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The Warrior Weekly
Volume 3, Issue 22
February 17, 2011
In This Issue
Invention, Wax
Jump Rope
Valentines Dance
Community Spotlight
Sports Snippets
What's Happening?

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All About the Auction
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Invention Convention

Photo by Bob Gillman.

Widgets, Wax, and Wigs  Lower School Projects and Performances Bring Learning to Life

Lakehill's Lower School teachers are well known for their creative projects and programs that bring learning to life for their students. In the past week alone, Lower School students have become inventors, explorers, and delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Who knew learning could be so much fun?    

Fourth Grade Invention Convention

On February 11, Lakehill fourth grade students gathered for the school's annual Invention Convention, a much anticipated event that tested students' ability to link simple machines together in order to perform a task, such as kicking a soccer ball or pouring cat food into a bowl. The Invention Convention was inspired by the works of cartoonist and engineer Rube Goldberg.

Participants were encouraged to identify a need and to use their problem-solving and creative-thinking skills to find a solution. Students then linked wedges, pulleys, levers, wheels and axles, screws, and inclined planes together to perform the desired task. After careful planning, students were required to build their contraptions out of scavenged materials, such as school supplies, duct tape, and cardboard boxes. 

Many inventions turned an electronic device on or off, such as an alarm clock or an iPod. Other machines solved common household problems, such as crushing a can for recycling or dispensing mini marshmallows into a cup of hot chocolate.
Inventions were officially judged for creativity, use of simple machines, and the ability to explain what steps in the invention required the most trial and error to perfect. If a particular mechanism failed to work as planned, students were given credit for the step if they could explain how they would adjust or replace the malfunctioning part in order to fix the machine. Students learned that plans and models must often be modified in order to achieve the desired result, and that inventors rarely get it right the first time.


Third Grade Living Wax MuseumLiving Wax Museum
On February 15, Lakehill's third grade students stepped into a museum. Not as visitors this time, but as the exhibits themselves. To culminate a unit on explorers, students had the unique opportunity to bring the explorer they had researched to life, complete with amazing costumes, backdrops, and props. The explorers on exhibit filled the auditorium stage and aisles. As the spotlight was shined upon each explorer, they came to life, sharing their tales of exploration and their contributions to the world. This is the first time that third grade teachers Jenny Livengood and Rochelle Rasheed have attempted the project. Based on the enthusiastic response from students, parents, and teachers,  it most certainly won't be the last. 


Fourth Grade Mini-Musical  mini musical

Lakehill's fourth grade students recently brought history to life as they shared the story of how the Constitution was created. To coincide with their study of American history, students performed the mini-musical, "Shh! We're Writing the Constitution" on February 16 for Lower School students and parents.  

The story focuses on the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and the trials and tribulations of the delegates as they worked to create an ordered system of government.

The cast featured the fourth grade students as delegates to the Convention, and included Gus Teter as George Washington, Drew Ellis as James Madison, Evyn Greene as Alexander Hamilton, and Heather Hines as Benjamin Franklin. Soloists included Leah Hawthorne, Evyn Greene, Georgia Ferguson, Garrett Quinn, Madison Cunningham, Julia Bartholow, and Drew Ellis. The students were under the direction of
Linda Booth. The fourth grade will offer a repeat performance Thursday afternoon to the residents of C.C. Young. 

The State of DebateJackson State   

Lakehill Team Takes on Austin, Minneapolis   

The Lakehill Debate Team recently attended the Texas State Youth and Government conference held at the state Capitol in Austin. The group participated in State Affairs Forum, an event in which students write proposals on current key issues. Each proposal is presented and then proceeds through rounds of legislative debate. Debate Coach Jamie Thorne explains,"What I really like about this program is that students have to be knowledgeable on more than just their proposal topic. There were 15 topics at State and students who wished to be recognized had to be prepared to ask technical questions and participate in pro/con debate about each one of them."

Both of the Lakehill teams advanced to the second round, narrowing the field from roughly 70 proposals to 30. Clayton Drazner and Nina Unger advanced to the third and final round which narrowed the field to the final 15 proposals. Clayton Drazner was awarded a "Top Debater" medal for State Affairs Forum.

Jackson Vickery and Taylor Pike attended the State Conference and participated in the Print Media component.  Their job involved conducting interviews and writing stories for the conference newspaper.  


Texas is exploring the addition of a Model United Nations program as a spring component to their Youth and Government programs. The White Rock YMCA is piloting this program and has invited the Lakehill delegation to travel to Minnesota's State Model United Nations conference in Minneapolis over Spring Break. Clayton Drazner, John Devine, and Alex Mills will be representing Egypt at this conference. "When I was teaching in Tennessee, my students participated in Model UN. I am thrilled that we get to be part of its inception in the state of Texas," explained Thorne. 

