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The Warrior Weekly
Issue: #27 March 26, 2009
In This Issue
Spanish Encounters
Adventure Week
Thinking Globally
Classroom Connections
Sports Snippets
What's Happening
Lakehill In The News
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Week at a Glance
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Sixteen Spend Spring Break in Spain
Spain Sixteen Lakehill Upper School students, accompanied by Sra. Mayo, Sra. Wilkin, and Ms. Jo Wilsmann, toured Spain during Spring Break.

Arriving in Barcelona on Saturday, March 14, students spent four days in a city known for its unusual architecture and for being the place of Columbus' departure for the New World. The tour of Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia enabled the students not only to admire the unusual style of the cathedral designer, but to witness the construction of a cathedral in the process of being built. A boat ride in the Mediterranean Sea, Metro and bus rides, and a lot of walking moved the students from the hotel to points of interest around town, including an outdoor market, the Picasso Art Museum, stores, restaurants, and the beach front. Side trips to Gerona and to the house Salvador Dalí bought for his wife, Gala, afforded the students an opportunity to view Dalí's intriguing art. The visit to the Monasterio de Montserrat was a quiet rest amid busy days.

The AVE, a train that travels between cities at 180 mph, transported students from Barcelona to Madrid in record time. The many masterpieces in The Prado and Picasso's Guernica in the Queen Sofía Museum of Contemporary Art drew tremendous crowds.

A visit to the old city of Segovia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, included the Alcázar of Segovia (Alcazar Castle), the famous Roman aqueduct, and El Escorial, the burial place of Spanish kings. Students toured the magnificent cathedral and a sword factory in Toledo, and viewed an El Greco masterpiece. Paella, a rice and seafood dish for which Spain is famous, was enjoyed by all in Madrid's Plaza Mayor. Dinner and the viewing of flamenco dancing Saturday evening brought the trip to a rhythmic close. Students arrived back home Sunday evening with unforgettable memories of Spain.
Seniors who attended were Maya Booker, Alan Cox, Laura Domaschk, Imani Heard, Aaqila Rasheed, Alina Rich, and Charles Sweeney. Juniors who attended were Alex Gilbert and Karin Irsch. Sophomores who attended were Alison Hanson, Amanda Rasbury, Joel Rizzo, Arden Stringer, Brett Trutna, Leia Unger, and Eleni Wilsmann.
Seventh Graders Get a Handle on the Panhandle
AmarilloDuring the annual Middle School event known as Adventure Week, Lakehill seventh graders, along with chaperones Kevin Jennings and Bryna Thomson, headed to Amarillo to study ancient civilizations and spent some time in the vast beauty of the Palo Duro Canyon.
Families and friends back home enjoyed following the group's adventures through their daily blog.

Palo Duro Canyon has been called "The Grand Canyon of Texas," both for its size and for the dramatic geological features, including the multicolored layers of rock and steep mesa walls similar to those in the Grand Canyon. Humans have resided in this canyon, the second largest in the U.S.,  for approximately 12,000 years.

After an early morning departure on Monday, March 9, students arrived in Amarillo in time for a swim and a trip to the mall. Tuesday brought a six-mile hike in the Palo Duro Canyon, and an up close view of the rock formations along The Lighthouse Trail.
Students enjoyed time with friends, while seeing a variety of plants and wildlife. After a swim, the group headed to the Big Texan Steak House, home of the Amarillo's famous 72-ounce steak.

On Wednesday, students divided into groups for activities including hiking, bird watching, and horseback riding. A visit to the Don Harrington Discovery Center gave students the opportunity to see some high-tech gadgets and experience hands-on science activities. Students enjoyed Mexican food that night before preparing for their return to Dallas on Thursday. The blog was buzzing with comments from excited students, declaring this "the best Adventure Week trip ever."
Jack Pippen Earns Spot at State
globeJack Pippen, a sixth grader and winner of Lakehill's Geo Bee, will join 100 other students for the state finals of the National Geographic Bee in Bedford, Texas.

On Friday, April 3, student geography whizzes across the United States and U.S. territories will participate in state-level Geographic Bees, competing for spots in May's national competition. The Bee is organized by the National Geographic Society. Each year thousands of schools in the United States participate in this entertaining and challenging test of geographic knowledge for students in grades four through eight.
Local Bee winners were required to take a 70-question test, with the top 100 test takers in the state advancing to the state finals. Each state winner will receive $100, a National Geographic globe, and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the national finals on May 19-20 and the chance to be crowned National Geographic Bee champion. First prize in the national competition is a $25,000 college scholarship and lifetime membership in the National Geographic Society. Second- and third-place finishers will receive $15,000 and $10,000 college scholarships.
Brush with Genius
ArtOn Friday, March 5, Visual Arts Chair Scott Boles took 37 works of art by the Lakehill Upper School visual arts students to the All Saints School in Tyler to compete in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) District 2 AAA art competition. Students entered work in the Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design, Mixed Media 2D, Printmaking, and Pottery categories, taking ribbons for nine of their works.

On April 3, Harrison Boyd, Max Turner, Adam Ulissey, and Brennan Tapp will take five of their works to the TAPPS State Competition in Austin. Harrison Boyd was judged to be District Champion with his first place ribbon in the Painting category. He also placed second in the drawing category. Max Turner placed second in Graphic Design. Brennan Tapp placed third in the Painting category and Adam Ulissey placed third in the Pottery category.
Lakehill winners in each category are listed below:

Drawing Graphite:  
Harrison Boyd, 2nd place
Brennan Tapp, 6th place

Painting Opaque:
Harrison Boyd, 1st place
Brennan Tapp, 3rd place

Graphic Design:
Max Turner, 2nd place

Mixed Media 2D:
Ji Yeong Lee, Honorable Mention

Brennan Tapp, Honorable Mention

Adam Ulissey, 3rd place
Alina Rich, 6th place
Mixed Tennis
March 26
Lakehill at Pre-District Tournament - All Day
March 31
Lakehill vs. Prince of Peace - All Day

March 26
Lakehill Varsity vs. Carrollton Christian -4:30pm
March 27
Lakehill MS vs. Dallas Lutheran - 4:30pm
March 27
Lakehill Varsity at Desoto Canterbury - 4:30pm
March 30
Lakehill MS at Prince of Peace - 4:00pm
March 31
Lakehill Varsity vs. Dallas Lutheran - 4:30pm


March 27
Lakehill MS at Dallas Lutheran - 4:30pm
March 30
Lakehill MS at Prince of Peace - 4:00pm
March 31
Lakehill MS vs. Desoto Canterbury - 4:30pm
Lakehill Varsity at Bullard Brook Hill - 4:30pm

Varsity Golf
March 31
Lakehill at Bullard Brook Hill - District -
All Day
March 27
Jeans Day for Drew Coryell Scholarship ($5.00 donation)
For more information, click here.

March 27, 28

Spring One-Act Plays
Upper School Drama students will present two one-act plays, The Bear and Flowers for Algernon on March 27 and March 28 at 7:00 pm in the Charles J. Wyly, Jr. Auditorium. A special Coffee House will follow Saturday's performance at 8:45 featuring a sampling of Upper School talent. Tickets are $3 for Lakehill students and $5 for the general public. Tickets need to be purchased at the door. To read more about the one-act plays, click here.

April 1
Students vs. Faculty Volleyball Game

April 2- 4

ISAS Arts Festival in Houston

April 21 - 24
Summer Reading Book Fair
For more information, click here.
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