Issue: #3
September 11, 2008
Participation Plays a Key Role Families will soon receive a brochure in the mail, asking them to support the Annual Fund. Reid Parker, Director of Development, explains, "To continue building on our tradition of excellence,
we ask the Lakehill community to join with us each year by making a
special gift to the Annual Fund.
strong Annual Fund impacts each and every student, each and every day. It means that an extra computer workstation can be purchased, not after
the next budget review, but the next day. It allows us to bring
in pertinent speakers to discuss current topics and it strengthens the
compensation package, which allows us to attract the brightest and most
qualified faculty and staff. The Annual Fund allows us to be proactive
in providing a unique and dynamic educational experience.
as important as the total amount raised is the participation of all
parents," says Parker. "We ask that each family participate at a level that is
appropriate. Gifts of $25, $50, and $100 are greatly appreciated and go
a long way in helping us achieve our overall goals." Participation, at
any level, demonstrates the strong commitment parents have to the
Lakehill mission.
All Lakehill families are invited
to celebrate the Kick-Off of this year's Annual Fund Campaign on Friday, September 19, at 6:30 pm at the Warrior Athletic Complex. Free food will be served to all who attend. Guests are
invited to stay and cheer on the Lakehill Warriors as they take on the Winston
Eagles at 7:30 pm!
Musician Leads Remembrance
 In remembrance of September 11, Dallas Symphony Orchestra trumpeter Tom Booth joined Lakehill students, faculty, and staff on Thursday to play Taps in various locations throughout the school. The tribute was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence, and appropriate discussions in the classrooms. Mr. Booth's son Bill was on the Lakehill football team in 2001. Parents asked him to play Taps at the first football game after the 9/11 tragedy. He has continued to offer this special tribute at Lakehill every year.
Choir Opens with Alma Mater
On Wednesday night, parents were able to spend the evening going through their child's schedule, meeting the teachers, and getting a feel for what a day at school is like. The Upper School Choir opened the evening with a beautiful vocal performance of the Alma Mater. After hearing from Mr. Perry, Lower School parents were dismissed to their child's classroom, while Middle and Upper School parents followed their child's schedule. |
Faculty Spotlight on Tracy Herron
Tracy Herron is Lakehill's new Choir Director. A native of Wichita, Kansas, Herron attended private school from eighth through twelfth grade. He received a Bachelors of Music in Vocal Performance from Wichita State University, a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Kansas, and has taken doctoral classes at the University of North Texas. After receiving his Masters, Herron taught voice at Wichita State for four years. He began teaching high school in 1999.
Mr. Herron has a litany of successes to his credit. He founded and directed the Wichita Women's
Chorale and has performed as a
soloist with symphonies across Kansas. His high school and college voice
students have received numerous awards while choirs under his direction have won local and international competitions. Mr. Herron currently serves as the Director of Music Ministries at Woodhaven Presbyterian Church in Irving, where he directs the adult choir and the
adult handbell choir. He teaches private voice lessons and has been a regular chorus member of The Dallas Opera since 1998. Mr. Herron says he has thoroughly enjoyed his first three weeks at
Lakehill and looks forward to the numerous choir performances scheduled for
this year.
Varsity FootballSeptember 4: Lakehill at Gold-BurgThe Varsity Football team dominated public school Gold-Burg in all facets of the game last Thursday night in Bowie. The Warriors scored early and often and the game was called at halftime with Lakehill leading 54-0. In six-man football, there is a 45 point mercy rule. After the second quarter is completed, if one team is up by 45 points or more, the game is called. It was a good win for the young team as the squad continues to improve and prepares for the tough district games coming up in October. They will continue non-district play Friday at H eath-Fulton. September 12: Lakehill at Heath Fulton; 7:30 pm
September 19: Lakehill vs. Winston; 7:30 pm Annual Fund Kick-Off Celebration, 6:30 pm
Middle School Football September 13: Lakehill at Tyler Street Canceled due to weather.
September 16: Lakehill at Lucas Christian; 5:00 pm
Varsity and JV Volleyball September 5 The Varsity Volleyball team finished up non-district play at the Greenville Christian Tournament. The girls played four games in two days and finished with a fourth place finish. Imani Heard and Eshe Rasheed both earned All Tournament honors.
September 9 The JV and Varsity Volleyball teams played Tyler All Saints on Tuesday.
September 11: Lakehill vs. Brook Hill JV at 5:00 pm; Varsity at 6:00 pm
September 16: Lakehill vs. Shelton; Varsity at 6:00 pm
Middle School Volleyball September 8 The Middle School Volleyball team played Greenville Christian on Monday in Greenville. They played two competitive matches and gained some great "real-game" experience along the way. They begin district play on Thursday at Providence.
September 11: Lakehill at Providence; 4:30 pm
September 15: Lakehill at Shelton; 4:30 pm
Spirit Shop Open Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:15 am The Spirit Shop is now open every Wednesday morning. Pick up sweatshirts for the fall, umbrellas for the rain, PE Uniforms, the latest T-shirts, and more!
Sally Foster Fundraising Starts Tomorrow! September 12-26 Want to get a head start on the holiday season? Beginning Friday, you can order your gift wrap and cookie dough from your child through Sally Foster and earn big bucks for Lakehill!
Lower School Shows Their Spirit Lower School students are encouraged to wear a Lakehill T-shirt on Fridays. The class with the highest percentage of students wearing Lakehill shirts will receive the "Spirit Stick" which will be awarded during carpool on Fridays.
Trek for Tech Save the Date! Saturday, November 8, 2008. 8:00 am
Kindergarten Begins 100 Day Collection From September 11 until February 4, the Kindergarten classes will be collecting 100 items from a wish list for the patients at Scottish Rite Children's Hospital.