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The Warrior Weekly
Issue: #32 April 30, 2009
In This Issue
State Stars
One Beautiful Bus
No Bones About It
Mark Twain Day
Too Good to Throw Away
Knights to Remember
The College Life
Classroom Connections
Sports Snippets
What's Happening
Lakehill In The News
Quick Links
Week at a Glance
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Lakehill Students Bring Home State Medals 
Three Lakehill student-athletes made an exciting run in the TAPPS 3A State Tennis Tournament on April 24th and 25th in Waco, bringing home second-place medals in Girls Doubles and Boys Singles.

Tennis2Junior Kiley Trent and sophomore Eleni Wilsmann advanced to the state tournament after finishing second in the district tournament behind the top ranked duo from Tyler All Saints.
The Lakehill girls brought their best tennis of the year to the State tournament as they made their way through the brackets in convincing fashion. In the end, their valiant effort brought them back to that same top ranked duo from Tyler All Saints who ended up taking the State crown 6-2 and 6-1.

ZachHighly ranked sophomore Zach Zwerner upset the number one seed in the semi-final round before dropping the championship round to Dallas Lutheran's Levi Chilton in two exciting sets, 7-6 and 7-5.
JosephThese students join sophomore Joseph Nall among Lakehill's State Stars. Nall, a sophomore, recently secured his place among the top ten private and parochial school golfers in Texas. Nall competed against one hundred boys from across Texas to bring home the 10th place medal in the State Tournament. His performance at State qualifies him for the 82nd Texas State Junior Championship.

Athletic Director Bob Yttredahl explained, "Just to be able to say you made it to State, that shows how hard you worked at improving your game. To bring home a medal at this level of competition is phenomenal."
PFC Presents Keys to a Generous Gift
BusLakehill received a special delivery on Wednesday morning--a new bus--thanks to the generosity of the Lakehill Parent Faculty Club (PFC). The bus was purchased with funds raised from the PFC Benefit Auction which was held in March.

PFC President and Auction Chairs Colleen McCall and Lori Trent were on hand Wednesday to present the "key" to the bus to Mr. Perry. "We are extremely grateful to the PFC for their tireless efforts on behalf of the School. This gift is something that will benefit every child at Lakehill for many years to come," said Mr. Perry.

The new bus, which holds 48 students and proudly features the Lakehill colors and logo, will be used to transport students  between the Main Campus and the new Environmental Science Center which opens in the fall. It will also be used for athletics and other school activities.

Thanks to everyone who supported the auction and helped make this much-needed gift possible!
Lower School Students Perform Spring Fling
springflinglowerThe sounds of spring echoed through the halls of Lakehill, as Lower School students presented their Spring Fling on Thursday, April 23 in the Wyly Auditorium.
The program was based on the mini-musical "Bones" by Janet Gardner. The show centers around Sam, the custodian, who accidentally knocks over a famous skeleton. Chaos ensues as the disconnected bones have amnesia from the fall and have no idea who they are - or where they belong! Thus begins the journey as nerves, muscles, and bones learn about each other on the road to reconnection.

This foot-tapping musical featured the fourth grade as the actors and a variety of musical performances from all Lower School classes and the Elementary Choir. The students were under the direction of Linda Booth.
Students Celebrate Literature and Childhood
Mark TwainLakehill's ninth annual Mark Twain Day celebrated the end of a fifth grade unit of study on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The book's timeless and universal theme prompted those in attendance to create their own youthful adventures and to celebrate and embrace the wonder and freedom of childhood.

This year's event offered fourth through sixth grade students the chance to have fun the old-fashioned way: with sack races, bobbing for apples, horseshoes, and even fence painting. Students competed against themselves and each other in a variety of good-natured contests, including watermelon seed spitting, pie-eating, and bragging.
Many children dressed in costume as Becky, Tom, and Huck. Lakehill's own Julie Riggs joined in the fun as the Widow Douglas, while John Trout added authenticity as Judge Thatcher. Fifth graders were required to prepare a miniature raft made of craft sticks, twigs, and other natural materials. Although these were jury-graded ahead of time, they still had to pass a final flotation trial to win top honors.
Fifth grade literature teacher Julie Riggs observed, "It is always fun to see the kid's enthusiasm for these no-frills games. This festival helps modern kids enjoy the fun of play - powered only by youthful energy and imagination." 
New Bin to Help Recycling Efforts
recycle binThe new Recycle Bin is in place and will be open to Lakehill families on Mondays from 7:15 - 8:00am and 2:45 - 3:30pm.

To get to the dumpster, enter through the gate on Westlake by the practice field. The bin is located near the bus parking area. The gate will be open during the listed times.

