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Issue: #9 October 23, 2008

Lakehill Gears Up for Tenth Annual Event Trek Winner
Lakehill's 10th Annual Trek for Tech will be held on Saturday, November 8, 2008.  The 1 mile Fun Run and registered 5K chip-timed race begins and ends at Lakehill's Main Campus at 2720 Hillside Drive, with the course winding through the surrounding neighborhood.

The Fun Run will begin at 8:00am and the 5k at 8:30am. An awards ceremony will follow the races at 9:30am. Awards will be presented to the overall male and female finishers and the top three male and female finishers in the following age groups: 8 and under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-19, and first place male and female for the following age groups: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70+. Everyone who finishes the one mile Fun Run will receive a ribbon.

The race is also open to the public. Runners may register online through RunOn! at www.runontexas.com or getmeregistered.com, until noon on November 4th. Packet pick-up is available at Run-On! Dallas on November 5-7 from 10:00am - 7:00pm, in the Lakehill Lower School carpool line on November 5-7 from 7:30 - 8:30am, and on race day beginning at 7:00am. Registration is $20 up to race day, and $25 on the day of the race.

Registration packets will be sent home in this week's Friday Folders with Lower School students and have been mailed to Middle and Upper School families. All proceeds from the race will be used for technology enhancements. Last year's event raised in excess of $20,000 for technology purchases.


Sisteens Turn Lakehill Pink for the CureScout and Sisteens
Members of Sisteens, a service organization for Upper School girls, are tickled pink over the results of their recent "Pink for the Cure" service project. By purchasing a pink ribbon for $5, students earned the right to wear jeans on Friday--as long as they were displaying their pink ribbon.

Scout Garnsey's sales success last year resulted in her heading up the campaign again this year.  Garnsey and her team of Manon LaGrange, Abi Rodriguez, Kathleen Evans, and Leia Unger tied the ribbons, and Garnsey was responsible for sales. Garnsey had an idea to expand sales beyond just Middle and Upper School and enlisted the help of Ms. Pike to sell to the Lower School. That decision definitely paid off as sales  increased from $697 last year to $1,095 this year. The Sisteens are thrilled to increase their donation to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Garnsey is already thinking about next year's effort, and hopes to include parents in her sales plan. "Parents understand the importance of this cause, because it may have touched their lives in some way," says Garnsey.

The Sisteens will be busy again on November 5, as they help the Dallas Women's Foundation prepare and facilitate its annual fundraising luncheon. The Dallas Women's Foundation provides financial support to area programs that help women realize their potential and many times move from impoverishment to self-sufficiency. Ms. Poll and Ms. Pike are the sponsors of Sisteens.

Lakehill Launches ASPCA Book ClubSPCA
Lakehill's ASPCA Book Club launched this year and has built a substantial following of students who share a passion for reading and a love of animals.

The Club is affiliated with Henry's Book Club of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which aims to help children develop literary and language skills. Lakehill's Club will be spreading the joy of reading and teaching others what it means to be humane through the pages of award-winning books about animals. The group currently meets during Middle School Activity Period and in January will begin meeting monthly. Club members meet new people, are exposed to the ideas and perspectives of others, gain a deeper understanding of books, and learn to analyze what they read.

Additionally, Club members sponsored a donation drive earlier this month to benefit the Dallas SPCA. They collected items from a wish list published by the SPCA and delivered a truck load of goodies on Thursday, October 16th. The group is grateful to everyone who donated to the drive.

Lakehill ASPCA Book Club members are Emily Boles, Kaeli Bunger, Audrey Castaigne, Griffin Gleboff, Kathlynn Hawthorne, Hannah Herrman, Sally Levine, Monty McKnight, Cammie Ormsby, Chloe Roberson, Emily Rule, and Natalie Steinway. Sponsors of the club are Martha McBride and Sue Stretcher.

  Crazy Creatures Teach About TraitsHeredity5
Seventh grade students recently began a fascinating study of genes, heredity, and inheritance. Last week, students created a crazy creature using coins to represent the traits of the parents. Students flipped coins to determine what traits their creature would inherit. Students then built their creatures and played adaptation survivor to see whose traits gave them the best chance of survival. Bryna Thomson is the students' teacher.
Faculty Spotlight on Grace EvansGrace Evans
Grace Evans grew up in Greenwood, Mississippi, in the heart of the Mississippi Delta. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Mississippi University for Women with a major in Biology and a minor in Chemistry and a Master of Arts degree in Science Education from the University of Texas at Dallas. Ms. Evans has lived in seven states--Mississippi, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, California, Illinois, and Texas. Her husband, Jim, was an agent with the FBI, the reason behind their frequent moves. He is now retired from the Bureau and works at TI. They have three children: Laura, Jed, and Rob, and four grandchildren.

Prior to coming to Lakehill, Ms. Evans taught AP Biology and PreAP Chemistry at Berkner High School in Richardson for more than 20 years. After retiring from public school, she came to Lakehill and taught for four years, retiring again in 2007. We are happy to have her back part-time this year to teach AP Biology and Interdisciplinary Chemistry.

Outside of school, Ms. Evans keeps busy with a variety of hobbies. For the past eight years, she and her husband have been redoing a Tudor house built in 1932. She also built a three-story doll house last year when she was not working. She enjoys playing bridge, working in the garden, and spending time with friends.

Despite her busy, active life, Ms. Evans says that few things are more interesting to her than the excitement of a classroom when students and teacher are connecting.
Varsity Football
October 24
Lakehill vs. Greenville Christian; 7:30pm
October 31
Lakehill vs. Universal Academy; 7:30pm

Varsity Basketball

November 1
Lakehill at Grapevine Faith; 10:00am

Middle School Fall Day Out
October 24

Choir Performance at Walk, Wag, and Run
October 25; 9:30am; White Rock Lake

Freshman Fly Up
Freshman Fly Up is just around the corner. Six days have been dedicated to this annual event, which is a favorite among Lakehill's eighth grade students. Scheduled days include October 27, 28, 29, 30 and November 3 and 4.
Eighth grade students will be paired with an Upper School buddy and will have the opportunity to experience a day in the life of an Upper School student.

Lower School Halloween Carnival
October 31, 1:30-3:00pm

Admission Preview
November 4; 9:30am
Admission Previews are held at Lakehill's Main Campus and are available to families of students entering kindergarten through Grade 12. To reserve a space, contact the Office of Admission at 214.826.2931, ext. 102 or email visit@lakehillprep.org.

Box Tops for Education
Lakehill is collecting Box Tops for Education! Check your pantries and cupboards for Box Tops! Each one is worth 10 cents. Bring them to school and drop them in the box outside of the school office.
The Box Tops deadline is officially October 31 so please turn them in no later than October 27! Thank you to everyone who has contributed!

Leading to success.