Helping Hands, Helping Hearts
Students Raise Money through Pancake Breakfast, Jump Rope for Heart     

Pancake Breakfastpancakes
Upper School students were on campus early on Thursday, cooking up a good deed. This year marked the seventh annual Pancake Breakfast hosted by the sophomore class. In less than an hour, sophomores served hundreds of pancakes to teachers, students, and parents. The money raised from this tasty fundraiser will be donated to a cause selected by the class.


Jump Rope for HeartJRFH
Lower School students burned off the calories from their pancake breakfasts on Thursday by jumping rope for a good cause.

Under the direction of physical education teachers Angelo Florez and Jhoana Cayme, students in kindergarten through fourth grade participated in this year's American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart.


During the event, teams of five to six students took turns jumping, passing the rope when they needed a break.  


Coach Florez says that Lakehill students have raised more than $5,000 for the American Heart Association so far. Donations can be turned in through February.  

Community Spotlight

Valentines for VetsValentines for Vets     
Members of Lakehill's Middle School Community Connections Club showed a little love to members of the U.S. Armed Forces for Valentine's Day through a program supported by U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling.


The annual Valentines for Vets allowed students to create handmade Valentines cards to give to hospitalized veterans at the Dallas Veterans Administration Medical Center and members of the armed services returning to and from overseas posts through Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.


Valentines for Vets is an annual program conducted in conjunction with National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week. Every February, Americans open their hearts to hospitalized veterans by sending cards and letters to Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers across the country.


Valentines for Seniors valentines for JF

Meanwhile, Lakehill's youngest helpers were planning a Valentine project of their own.  


Kindergarten students made Valentines during their class party and enlisted the help of the Lower School Community Connections Club to help them reach their goal of making 110 Valentines. Kindergarten students hand-delivered the Valentines to residents of the Pearl Norton Care Center at Juliette Fowler Homes on Valentine's Day. 

Jimmy basketball

Photo by Irwin Thompson.

Sports Snippets
Warriors Are Playoff Bound 

Both the girls and boys Varsity Basketball teams have earned a spot in the State Playoffs. This is the first time since 1999 that both teams are in the playoffs at the same time.  


The teams play in the first round of State Playoffs on Thursday, February 17. The boys have earned the home court after defeating Desoto Cantebury on Friday. The girls defeated Covenant on Tuesday to secure second place. Now, both the girls and boys will be hosting first round playoff games on Thursday. The girls will play at 5:00pm and the boys will play at 6:30pm.


Make plans to attend the home playoff games and support our teams! A Pep Rally has been planned for Thursday afternoon to pump up the spirit and send the Warriors on to victory tonight! Come out and show your Lakehill spirit!



finger with string

What's Happening?    


Star Teachers        

The Dallas Mavericks and The UPS Store have announced the continuation of the Teacher Recognition Program, created to recognize educators for their work in the classroom. Find out how to nominate your favorite teacher.


February 17

Random Acts of Kindness Day


February 18 - 21
Winter Break - No classes  


February 22 - NEW DATE!
TAPPS Academic Meet  Finals, 7:00am  


February 22
K - 2 to Symphony, 9:00am 


February 23
Ribbon Cutting for TXU Solar Academy at the ESC, 9:00am   


February 23
Fourth grade to Meadows Museum


February 23
American Math Exam, 1:30 - 2:45pm


February 23 - 25
Reclamation Days, 7:45am - 3:45pm 

The lost items are piling up! Come claim your lost belongings in the main hallway on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! 

February 24
National Mythology Exam, 8:00 - 9:00am


March 3
No Parent Conferences - Regular School Day! 

Thursday, March 3, Parent Teacher Conference Day, will be added back into the schedule as a regular school day. Conferences are important and we want to assure you that you are welcomed to schedule individual appointments with your child's teacher(s) as needed or desired. Teachers may be contacted either by email or by phone. Additionally, the end T5 will be extended by a week so the new closing date for T5 is April 8.  These will be the only changes made to the school calendar this year.


March 5 - SAVE THE DATE!
Lakehill Benefit Auction - "Starlight Lounge"

When the Rat Pack Was Cool...and Cool Was King!

Find out more here.     


June 6 - July 29

Lakehill Summer Camps

Registration is now open! Check out all the great camp offerings and make plans to spend your summer with us! 


Visit the Spirit Shop!  Visit the Spirit Shop and get ready to show your Warrior spirit!

Wednesday morning, 7:30 - 8:15 am

Thursday afternoon, 2:45 - 3:45 pm

Lakehill has a YouTube channel.  
Check out all our videos here.