The new bin accepts paper, milk cartons and juice boxes, aluminum, glass, plastics (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #7 - but not #6, which is styrofoam) and cardboard that has been broken down.  No food waste or paper products with biological fluids on them are accepted and no tissue or paper towels please! Lakehill will receive a 25% of the revenue from our recycling efforts.
Students Visit Medieval Times
medieval times
Seventh graders recently took a break from history class and their study of the medieval period to take a step back in time. This journey to the eleventh century included epic battles, jousting tournaments, royal feasts, and knights - all in the comfort of the Medieval Times castle.
From high above, castle royalty presided over their four-course feast (enjoyed without utensils, of course) as they witnessed the knights partake in tournament-style games in an authentic medieval tournament, complete with Hollywood-style special effects.
Although Lakehill's particular knight was defeated in the tournament, chivalry was alive and well in the Middle Ages, and the girls received flowers in appreciation for their cheers.
Eighth Grade Visits College
8th grade college visitLakehill's eighth grade students got a jump start on the college search process last Wednesday as they visited the University of Texas at Arlington.

Students were met by an admissions officer who gave a brief overview of the university and described some of the programs offered. The students toured the campus, enjoyed the Earth Day activities, and visited UT Arlington's renowned planetarium. They even got a true "taste" of college life - in the university food court.
Students Benefit from Guest Lecturer
Dr. PippenJuniors and seniors in Grace Evans' AP Biology class are busy preparing for the national AP test on May 11. The AP curriculum covers anatomy and physiology, and students have benefited from several guest lectures this term from Dr. John E. Pippen.

Dr. Pippen, a medical oncologist at the Baylor-Sammons Cancer Center in Dallas, treats a large number of patients with breast cancer and is actively involved in clinical trials with the US Oncology network.
Dr. Pippen spoke to the class on three different occasions where he discussed the cardiovascular system, the immune system and the use of chemotherapy to treat cancer, and the pros and cons of stem cell use in research and treatment.
Three Lakehill students qualified in the District Track Meet for regional competition. These Regional qualifiers, who had to place in the top two in their respective events at district in order to qualify, include:

Ruth Godbey
- 100 Meter Hurdles
Mandi Fox - Shot Put
Charles Burch - 1600 Meters

Congratulations to these outstanding Lakehill athletes. The Regional Track Meet will be held on April 30th in Argyle. The top four in each event will advance to the State Track Meet in Waco.


The Varsity Softball team ended the season on a positive note, splitting two games with Tyler All Saints on Friday in Tyler. Although the girls lost the first game, they came back to take the second one--an encouraging end to the season for this promising young team.

Middle School Baseball and Softball
Middle School Baseball and Softball Playoffs set for April 30 have been canceled. District results were awarded based on season results. The Girls' Softball team was awarded first place in District and the Boys' Baseball team placed third. Congratulations to these outstanding Middle School teams!

To review the complete athletic calendar, click here.
April 30
Spring Choir Concert; 7:00pm
Lakehill's Upper School Choir takes the stage for their final performance of the year tonight in the Wyly auditorium.

May 1
Cheerleading Permission Forms Due
May 1st is the deadline for students to turn in their permission forms for cheering in 2009 - 2010. 

May 1
Summer Camps Registration Due!
Don't forget to turn in Summer Camps registration forms by Friday! 

May 1
Junior Senior Ring Luncheon

May 7
Middle School Drama Club Play; 3:15pm
The Drama Club will perform The Turn of the Ties, an original play by Julie Riggs.

May 9
Family and Alumni Shoreline Spruce-Up
9:00 - 11:00am
Join us for a few hours with family and friends and help make Lakehill's adopted shoreline at White Rock Lake beautiful! Meet in the parking lot at W. Lawther and Chapel Hill. Cleaning supplies will be available. Coffee, juice, and pastries will be served.

May 14 and 15
Middle School Musical
Musical Theater students will perform Guys and Dolls, Jr. on Thursday, May 14 at 9:00am and Friday, May 15 at 7:00pm.

May 15
Lower School Field Day; 1:00 - 3:00pm
Contact Sharon Mansfield at jrdevine@flash.net to volunteer for this fun event!
PromLakehill Upper School students celebrated Prom on Saturday night at a Student-Council sponsored, Godfather-themed event. The Prom was held at 201 N. Harwood, thanks to a loaned downtown space from Lawrence Sweeney. Tyler Redington and Rachael Mozelewski were crowned Prom Queen and King.

Tom Hussey Photography donated the photography services, which can be viewed and ordered here.
You will need the username and password listed below.

website: www.tomhussey.com/prom2009
username: lakehill
password: godfather2009
Leading to success.