
Transplant Dates

August 16, 2012
September 5, 2012
October 10, 2012
November 7, 2012
December 5, 2012  

To secure your time slot on one of these days, call Jennifer at 716.681.7120! 
More of Santangelo's products in the news!igrow laser

Apria Science, the company that manufacturers the iGrow laser, has achieved ISO certification.  What does that mean for you, the consumer?  It means you can count on getting a quality product when you purchase an iGrow that is backed by a well respected company in the light-therapy industry! 

Read the full press release to learn more.
iGrows are in stock, call to reserve yours today!
Are you following our blog?
Visit and follow our blog for regular posts on hair loss, choosing a solution and everything in between. 
New post:  What makes Santangelo's different?  

Read it now.