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MFRmail Newsletter
October 2010
Walt Fritz, PT

Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars

The Pain Relief Center
 Rochester, NY 
Port 2010
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New Look

With this issue of the MFRmail Newsletter, I hope you enjoy the new look, both of the Newsletter as well as the website.  The new website will be up and running within the next week. will have a whole new format and appearance. Please take a look and give me your feedback.

The Psoas

As Myofascial Release and Body Work Practitioners, the Psoas is a vital part of many of our practices. As many of you have been made aware, Robert Schleip has published a wealth of articles on fascia and body work. One article that I've recently read digs into the specifics of the psoas and teaches how to use the Thomas Test to find additional information besides the presence of hip flexor tightness.

Throughout my years as a therapist, and in my Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars, I have emphasized a deep model of evaluation. Schleip's article allows us to understand the deeper aspects of soft tissue tightness.

Hershey, PA:  November 5-7, 2010

Sponsored by: John Williams, LMT and the Pain Free Institute of Health and Wellness in Hershey, PA.

I have recently updated and expanded this class to 20 contact hours over two and one-half days and it is packed with techniques, theory, and practical application. Building upon a deep model of evaluation, you will leave this seminar ready to use Myofascial Release on your first day back to work. NCBTMB CE hours continuing education credits are available. For full details, please check out the Seminars Page on my website.

Sponsoring a seminar is an excellent way to bring quality continuing education to your facility or area. Financial incentives for sponsoring a class are outlines in the downloadable information packet (see below). Seminars can be modified to meet the needs of your facility. Email us for additional information or with questions.

If you are interested in sponsoring a Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminar in your area, please download the Sponsored Seminar Information.

Many of you may have already read this blog post I made recently. It has received quite a few comments, not only on my blog, but on LinkedIn and Massage and Bodywork Professionals. There is often much more to improving posture than just strengthening. Soft tissue tightness plays an even more important role. But, the influence of emotions often comes into play whenever one addresses posture.

Read my blog post and feel free to make a comment.

Myofascial Release and Bodywork Practitioner Directory is Now Free of Charge

I have changed the policy for the Myofascial Release and Bodywork Practitioner Directory to eliminate all fees. Full listings, including photos and logos, are free of charge. Additionally, the website will be newly updated within the next few weeks. Look for the changes!
Note: Directory members can now submit a photo and/or logo for inclusion onto the directory. Most formats are acceptable, so e-mail me your photo and/or logo to highlight your practice.
Find out more about the Myofascial Release Practitioner Directory by clicking here.

The Linked In Myofascial Release Therapists up and running! For those of you not familiar, Linked In is a business oriented social networking site. Joining is free and you listing can be viewed by potential clients, referral sources, etc. Linked In listings show up high on Google searches.

The purpose of the Myofascial Release Therapists Group is for networking between practitioners, as well as offering an opportunity for potential clients to find you. So if you've not signed on and created a profile for your self and your business, what are you waiting for? Here is the link to join the Group. I hope to see you soon!

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I hope that you enjoy and find value in this newsletter. Would you please take a few minutes and forward this newsletter to  friends or colleagues? Help spread the word about the MFRmail Newsletter.

I invite you to visit my new blog, the Myofascial Release Exchange. Covering a wide range of topics relating to the work that we do and the world where we work, I hope you'll visit and return to my blog often. Add you comments and be part of the exchange.

I have greatly expanded the selection of treatment tools, books, and music on the Myofascial Resource Store.

The books, treatment tools, and music that I have listed on my website have been reformatted into one "Store". Visiting the store will allow you to view the items in a special section of  Make a visit and let me know what you think!


The Pain Relief Center in Rochester, NY is devoted entirely to providing quality Myofascial Release treatment to patients in the Western New York region. If you have friends or family in the area, please let them know about my services.

If you are interested in subscribing the the Pain Relief Center Newsletter, please click on the link below.
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