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First I'd like to apologize to those of you who don't have access to lightning bugs.

First.  Get a lightning bug.  Actually catch a few if you want and keep them in a jar like you did when you were a kid. 

I usually do it sorta impromptu.  If there are some outside I'll go snag one and hold out till ready.  Yeah i know I'm a dork.

With the lightning bug in finger palm it won't move much.  It will only be there for a few moments so he'll be fine.  Or she. 

Now if you don't have a GREEN D'LITE there are lots of other options but you can see where this is going.  You simply take a few pieces of "lightning" from your pocket and stick them in your fist.  Squeezing the light and pretending to put the little bits of light from your pocket into your fist that contains the bug.

Shake your fist, open, reveal the bug, hope he's got good timing with his lightning and let him fly away blinking into the night.

On a whim I once performed this impromptu.  I had a little green ball and used the same set up.  I put the little green ball on top of my left fist calling it a "lightning ball".  I let it sink into my first and pretended to extract another from my pocket but really it comes out empty but looks as if it holds a ball.  The right hand now pretends to place the ball on top of the fist but the same ball is actually popped up.  This is from the old Three Ball Trick and a great version can be found in Sach's Sleight of Hand.

I would pretend to put a few more balls in my fist and then I'd let the last one sit there at the top of my fist as I talked.   You just put it in your pocket and say "I think thats one too many lightning balls...don't want that".  Then finish as before.

I love lightning bugs and think they are real magic.  I have no idea how they work and don't want to know.  Please don't be cruel to the bugs. 

Just be careful not to squish the bug when your performing the pop up move.  You can do it....just be careful.  I've never hurt a bug performing this.  : )

Go have some fun!!!

All the best,


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