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The Warrior Weekly
Issue: #23 February 19, 2009
In This Issue
When in Rome...
Jump Rope for Hearts
Cooking for a Cause
Classroom Connections
Sports Snippets
What's Happening
Lakehill In The News
Quick Links
Lakehill Calendar
Lakehill Home Page
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Lunch Menu
Latin Students Celebrate with Roman Banquet
Roman BanquetOn February 12, Lakehill's 7th and 8th grade Latin students celebrated ancient Roman customs and gastronomical delights at the annual Roman Banquet held at Stratos Global Greek Taverna.

For the past five years, students have dressed in the Roman male's purple-bordered toga or straight white tunic or the woman's palla and stolla and traveled to this Greek restaurant where they feasted on Chicken Souvlaki, yellow rice, vegetables, homemade pita bread dripping with lemon butter sauce, and honey-soaked Baklava. The ancient Romans didn't eat pizza, lasagna, or tomatoes, so this traditional Greek fare is much closer to the cuisine of ancient Rome than is today's Italian food.

Students and parent chaperones laughed as they tested their knowledge with a Roman and Latin Bingo game and enjoyed the  costume contest that followed. As their day in ancient Rome came to a close, students and event co-sponsors Katie Becker and Victoria John reflected on a day that was experienced magno cum gaudio.
Students Jump at the Chance to Fight Heart Disease
Jump RopeJust in time for Valentine's Day, Lakehill Lower School students got a jump on another affair of the heart, the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser.
The energy was high, the music was loud, and everybody jumped. Under the direction of physical education teachers Angelo Florez and Jhoana Cayme, all of the kindergarten through fourth grade students signed up for the event. "This year's event was a huge success," said Coach Florez. "We're very proud of all the jumpers, and we all had a lot of fun." The cause also has personal meaning to Florez, who lost two grandparents to heart disease. 

Students practiced jumping rope for two weeks prior to the event during P.E. Class. To get the students more involved in the process, Florez and Cayme asked each grade to divide into teams of five to six members and choose a name for their team. Over 150 students participated on one of the 31 cleverly-named teams. During the event, each team sat in a designated area and each member would take turns jumping for a given number of jumps, ranging from ten jumps for kindergarten students up to 30 for fourth graders. 
The overall  goal of the event was to have 100% participation in jumping from each class, and that goal was successfully met. The fundraising goal was set at $4,000. The deadline for turning in pledges is Friday and already the group has raised nearly $2,000 in online donations.
Coach Florez says he was pleased with the results. "If anything," he explained, "I hope the kids got a sense that exercise can be fun and will find fun in other activities that promote healthy lifestyles."
Students Flip Over Flapjacks
PancakeSophomore students joined together recently to cook up a good deed. This year marked the sixth annual pancake breakfast hosted by the sophomore class. In less than one hour, sophomores served over 100 teachers, students, and parents--and that's a lot of flapjacks. The tasty event raised $440 that the sophomore class will donate to the charity of their choice.
After the event, students held a class meeting to determine who would be the beneficiary of their money. After numerous nominations and thoughtful debate, sophomores decided upon The Wilkinson Center. Sarah Baker, a sophomore who first presented the Wilkinson Center to the group, feels like the class made a good choice. Many girls in the class have been involved with the Wilkinson Center since Middle School with their Girl Scout troop. Sarah says the money will be used partially to help with the purchase of food that the Center distributes and will also help to offset costs associated with the Center's Back to School Bash on August 14.
According to class sponsor Tim Hagood, the project not only raises money but also exposes the sophomores to the rigors of serving others in a fairly high-stress environment. They learn something about anticipating and satisfying the needs of others as well as about the importance of teamwork and preparedness. Sponsor Cristy McCarty said the students received numerous compliments on their "organization and smiling service."
"The class did a great job. They really came together and worked as team, coordinating cooking, serving, greeting customers, and clean up'" said class sponsor Elizabeth Schmitt.
Kindergarten Celebrates 100 Days
100 daysKindergarten classes have been counting the days until they reached their 100th day of Kindergarten. On February 5, students celebrated with a variety of activities.

Each student was assigned a set of numbers to decorate using any materials of their choice. This resulted in a creative group of numbers from 1-100 that were displayed in the Lower School hallway. Numbers were decorated with a wide array of items, including crayon shavings, pom poms, bird seed, and pipe cleaners.
Students brought their own special 100th Day collection to share with their classmates and capped off the celebration with a special 100th Day snack. With 100 items to eat (such as cheerios, fruit loops, and mini marshmallows), students counted to 100 in different ways before finally getting to eat them. Everyone got in the spirit of the celebration by wearing 100th Day hats.
Kindergarten students also collected toys for children at Scottish Rite Hospital in honor of their 100 Day celebration. They far exceeded their goal of collecting 100 toys and delivered the toys to the hospital this week.
TennisMixed Tennis
February 19
Lakehill vs. Corem Deo - 3:30pm
February 20
Lakehill at Fairhill - 2:30pm
February 24
Lakehill vs. Ovilla Christian - 3:00pm
February 25
Lakehill (Middle School) vs. Winston - 4:00pm
February 26
Lakehill vs. Canyon Creek - 3:00pm

Varsity Baseball
February 20
Lakehill at Westlake Academy - 5:00pm

February 24
Lakehill vs. Dallas Covenant -4:00pm
February 27, 28
Lakehill Spring Classic -All Day

Varsity Softball

February 24
Lakehill at FW Calvary - 4:00pm
February 27, 28
Lakehill Spring Classic -All Day

Varsity Golf
February 19
Lakehill at Brook Hill - all day

February 23, 24
Black History Month Presentations

February 24

PFC Speaker Series - 7:30pm
The Lakehill Parent Faculty Club (PFC) Speaker Series presentation "Ice and Fire: Social Aggression" by Marion K. Underwood, Ph.D. has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 24 at 7:30 pm in the Wyly Auditorium. Free child care for children ages 5-12 will be provided in the Lower School Library during the discussion. If you would like to reserve a child care spot, please contact Tina Simpson.

February 25
American Math Competition - 4th and 5th period
National Mythology Exam - 1st period

March 4
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held on Wednesday, March 4. For Upper and Middle School conferences, parents may begin calling on Tuesday, February 24 to schedule. Please remember that conferences must be scheduled by speaking to Mrs. Kidder; email and phone messages cannot be accepted. Click here for information and  guidelines.

March 7
Lakehill County Fair Benefit Auction
Eddie Deen's Ranch; 6:oopm until the cows come home!
Leading to success.