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The Warrior Weekly

Volume 4, Issue 25

March 1, 2012

In This Issue
Up For Debate
Golberg's Gadgets
Drum Roll, Please
Community Spotlight
Sports Snippets
This Week at the ESC
PFC Events
What's Happening?

Warrior Web

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"Save part of today to
prepare for tomorrow."
- Colin Powell 
Up For Debate MS Debate State

Middle School Debate Team Takes On State

Lakehill's Warrior Forensic Team participated in the 65th annual YMCA Youth and Government State Debate Conference. The conference was held at the State Capital in Austin on February 24 and 25. Team members Griffin Burt, Declan Devine, Destiny Ripka, and Karl Sheeran competed as members of a mock Texas State House of Representatives. 


Students participated by drafting their own bill on a matter of state law. They also had to learn the procedural rules for presenting their bill and be able to respond to questions, arguments and suggested amendments from other delegates. 


The team made an impressive showing for a new team. All team members' bills passed committee. Eighth grader Destiny Ripka was appointed to serve as Sergeant-at-Arms and charged with maintaining order on the floor of the House of Representatives. Eighth grader Karl Sheeran successfully amended a bill regulating the use of motorcycles by minors. Seventh grader Declan Devine earned Distinguished Delegate, a special award reserved for the top ten percent of all delegates. 


Team advisor Sharon Mansfield said "I am so proud to be associated with these students. I appreciate the extra work they put in and their willingness to learn something completely new."

Goldberg's Gadgets


Fourth Graders Gather for Invention Convention

On February 29, Lakehill fourth grade students gathered for the school's annual Invention Convention, a much anticipated event that tested students' abilities to link simple machines together in order to perform a task, such as kicking a soccer ball or pouring cat food into a bowl. The Invention Convention was inspired by the works of cartoonist and engineer Rube Goldberg.

Participants were encouraged to identify a need and to use their problem-solving and creative-thinking skills to find a solution. Students then linked wedges, pulleys, levers, wheels and axles, screws, and inclined planes together to perform the desired task. This year, students also had to include an electrical circuit. After careful planning, students were required to build their contraptions out of scavenged materials, such as school supplies, duct tape, and cardboard boxes. 

Many inventions focused on food preparation, such as a banana slicer, grilled cheese sandwich maker, chocolate cutter, or doughnut hole dispenser. Other machines solved interesting problems, such as the "name tag slapper" or the "book mark putter inner." 

Inventions were officially judged for creativity, use of simple machines, and the ability to explain what steps in the invention required the most trial and error to perfect. If a particular mechanism failed to work as planned, students were given credit for the step if they could explain how they would adjust or replace the malfunctioning part in order to fix the machine. Students learned that plans and models must often be modified in order to achieve the desired result, and that inventors rarely get it right the first time.  


Drum Roll, Please

Students Enjoy Day of Drummingdrumming 

David Cox of Rhythm Path brought a Day of Drumming to the Lakehill students and faculty on February 27. Throughout the day, all classes had the opportunity to sit in a drum circle and learn about the culture of West Africa along with some drumming techniques.  Every student played a drum and learned about the countries in West Africa, including their music and cultures, and how drums are used to communicate. Drumming not only relieves stress and stimulates the brain to think on a more creative level, it also teaches cross-cultural skills, expression, and creative skills. 


Community Spotlight

The Giving Kind
sandwichThe sophomore class is preparing for its Lower School Movie Night on March 2. For $5, Lower School students may enjoy a movie and a snack. Students have the choice of four movies, Tom and Jerry, Star Wars, Tangled, and Aquamarine. Bring a blanket and a pillow and join in the fun on Friday night from 6:15 - 9:00 p.m..


Student Council is bringing back their successful Nothing But Nets three-on-three basketball tournament. The final game will be played March 23.


The seventh graders raised more than $1100 to support the Kayengona School in Namibia.  


The junior class has been busy with a variety of service initiatives. They made snack bags that they delivered to Austin Street Shelter and made 500 sandwiches for the homeless that they delivered to the Soup Mobile.


See all the pictures from recent Community Service projects.

Sports Snippets   

Warriors Finish Successful Basketball Season, Move Into Spring Sports                


With an exciting Basketball season completed, Lakehill turns its attention to Varsity Tennis, Softball, and Baseball. Middle School Softball and Baseball will begin soon.  


The Varsity Baseball team is off to a strong start this season, having defeated Dallas Academy on Friday and Dallas Lutheran on Tuesday. The Varsity Baseball and Softball teams both play on Thursday.

This Week at the ESC ESC20 

Students in fifth grade enjoyed an interactive lesson on Ecosystems using the Smartboard. They also tilled the garden and played yard games. 


Students in third grade also completed an interactive lesson on the Smartboard on recycling. Then they enjoyed investigating the pond for natural signs of spring.  


Next Week is ESCape to Nature Week at the ESC

Parents are invited to join their children at the ESC during the first Lower School ESCape to Nature Week, March 5-9.  Parents should plan to meet their children at the ESC at 11:00 a.m.


Put on your jeans and hiking boots and enjoy a fun-filled day of activities, including hiking around the grounds, digging in the fossil rocks, planting in the garden, and exploring nature. 


Parents should send a picnic lunch to enjoy with their children. Due to the nature of the activities and for the safety of all students, it is requested that siblings not attend. Don't miss this fun day of wonderful outdoor adventures.


Mark your calendar for your ESCape to Nature Day!  




March 5


March 6


March 7


March 8


March 9


See all the ESC photos here.

PFC Events 
Mark you calendar for these upcoming PFC Events! To volunteer or for more information, contact Colleen McCall, PFC President.


Lakehill Rocks Benefit Auction - March 31

Lakehill Rocks
Make reservations for the Lakehill Rocks Benefit Auction at the House of Blues. But hurry, the early-bird price of $105 goes up to $125 tomorrow. 


While you're on the website, don't forget to pick up a special VIP All-Access Pass for an additional $25 and enjoy admission to a special cocktail reception and shopping in the Foundation Room before the Lakehill Rocks party. 


The auction committee is set up in the Main Hallway during Parent-Teacher conferences, so you can can take care of all your auction needs!

Don't miss out on the PFC's biggest event of the year! Find out everything about the auction on the Auction website at

Retail Rebates

Box Tops
Ms. Poore's Kindergarten students are the lucky recipients of the Teacher's Choice Party, collecting 523 Box Tops. Lakehill Lower School students collected 1706 Box Tops in total, earning $192.30 for Lakehill.
Target Rewardstarget logo
Reward yourself and our school by signing up for a Target Debit Card or Target Credit Card. The card instantly gives you a 5% discount on every purchase. Once you sign up, just link your card to Lakehill to earn money for the school every time you shop. Find out more
The Warrior Shop 
Visit us for all your spirit wear needs! 


Mondays, 7:45-8:45 a.m.
Thursdays, 2:45-3:45 p.m. 


finger with string

What's Happening?    


Want to know more about Lakehill's Upper School? See what students and parents are saying about their experiences here. 

March 1
Parent-Teacher Conferences  
No Classes. 


March 2
PFC General Meeting

8:15 a.m., Cafeteria


March 2
Middle School Drama Club Performance, 3:30pm


March 2
Lower School Movie Night

Sponsored by the Sophomore Class 


March 5 - 8
Middle School Adventure Week (No classes for Middle School on March 9) 


March 5
Tenth Grade ACT


March 9
Juniors Resume Workshop


March 12 - 16
Spring Break
Have a great holiday!


March 12 - 16
Upper School Trip to France


March 24
Kite Day


March 27

National Honor Society/National Junior Honor Society Induction 

ESC, 7:00 p.m.


March 29 - 31
ISAS Arts Festival


March 31
Lakehill Rocks Benefit Auction

House of Blues 


June 4 - August 10

Lakehill Summer Camps

Check out the Summer Camps Guide and start making plans to spend your summer with us! Online Registration opens soon!


Take a look at the Preliminary School Calendar for 2012-13.